let me first separate two issues in this post and two different posts
haggling and pawn shops
first on haggling
it is an art. An art that is learned over time.
the more you do it, the better and more at ease you get with it.
here is some overall tips
one. ALWAYS know how much you can spend/ what its worth and STICK TO IT.
it is very easy to talk yourself into thinking "this isnt so much over what i can do "
unless its a very rare situation you need (key word NEED) it.
if it is above what you want to pay or what its worth... WALK AWAY.
two.. always be willing to walk away unless exception noted above.
three.. know as much as you can about what your wanting BEFORE YOU GET THERE... be willing (but respectful) to do a search from your phone for a particular piece of info (ex with an air purifier how much are / how common are filters) ..
dont be googling everything right in front of them.. have some idea before getting there.
four ... INSPECT ITEM CAREFULLY .. if you did tip three you have some idea what to look for.
five... BE REASONABLE WITH YOUR COUNTER OFFER.. dont be a pawn star douche and try to offer (ex) a dollar for a 50 dollar item... now your the douche .
six... ALWAYS (and i cant stress this enough) ALWAYS BE RESPECTFUL AND NICE.. even if the guy/gal is a complete douchwaffle.
if they are being a complete jerk, very in your face/pressuring, or insulting your intelligence just politely walk away .
seven.. when you play the game , dont look like your playing it..
this is where experience comes in...you and the person both know your playing a game. but if both of you are relaxed and respectful it will not look like you are.
just a nice back and forth that may or may not result in a sale.
Ill use me as an example .. I will ask to see something , ask some questions and engage in some pleasantries.
when it comes to price in my mind i use my knowledge to inspect the item and have an idea what its worth.
if its a good deal i dont haggle and say to the person "its quite fair and ill take it"
you be surprised how far this good will (most of the time) will go..
be it coming back in future and/or if there is something else you want to get.
if its not in my budget or think the price is high i will offer something REASONABLE . they may counter back. If i like it.. deal done. at worst i may counter ONE (this isnt an auction so dont keep countering back and forth) time ..
Or i may say "this is all I have, can we make a deal"
if they say they cant i am nice and tell them "i understand"
maybe with some more small talk..
my overall view is "if its meant to be its meant to be"
haggling and pawn shops
first on haggling
it is an art. An art that is learned over time.
the more you do it, the better and more at ease you get with it.
here is some overall tips
one. ALWAYS know how much you can spend/ what its worth and STICK TO IT.
it is very easy to talk yourself into thinking "this isnt so much over what i can do "
unless its a very rare situation you need (key word NEED) it.
if it is above what you want to pay or what its worth... WALK AWAY.
two.. always be willing to walk away unless exception noted above.
three.. know as much as you can about what your wanting BEFORE YOU GET THERE... be willing (but respectful) to do a search from your phone for a particular piece of info (ex with an air purifier how much are / how common are filters) ..
dont be googling everything right in front of them.. have some idea before getting there.
four ... INSPECT ITEM CAREFULLY .. if you did tip three you have some idea what to look for.
five... BE REASONABLE WITH YOUR COUNTER OFFER.. dont be a pawn star douche and try to offer (ex) a dollar for a 50 dollar item... now your the douche .
six... ALWAYS (and i cant stress this enough) ALWAYS BE RESPECTFUL AND NICE.. even if the guy/gal is a complete douchwaffle.
if they are being a complete jerk, very in your face/pressuring, or insulting your intelligence just politely walk away .
seven.. when you play the game , dont look like your playing it..
this is where experience comes in...you and the person both know your playing a game. but if both of you are relaxed and respectful it will not look like you are.
just a nice back and forth that may or may not result in a sale.
Ill use me as an example .. I will ask to see something , ask some questions and engage in some pleasantries.
when it comes to price in my mind i use my knowledge to inspect the item and have an idea what its worth.
if its a good deal i dont haggle and say to the person "its quite fair and ill take it"
you be surprised how far this good will (most of the time) will go..
be it coming back in future and/or if there is something else you want to get.
if its not in my budget or think the price is high i will offer something REASONABLE . they may counter back. If i like it.. deal done. at worst i may counter ONE (this isnt an auction so dont keep countering back and forth) time ..
Or i may say "this is all I have, can we make a deal"
if they say they cant i am nice and tell them "i understand"
maybe with some more small talk..
my overall view is "if its meant to be its meant to be"