My girlfriend entered her cat bb into a pet calendar photo contest for our local shelter where she got the cat from.
bb is a cerebella hypoplasia cat. Aka a wobbly cat. She is basically a dog in a cat body. The friendliest goofiest ball of floof I have met in my entire life.
We arnt trying to win or anything just staying the top 13 so she can be in the calendar and bring som attention to special needs animals at the shelter.
if you could spare a vote it will make both of their day. All the money raised goes back to the shelter which as always are tight on funds so anything helps.
plus you will help me earn brownie points with the gf.
you know how it goes happy gf happy life. The more brownie points the more likely I can sneak away to play paintball
bb is a cerebella hypoplasia cat. Aka a wobbly cat. She is basically a dog in a cat body. The friendliest goofiest ball of floof I have met in my entire life.
We arnt trying to win or anything just staying the top 13 so she can be in the calendar and bring som attention to special needs animals at the shelter.
if you could spare a vote it will make both of their day. All the money raised goes back to the shelter which as always are tight on funds so anything helps.
plus you will help me earn brownie points with the gf.
you know how it goes happy gf happy life. The more brownie points the more likely I can sneak away to play paintball