Hi! Anyone playing? Looking to buy a paddle/racket, I used to be a decent tennis player. What is a decent racket to start with?
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I play a fair amount and enjoy it immensely. I'd recommend a composite paddle over wood and, not knowing your budget, would suggest a Paddletek Tempest Wave Pro or Tempest Wave II. Pickleballcentral.com has a good selection of paddles w/ good deals on demo paddles and occasional mystery box drops that come with a large assortment of paddles and balls.
As an avid tennis player of 20 years, I increasingly see the growing sphere of pickle ball eating away at my local tennis courts and I don't like it. People are taking public tennis courts, either tearing them down and putting Pickle in its place, or painting pickleball lines on the courts and leaving deep scars from constant dragging of the mini nets onto the courts.
I used to not mind it, but now its gotten to where I'm kinda actively against the game as its eating away at another pre existing hobbies facilities.
also as a tennis snob, I see it as a sport for people with little patience, can't move, and could never cut it in tennis anyways. where as tennis players can easily transfer into pickle ball and dominate. I know because I entered 1 open pickleball event a years ago and won it with another tennis partner who'd hardly ever played pickleball.
a bit how I see woodsballers vs xball players lol.