Originally posted by Tarsun2
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Originally posted by martix_agent View Post
It makes me wonder if having college educated people only, would have put a stop to the mis-information and spread of stupidity that happens on the platform.
But there is a lot at play beyond just regular old stupid.
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I didn't want to sound elitist but back when it was just college kids I thought the discourse was friendlier and more intelligent.
It probably had as much to do with the fact that you interacted almost exclusively within circles of people you knew personally. You could "friend" anyone and write on their wall, but groups were limited to specific college networks for awhile. There were no pages, and no feed blasting everyone's controversial opinions. The status didn't exist at first, and when it did launch it always started with "[Your Name] is", which didn't naturally lend itself to blasting your controversial political opinions out to the world.
Plus, social media was new. Trolls were more creative than insulting, and casually going apesh*t over somebody else's opinion wasn't yet such a vocal part of the culture.Dulce et decorum est pro comoedia mori
It was still close and small there’s a good chance you might bump into someone you know on there. Then it got to big 1 person could reach millions. Then with the info we provided they filtered who sees what and when. That’s ware it gets dangerous. It gave people outlets to scream and yell at each other in reality it was the same 15 or so people in you feed. But for a while info good or bad spread at the click of a post. Now everything is tracked and targeted for add space click bait and manipulation. It’s down right dangerous. They know who is going to share what to who. They know who will react, ignore, repost. Who will argue why you are wrong with flawed evidence. Evidence given to them by someone who they trust. What’s real anymore honestly? Where do you go for information when it’s all make believe and opinion. I believe the internets a bubble that’s about to pop. It’s literally creating followers destroying all free thought.
Where else in life can you put millions of people all in the same room Who all agree with each other. The algorithm we created allows social media to do that, or not do that. You can say all the stupid stuff you want because everyone in the room is constantly telling you what you’re saying is true because they Believe the BS just as hard as you do.
Its amazing how radicalized people can get when they fall down the rabbit hole Of anti-social media. A large portion of our population is that easily manipulated. With one post from the right person we can get cities burn to the ground. Random law-enforcement officers shot in the back of the head, 5G towers blown up. This has real world consequences on our children our life our society in general. It’s a cancer on civil society.
But it’ll sell you a ton of things you don’t need on wish.
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I'd just like to say, if your complaining about something your using....then you are part of the problem. Not maybe the douchbag part of the problem, but your keeping those companies in business by using their products.LINK TO FEEDBACK:
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As a business it’s a necessary evil. Pay the big man or get stepped on. As a user you can walk away at any time. But keep in mind it’s specifically designed
to release endorphins that keep you checking it over and over every time there is a lull in life. People are legit addicted to its instant gratification. The human attention span has actually shortened as a direct response to social media and its use.
College only fakebook was incredible. Repercussion-less posting of the most insidious, hilarious, naked, and drunk things you could imagine. I deleted when my grandma joined.
After a couple of decades off the site, I'm back. I have no friends on there. I use the account solely for BST. There is nowhere else on the internet where you can put your wares directly in front of a massive group that consists ONLY of your target market. It's crazy.
TLDR: I'm not saying anything you guys already haven't.My Old Feedback (300+) https://web.archive.org/web/20180112...-feedback.html
Originally posted by chrislognshot View Posti use facebook as tool to find out my favorite record labels doing keep up with few manga books; and on tons of photography groups to learn and teach people. also use to keep in touch with what going on with ren fairs too.
Facebook lured all of them in with the promise of easy access- basically spoon feeding it to you, so you didn't have the tedium of having to click a bookmarked link- and then closed the door behind them. We have all your favorite resources now, if you want to use them, you have to follow our rules, all hail Zuckerberg!
Everything that's on FB today, was at one time available out in the open, largely-unrestricted regular ol' everyday internet. Now it's all in Zuck's walled garden, where you have to follow his rules- arbitrarily enforced- mouth his platitudes (God forbid you're not a Progressive) and essentially drink his Kool-Aid.
Everybody that says BST is easier there? It used to be easier out here. But since so many people have moved to Facebook, well, that's where the action is. PBNation used to be the happenin' place- you could sell stuff there in minutes- I know, I've done it. But then everybody moved to FB, and that's no longer the case.
And today, there's a whole generation of people that think Facebook IS "the internet". If it's not in their FB feed, it's either fake news, not worth knowing anyway, or simply doesn't exist.
Whatever happened to that old "information should be open and free" thing?
Doc.Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
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In some parts of the world Facebook actually IS the internet. They will provide WIFI or mobile networks to broke-ass places but the only thing they let you use is Facebook. It’s disgusting.
Another comment: there is nothing “progressive” about leveraging corporate might to take over the world. I’m as left wing as it gets as frankly yet every time I see that guy’s face on TV I swear it slowly morphs into a boxer’s speedbag...like in a Looney Tune when two starving guys look at each other and all they see are gigantic chicken legs.
If there is anything that will save us it’s that nobody really like their drug dealer. Although people are hopelessly addicted to the service itself virtually everyone loathes Zuckerberg immensely.
The human attention span has actually shortened as a direct response to social media and its use.
Doc.Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
Paintball in the Movies!
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I disagree that it's attention span. TV shows are getting to be FAR better at story telling because they have hours and hours to do it. It's a better medium for world and charterer building. I enjoy watching a good TV show, over movies for this reason. Sue you still have the stupid sitcoms and crap, but that's not what I'm referring to.
It's also harder to find three uninterrupted hours... and movies keep getting longer. But I see your point.
Originally posted by DocsMachine View PostWhatever happened to that old "information should be open and free" thing?
it IS free. Its soo free that anyone can contribute. lol
An over saturation of sorts. try using google lens next time you see a study or picture about something socio-political and see where it originated from.
there was a report about how many people died in the last few years and at 1st glance, it looked like the # of deaths in the US has increased up until 2020 where it actually declined. Im sure some people on here have seen it... You can screen-shot it and look it up with google lens. it will bring you to the CDC site where it clearly explains how the 2020 data is not complete and wont be up to date until a few months into 2021. just the nature of the beast and tabulating.
YET, people are still spreading the info as if it were set in stone and as if it were the end-all-be-all of data.
things like that are the issue... if the source of the article is ebaums world, then it might be altered or simply fake.
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False data gets spread more mainly due to lies being interesting, and good honest facts are slightly less interesting. When you get two things in your "feed" (ugh, I hate that), one is factual, but the other is a bold faced lie but it makes you feel better, or feel angry, or feel offended, or feel smarter, or feel special, well guess which one you'll "like" more, or share, or re-whatever.
And what is shared is what sticks around. Unshared, unliked, un-engaged, and the post disappears into the void. Boring truth dies when more interesting lies are allowed to thrive.
At least in a forum you have persistence. You make a claim and it stays, complete with any corroboration or rebuttals. You post BS and all the responses calling you out on it will be there for all to see. You post facts and any additional information to strengthen the fact are there for all to see as well.
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