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Mcarterbrown history

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    Mcarterbrown history

    I want to know the history of mcarterbrown. How did it get started? Where did the name come from? Why has it created the best culture in paintball? Please school me!

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

    Gas, Grass or Brass, no one rides for free...

    In the beginning, Velcor created paintball and it was good. Then Carter came around and created MCB. It hasn't been the same since.
    My Feedback Thread


      Originally posted by JonM View Post
      In the beginning,... Carter created MCB. It hasn't been the same since.


      You're version was too long....
      Carp 's Feedback
      Carp 's WTB/WTT


        Originally posted by KMDPB View Post
        I want to know the history of mcarterbrown. How did it get started? Where did the name come from? Why has it created the best culture in paintball? Please school me!
        M. Carter Brown = Painthappy

        Painthappy created MCB as a way to share eBay links for paintball stuffs. IIRC...🤔

        If you want to learn the "inside" story. You're going to have to purchase a ticket to the Freak Show!
        Last edited by Carp; 02-04-2021, 04:11 PM.
        Carp 's Feedback
        Carp 's WTB/WTT


          Originally posted by Carp View Post

          Painthappy created MCB as a way to share eBay links for paintball stuffs. IIRC...🤔

          Originally posted by Carp
          Bored383 is a ruthless and cutthroat facilitator of cricket fighting.
          Originally posted by Headshotted
          Contrary to popular belief, bored383 can believe it's not butter, with empirical evidence.


            I remember Carter before MCB. He would lurk on RSP, or ASP looking for unique paintball guns. Late 90s? Hard to tell since google killed usenet and its archives.
            Basically, he started looking for all the guns he wanted when he was younger, but couldn't afford them.

            Then discovered lots of us "old timers" were doing the same thing. Looking for those cool guns of our youth. So MCB came about to show off his collection, and as a place to share ebay links, and old videos. I found MCB while looking for old webdogradio video archives.

            MCB was great because ASP and RSP were basically dead, and I just didnt get the PBR, PBC, PBR, PBF, etc, forums. It was all "agg", and "woodsball sucks". You had some groups that were old timer focused, like OGOG, or or pgpog, or the automag forums, but not much content


            • JeeperCreeper


              Editing a comment
              Thank you! I couldn't remember the name of those old paintball tutorial videos I used to watch all those years ago. I've been trying to remember that for 3 months.

   the time there were some sites that were devoted to play styles like, and the old school owner's groups for guns like Stingrays, PGPs, Rainmakers, and Phantoms. Because of the eBay links for weird and wonderful old guns all in one place, all those folks who were members on like 10 different owner's forums ended up migrating over here and sticking around.


            • Jordan


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              And... all the old forums died. I was on POG, BEOG, RMOG, and a few others - all gone now.

            • JeeperCreeper


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              I found MCB through the Spec Ops paintball forums.

            This one time... At Paintball Camp....


              M. Carter Brown is a real live human (or maybe a reptilian in disguise, who can say for sure?) who created this site sometime around the turn of the millennium as a personal website dedicated to various projects and passions, to practice web design and coding. One of those passions was paintball.

              The Wayback Machine first archived the site on February 17th, 2001:
              You can see a "paintball forum" link on that first archive but it didn't really exist yet.

              At some point, Carter got himself in trouble at one of the other sites for posting ebay finds. Bidders already trying to snag a deal were not pleased, so he started putting them up on his own site instead.

              By at least March of 2002, the forum was up and running with a grand total of 323 posts in 72 threads. Let's call this MCB.0. Here's the oldest archive of the forum proper, a WebAPP:

              MCB 1.0 was the classic salmon-colored forum that the older timers reminisce about. On December 5th, 2003, first captured the true original MCB forum:

              As an aside, the first big meet-up occured at EMR for Pumper's Pandemonium 2004, which is typically a June game iirc. The guys settled on Hawaiian shirts as a cheap and effective way to recognize strangers from the internet, back when EMR Paintball Park had a big enough attendance to make that a concern (shrug). And thus, Carter's Commando was born. (Note that it is "Commando", singular, which is the correct term for a unit made up of individual "commandos".) CC would make EMR their home field for many years and many memorable deck parties until 2017 (18?) when for various reasons the group decided to stop buying the annual passes necessary to maintain a bunkhouse.

              Anyway, the Internet changes and by March 2006 it was time to upgrade the forum software to vBulletin. The new site launched in April, and you could easily spot the salmon OGs by their "Apr 2006" join date (or thereabouts... there's always a couple lazy ones). And MCB 2.0 became our home. Here's an early shot (it's not the first, but I can't tell if Archive was being janky or if the place just looked really basic at first): Note the splat in place of our now famous trigger logo. Also, someone tell Blue that toga parties are a lot less cool with paintball's typical male-to-female ratio.

              Incidentally, your humble author, now with a Real Job and wanting to get back into paintball, stumbled across this place searching for Automag info, and was assimilated on June 10th, 2012.

              Unfortunately, bad people exist, and in July 2020, on top of everything else, one of them decided to hack the server, lock it, and hold the place hostage for 1 Bitcoin. Carter told them to pound sand and launched MCB 3.0, and here we are.

              Sauce: Wayback Machine, some personal exposure, and 8-1/2 years of collecting stories
              Dulce et decorum est pro comoedia mori


              • Axel


                Editing a comment
                What's the point of being an historian if you can't engage in a little strategic revisionism?

              • Nish


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                Commando = freeballin

              • Axel


                Editing a comment
                Oh, gotcha. Carter's "going" Commando

              Thanks for all the info everyone! I feel so at home.
              Gas, Grass or Brass, no one rides for free...


                also forgot about this history with MCarterbrown. we had on going feud with SCP at one time too. where it would be SCP vs MCarterbrown at pump pandemonium. where both side would fight each other at EMR to see which board was better then other board in use pump guns. and each group would have own area of bunk house to keep them separated do to fact each side tried to prank each other over night too.


                  Does it still go down at EMR?

                  Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

                  Gas, Grass or Brass, no one rides for free...


                    no more pump pandemonium since used to be weekend event. not sure when last one they had for it.


                      Originally posted by chrislognshot View Post
                      no more pump pandemonium since used to be weekend event. not sure when last one they had for it.
                      It’s a shame too. The last few years they hosted it, the event was pretty much treated as an afterthought. We kinda got screwed and the event died there.
                      My Feedback Thread

