So, I was browsing through zds last night and realized that I have worked on a lot of markers over the years. I'm sure some of you have me beat but I was curious just how many of their list people have worked on. So here's a survey of you care to take a few minutes. I'm curious if there will be any oddball markers that we all have worked on. I know this is not a complete list by any means, I'm just using the zds marker animations list.
Here's one rule though, if you are unsure if you have or not, do not mark it down.
Here's a link to their animations, I found it helpful to go through some of them to remind myself of what the internals look like. I have eliminated some markers, stuff like ions that just have a different bolt I feel are redundant
Here's one rule though, if you are unsure if you have or not, do not mark it down.
Here's a link to their animations, I found it helpful to go through some of them to remind myself of what the internals look like. I have eliminated some markers, stuff like ions that just have a different bolt I feel are redundant