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When you're in a customer's house and you notice something in the closet.
The bar I worked at for ages used to keep all the stuff left behind after bachelor and bachelorette parties in a room in the basement. It was a good time sending a new employee down there for something for the first time.Originally posted by MAr "... Nish deleted it..."
Originally posted by Painthappy "...I like what nish did..."
Originally posted by Axel "coffee-fueled, beer-cooled."
Originally posted by Carp "Nish's two brain cells"
Master Jar-Jar
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Wonder what Nate is intoVelcor will save us...
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When I help people move I like to add notes on boxes like this, or worse. Usually when we're putting boxes in the truck. Makes unpacking a lot more fun! The last time I helped a friend move, myself and another sophisticated gentlemen drew phalluses in dust... and they had just had their floors redone, so everything was dusty. I think we drew 20+ around the small apartment. The best one was in the window, but it could only been seen when sitting at a certain spot on the couch. I think my buddy's wife found it about 6 months later. Coincidently, no one has asked me to help them move in quite a while.
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Well, I've gotten into watching The LockPicking Lawyer on YouTube recently, and one of the bits he has is a stash of tricky or extra-difficult locks, stored in what he calls "the naughty bucket".
So I'm sure this is something like it- things like a TV remote that doesn't always work right, stuff like that.
(I knew the guy that ran the local secondhand shop- one of those places that buys whole estates, usually after the owner passes away. They'd empty out the entire house- furniture, dishes, clothes, etc. According to him, finding adult toys was very common, like 60-70% of the time. Even if the owners had been 80-90 at the time they passed, they'd still find something in a nightstand or dresser drawer.)
Doc.Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
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BB has some good stuff, and LPL learned at Bill's feet, so to speak. But I tend to prefer LPL's more polished, straight-to-the-point, no-fluff presentation. No fancy graphics, no 30-second animated intro, no music overlay, just pretty much right to the point.
Almost a month ago, I picked up LPL's starter tool kit, and have been collecting old padlocks from various friends and family. Mostly Masters, since that's what the local hardware stores sell, but it's still a fun little bit of relaxation/unwind puzzle-solving in the evenings. I'm still enough of a novice that a Master lock, which LPL considers "comically" easy to open, is still a significant challenge for me.
MCB Member
- Apr 2021
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Years ago I did installation for DirectTV. One house I did was in a very high end big houses. I am in the master bedroom running the lines to the tv. I look down by the end of the bed and there is circle ring sits flush with the floor. I am like why is that there. I then look up, on the ceiling there is a bar. Nice but heavy decorative bar also attached to a rope
I am thinking the husband who is lanky, 6 feet gets strung up by his wife who was at most at 5 feet 110lbs.
At least that big geode isn't a part of the naughty box... that would make one hell of a butt plug.My Old Feedback (300+)
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