I feel like my wife has harder time about the amount of time I spend on my hobbies then the money. But I work hard so I can play hard. She has learned to except the fact Sunday is my day.
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Do you guys hide the true cost of purchases from your better halves?
No overt hiding but I also do not volunteer the information, this is my money I use. I do not use money earmarked for "family" for my hobbies. Actually a lot of my "mad money" gets used for "family" expenditures vs. what it was budgeted for, like emergency surgery on my daughters dog vs. the body work I had been saving for on my truck, or wife's continuing education costs vs. the table saw I had been saving for....etc. No guilt here on my paintball expenditures but then again I will not invite questions either.
"When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt
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nope! we are honest with each other on such thingsOriginally posted by Carp
Bored383 is a ruthless and cutthroat facilitator of cricket fighting.
Originally posted by Headshotted
Contrary to popular belief, bored383 can believe it's not butter, with empirical evidence.
Originally posted by Carp
Bored383 single-handedly managed the successful upgrade and deployment of new environmental illumination system with 0 cost overruns and 0 safety incidents.
It's more of a don't ask - don't tell policy. She buys stuff all the time too so we really don't care what we are buying as long as everything is paid for and we have money in the bank it's fine. Like Chucky said, for me it's more about the time spent.
There was a point where I was buying a lot of gear and reselling it so she stopped caring about the stuff coming in. At this point I'm holding on to most of my stuff. If she asked me I would tell her honestly but she knows it isn't cheap either.
Edit: but if she asks me how much my son spent on his last gun, I might have to pad the number some. He spent a lot on that one but he has a job and is paying me back for it. But she would kill us both if she knew how much.-------------
Markers: Ripper Emek | A-Team LV2 | Hormesis LV2 | Skulls Emek
Gear: CTRL Hoppers | IR2 Hoppers | HK Alpha Air tanks w/Powerhouse Regs | Carbon IC Barrels
Clothes: Carbon Zero and multiple Proflex Masks | Carbon SC base layer and Jersey | Gatormaille G1 Caps | CK Hefe 2.5 Bandana Pants | Shulook Hiking Shoes
Home Field: Hoppers, Savannah GA
Previous Gear
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To answer the question, NO, I don’t hide the cost of purchases, of any sort. I’ve been married for 35 years and it’s always been best to be upfront and honest, with my significant other. She’s always been pretty cool about letting me buy stuff, so there’s never been any reason, to keep anything from her. Honesty goes a long way! :-)
Weve both used mint to track all our individual financials for years, and recently got married so we made a joint account. So really there’s no hiding it and no real reason to because she wouldn’t be mad either way. However, PayPal is unlinked and I B/S/T like a fiend with the money that was in there, and typically it goes up enough that I play for free, so paintball is a net zero hobby for me.
It's certainly not hidden or lied about, but if my wife has ever asked me about the cost of a gun, I don't remember. If so, it wouldn't be a significant event. We have an understanding of who pays what bills and funds each account, and will strategize and reevaluate the plans occasionally, but beyond that we don't monitor each others' expenses.
I love finances, while she hates it. So, as long as the debts go down and the assets go up I'm happy, and as long as she doesn't have to manage any of that junk, she's happy. It's a nice dynamic, and it works because neither one of us makes horrible choices like secretly racking up $20k in credit card debt or what have you. It also probably helps that I'm not buying Desert Ducks and DC2sDulce et decorum est pro comoedia mori
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I don't have to tell her anything, she already knows as she is the one who purchases everything.
Mind you, my wife is my right hand... so...I can haz feedback?
If I owe you feedback, just remind me, as I sometimes forget.
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