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Favorite Movies

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    Favorite Movies

    Despite not watching very many movies anymore, I deeply love the art of cinema. I'll gladly gobble up an 1 1/2 hour analysis video on a 2 hour movie. So, long story short, I want to know what y'alls' favorite movies are. My two favorites are:

    Blade Runner 2049
    Columbus (2017)

    Overlord 2018
    Warrior 2011


      Children of Men
      Jurassic Park
      Army of Darkness
      Everything Everywhere All At Once

      I’m mostly stuck watching kids moves for the 4th and 5th time though.
      Cuda's Feedback


        Forrest Gump
        Dazed and Confused


          I don't really think in terms of favorites, but here are some that I think are impressive from the perspective of packaging writing and cinematography but don't get a lot of praise AFAIK:
          Sisu (2022, Finnish)
          The man from nowhere (2010, Korean)
          Knives Out (2019)

          ...and some that have received loads of praise but I mention in case anyone somehow missed them:
          Jojo Rabbit (2019)
          Sicario (2015)
          Forrest Gump (1994)
          Heat (1995)

          ...and some that are just cool movies that stick with me:
          The man from Earth (2007)
          Lucky number Slevin (2009)
          Akira (1988)
          Dr. Strangelove (1964)
          Paintball Selection and Storage - How to make your niche paintball part idea.

          MCB Feedback - B/S/T Listings:


          • Magmoormaster
            Magmoormaster commented
            Editing a comment
            Jojo Rabbit is incredible. I never watched Sicario (too squeamish), but I am a Denis Villeneuve fanboy.

          • redsquirrel


            Editing a comment
            Always recommending the man from earth. Great callout.

          • Cdn_Cuda


            Editing a comment
            Sicario is good, but more of a slow burner than it was made to look in previews. Remember it being fairly tense.

          Top 2 have to be UHF and the Goonies. I could watch those movies any time. Indiana Jones and the last crusade, monty python and the holy grail, and Forrest Gump are up there as well.


          • boomersruckus
            boomersruckus commented
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            UHF is such a classic. Im not to sure too many peeps even know about it these days.

          • Magmoormaster
            Magmoormaster commented
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            One of these days I need to actually try a twinkie weiner sandwich

          One Cut Of The Dead (2017 Japanese.) You've got to push through the first 30 mins, then it all comes together! Best movie ever!
          Gas, Grass or Brass, no one rides for free...


            Here we go, a few off the top of my head
            Children of Men,
            Lock stock and 2 smoking barrels
            Army of darkness
            Guns Akimbo (this one took me by surprise)
            Starship Troopers
            Crank 1+2 just for the shear WTF
            Pitch Black
            Fury road
            Black Sheep, no not that one, the NZ one about killer sheep
            Sin City
            Ready Player one
            John Wick
            Shaun of the Dead
            The Raid
            O Brother, where art thou?
            Baby Driver
            Tron Legacy
            Kung Fu Hustle
            * Late edit
            Big Trouble in Little China
            Last edited by moonweasel; 10-16-2024, 06:55 AM.


            • Cdn_Cuda


              Editing a comment
              Black Sheep! A coworker gave me a copy of it. He love baaad movies.

            The forgotten battles
            Ice Pirates
            Transformers The Movie (the cartoon movie from 1986)
            Transformers One
            Continuing the family tradition of shooting interesting and different people since 1776


              Top Ten off the top of my head:
              1. Young Frankenstein
              2. Blazing Saddles
              3. Animal House
              4. Ben Hur
              5. Ten Commandments
              6. Arsenic and Old Lace
              7. The Cowboys
              8. For a Few Dollars More
              9. Godfather II
              10. Dune (1984)
              I love movies and have quite a collection. If I am going to be in front of my TV I much prefer a good movie to any sporting event, reality TV or general TV show out there.

              "When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt

              Feedback Link -


                I am pretty much stuck in the 70's & 80's as far as favorite movies. I love the original 3 star wars (Empire is my favorite among them), Indiana Jones, the older Bond movies with Roger Moore and Sean Connery, Breakfast Club, Goonies, Ferris Bueller etc. I regularly watch Clint Eastwood movies like the older westerns (including Unforgiven, which I think is great) as well as the Dirty Harry series, Tron and the newer sequel (can we get #3 done already?). I like the Blues Brothers and as Grendel reminded me, Mel Brooks movies. I like Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Spaceballs and Silent Movie. I watch Ghostbusters I & II almost once a month it seems. Not sure why, but I find them easy to get into when I don't know what else to watch.

                But more recently I have watched Bullet Train and I absolutely love it. I still laugh at the same parts every time. The first Jumanji movie reboot is pretty good. Mission Impossible, John Wick and Expendables also get a watch from time to time. I like the new Twisters movie too. I didn't think I would but it's actually a decent movie, and I like the original a lot. If you haven't watched the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, you should check it out.

                Also we watch a Harry Potter marathon of movies every year around this time. I don't like #7 but the rest are enjoyable to watch over and over again.
                Markers: Ripper Emek | A-Team LV2 | Hormesis LV2 | Skulls Emek
                Gear: CTRL Hoppers | IR2 Hoppers | HK Alpha Air tanks w/Powerhouse Regs | Carbon IC Barrels
                Clothes: Carbon Zero and multiple Proflex Masks | Carbon SC base layer and Jersey | Gatormaille G1 Caps | CK Hefe 2.5 Bandana Pants | Shulook Hiking Shoes
                Home Field: Hoppers, Savannah GA
                Previous Gear


                  having kids, i appreciate when a kids movies also appeal to me.

                  "puss in boots, the last wish".
                  Really great movie that punches up. the animation was great as well. there are a ton of really great reviews on the movie that get deep.

                  "spider man, into the spiderverse".
                  again, the animation-colors-sounds is truly amazing.

                  "zootopia" was a solid movie as well. officer Hopps has to overcome internal struggles and not just external ones. makes me root for the "hero" rather than against the villain.

                  oldie but goodie, "the lion king". the animation is on another level. mostly hand drawn too. again, tons of reviews on the animation alone.

                  "Arcane". (its a series) but is truly a master class on animation, story telling, and character development. tons and tons of reviews that go over each segment. animators piking apart the show frame by frame. (a 10 second clip gets a 45 minute review). Authors going over the character development. Psychiatrists going over how they handled the mental illness so well. Graphic designers discussing how amazing the images are.
                  rotten tomatoes gives it 100% approval and 97% by viewers. oh, and the voice actors were ON POINT throughout the series. Powder crying in the rain in an alley way was heart wrenching. her voice cracks as does ones heart when they are pushed past their limit. the drool and snot flying with each shriek. the tears following the curvature of her face. The busted capillaries in her eyes. this was one where i was shouting at the tv at the ending and then just frozen in utter disbelief. ARFKM... (not for kids)

                  "Rango" is a mini masterpiece. normally animated movies have nice clean, symmetrical, and soft lines. Almost nothing in this movie is clean or symmetrical and its great. its quirky and funny and the characters are great. it reminds me of the old movie "Garden State" where its how the main character grows and progresses. a coming of age film where each character is flawed but all work well off each other. "no man can walk out on their own story."

                  i did like "KungFuPanda" and "How to Train Your Dragon" but i wouldnt watch those if i didnt have the kids with me. lol

                  and if you want something that will keep you occupied for awhile, appreciate story telling and not just special effects, need continuity, and appreciate when a movie/show has a fan base that goes into every detail; i would have to recommend "Attack on Titan". i had to re-watch it just to pick up on everything that i missed the 1st time around. iirc the scene where Levi was running from Kenny, all of ONE MINUTE of it, took 3 months to animate. The story details and continuity are unreal. (not for kids)


                  • Cdn_Cuda


                    Editing a comment
                    Loved the Spiderverse movies.

                  • Magmoormaster
                    Magmoormaster commented
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                    Yeah the Spiderverse movies were a total shock. Unbelievably good movies, both of them. Can't wait for the third.

                    I do like zootopia. I don't think it's quite on the level of Wall-E or Finding Nemo, but great movie nonetheless.

                    Also, Arcane is really high on my to-do list.

                  • Tarsun2
                    Tarsun2 commented
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                    i cant say enough good things about Arcane. almost every frame can be printed out, framed, and hung on the wall as art. the first 3 episodes set everything up; the rest is a total roller-coaster. and the fight scenes, my gosh the fight scenes. i watched a 15minute video breaking down just the fight scenes and why they were so good.

                    i did like Wall-E allot but i felt the ending was rushed and that kindda killed it for me.

                  Harry and the Hendersons
                  Howard the Duck
                  The last dragon
                  Continuing the family tradition of shooting interesting and different people since 1776


                    The trinity that shaped my growing brain:

                    The Waterboy
                    Billy Madison
                    Happy Gilmore

                    and also Raising Arizona
                    Last edited by autococker04; 10-16-2024, 01:18 PM.


                    • $L!mBo


                      Editing a comment
                      for fathers day i got my dad a Cameo from Shooter McGavin lmao

                    • Tarsun2
                      Tarsun2 commented
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                      if those are your top 3, you must be pretty fun at parties. lol

                    John Carpenter movies with Kurt Russell are usually a good bet...The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, and Escape from New York are all masterpieces in their own way. Carpenter can do a serious movie, or go full camp.

                    Tarantino is an obvious one. Pulp Fiction was the movie that woke me up to cinema as more of an art form. Kill Bill 1 & 2 are still amazing.

                    I'm a big fan of Terry Gilliam's work, but Brazil is by far his best. A lot of folks have seen Fear & Loathing but never dig in to the rest of his work.

                    Tarkovsky is not for everyone, and his pacing will frustrate the modern phone-brained viewer, but Stalker and Solaris have some of the most beautiful imagery I've ever seen on film.

                    Luc Besson did the 5th element and Léon, but give Le Dernier Combat a watch. It's his first major film - a post apocalyptic story in black and white and with almost no dialogue. (You do not need a dub or subtitles) One of my favorites still.


                    • Jonnydread


                      Editing a comment
                      Solaris is amazing

                    • Magmoormaster
                      Magmoormaster commented
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                      Tarkovsky is another that's high on my to-do list. "SLow but with beautiful imagery" could describe most of my favorite movies.

                    • Toestr


                      Editing a comment
                      Solaris is nothing if not slow.