Alright, boys, it’s that time of year,
The season of Walzmas, will bring us all cheer!
Break out your 12 grams, your masks, and the brass,
Gather 'round this thread, and sit on your ass.
For Walzmas calls to the old-school crew,
With torches, brass tubing, and sexy mods too,
Crafting custom markers, each one a delight,
In the spirit of Walz, we’ll shine oh so bright.
This year, to honor the great Walz, our guide,
A brass artist with talent and plenty of pride,
There’s a mystery Sheridan, custom and "rare,"
For one lucky soul who’s bound to take care.
But don’t get too hyped; it’s my work, after all—
JeepDVLZ45, aka Uncle Buck, calls!
It won’t be as fine, but it’ll shoot straight and true,
And, trust me, it will still paint a face or two!
So polish your singles and raise up a cheer,
For Walzmas is here to close out the year!
As usual, I will be giving away a single shot marker (maybe). I have NO idea what it is going to be yet. I have some bits and bobs, and tubing in the basement, plenty of solder, flux, fuel and sandpaper.....(but not a ton of time)
What I DO know is that it will be made of brass, run off 12 grams, and shoot straight and be field ready when it comes to you. It might be a rifle, or pistol, or something in-between.
How to Enter:
How to win:
The contest closes at 11:59 PM on December 24th, Nora will choose the "best pet" on the 25th and we will begin shooting for the winner on the 26th (weather permitting).

My "entry"
Most of you know this story, I'm just going to brief:
Walzmas is my way of honoring the generosity Walz showed me and my kids. A couple of years ago, I took my family to Disney for the first time—something I never thought we could afford. Before the trip, I sent Walz my first piece of brass for a custom build.
He finished my marker just before our Disney trip, and when I asked him to hold off on sending it back until I was home, he immediately responded that he didn’t want the payment we agreed upon. Instead, he insisted I use that money for the kids at Disney.
This man, whom I barely knew, cared more about my kids’ enjoyment on vacation than our business transaction.
And my Bonus Entry:

Here's to you WALZ !! Thanks for everything!
The season of Walzmas, will bring us all cheer!
Break out your 12 grams, your masks, and the brass,
Gather 'round this thread, and sit on your ass.
For Walzmas calls to the old-school crew,
With torches, brass tubing, and sexy mods too,
Crafting custom markers, each one a delight,
In the spirit of Walz, we’ll shine oh so bright.
This year, to honor the great Walz, our guide,
A brass artist with talent and plenty of pride,
There’s a mystery Sheridan, custom and "rare,"
For one lucky soul who’s bound to take care.
But don’t get too hyped; it’s my work, after all—
JeepDVLZ45, aka Uncle Buck, calls!
It won’t be as fine, but it’ll shoot straight and true,
And, trust me, it will still paint a face or two!
So polish your singles and raise up a cheer,
For Walzmas is here to close out the year!
As usual, I will be giving away a single shot marker (maybe). I have NO idea what it is going to be yet. I have some bits and bobs, and tubing in the basement, plenty of solder, flux, fuel and sandpaper.....(but not a ton of time)
What I DO know is that it will be made of brass, run off 12 grams, and shoot straight and be field ready when it comes to you. It might be a rifle, or pistol, or something in-between.
How to Enter:
- This giveaway is open to anyone on the forum. (Yes, including our friends in the North and overseas)
- Submit a post about “What Walzmas means to you” and earn 1 entry…that’s it!
- If you are a paying member (green or red member) you earn an additional entry
- If you are hosting a Walzmas Giveaway this year, you earn another entry (for clarity, if you are hosting 1 or 100, you only get a total of 1 additional entry for this one). Post a link to your giveaway as a comment to your entry (free plug for your entry AND makes my life easier.
- Giving a bonus entry (again) this year!! In your post, add a picture of your pet (dog, cat, horse, ferret, rock, llama, parrot, turtle, lizard etc) and you will gain an additional entry (one per person, regardless of the number of "pets"). My YOUNGEST will then judge your entries and pick her favorite…. that person gains ANOTHER entry. This kid is brutally honest, judgmental and holds high standards…you’ve all been warned. No using the same pic as last year.
- I also reserve the right to give anyone a bonus entry for any reason.
How to win:
The contest closes at 11:59 PM on December 24th, Nora will choose the "best pet" on the 25th and we will begin shooting for the winner on the 26th (weather permitting).
- I will be “selecting” a winner the same way I did the previous 2 years. I will put everyone's name on an index card, they will be mixed up and mounted to a "board" (face down) and my youngest daughter will be shooting at them. As you are "hit" your entry is eliminated. Last member standing takes the marker. I will be videoing again (hopefully in better light than last year so we can see what is going on).
- My goal is 1 round of eliminations per night.
- Nora will be using the custom marker that I build for the contest (giving myself an actual deadline for completion)
My "entry"
Most of you know this story, I'm just going to brief:
Walzmas is my way of honoring the generosity Walz showed me and my kids. A couple of years ago, I took my family to Disney for the first time—something I never thought we could afford. Before the trip, I sent Walz my first piece of brass for a custom build.
He finished my marker just before our Disney trip, and when I asked him to hold off on sending it back until I was home, he immediately responded that he didn’t want the payment we agreed upon. Instead, he insisted I use that money for the kids at Disney.
This man, whom I barely knew, cared more about my kids’ enjoyment on vacation than our business transaction.
And my Bonus Entry:
Here's to you WALZ !! Thanks for everything!