Hey guys just wanting to promote/share my buddies channel. He has a vlog on AC diesels practice with the new members. Figured people who are in the tournament scene wanna check it out, and how this team is cooperating.
If y'all like it subscribe to his channel.
We've been talking about starting a series on gear reviews with actual players, doing throwback Thursdays with retro gear, going out of our way to review products light isn't shown on. And plan on revisiting old gear/markers/equipment and doing a modern take/review on them in today's standards. I appreciate y'all.
If y'all like it subscribe to his channel.
We've been talking about starting a series on gear reviews with actual players, doing throwback Thursdays with retro gear, going out of our way to review products light isn't shown on. And plan on revisiting old gear/markers/equipment and doing a modern take/review on them in today's standards. I appreciate y'all.