there was a surge for spyder stuff during the pandemic.
people were home more, fixing things around the house, cleaning out the closets. people were selling spyder stuff like crazy and people were buying stuff like crazy (stimulus checks, nostalgia, and being stuck at home fueled that.)
its kind of cooled off (or cooling off).
if you have a surplus in parts, you can probably make more $ tech'ing / repairing markers.
i wouldnt bother with stuff like spyders though, they are generally easy to fix with youtube and your repair bill would be more than the marker is worth.
i collect as a hobby and have bought and sold a few but never for profit. i dont have the social accounts and connections to do so. No FB, no Gram, nothing other than things like this.
people were home more, fixing things around the house, cleaning out the closets. people were selling spyder stuff like crazy and people were buying stuff like crazy (stimulus checks, nostalgia, and being stuck at home fueled that.)
its kind of cooled off (or cooling off).
if you have a surplus in parts, you can probably make more $ tech'ing / repairing markers.
i wouldnt bother with stuff like spyders though, they are generally easy to fix with youtube and your repair bill would be more than the marker is worth.
i collect as a hobby and have bought and sold a few but never for profit. i dont have the social accounts and connections to do so. No FB, no Gram, nothing other than things like this.