Walzmas is always a special time of year. It to me is a time to spread good cheer and share our love of this sport with our fellow paintballers. I have been apart of this community for almost 4 years now. I always find someone who is willing to share their knowledge when asked about a topic and is willing to help out when needed. Walzmas brings out the best in us. So to that happy Walzmas! From Commander Dog and I
No announcement yet.
3rd Annual "What does Walzmas Mean to You" Single Shot Giveaway!
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One neat thing I thought of about Walzmas, with interesting equipment being traded around, we get the possible opportunity to use equipment that we might normally not have access to (like the neat markers that get passed on to a different member at next years Walzmas).
..and I have a Walzmas giveaway running.
A few days after my birthday (10/21), I fell and broke a bone (first bone break at 68 yours old). Somewhere in this post there might be 3 clues putting you close to what bone got broken. So which bone did I break? Must be a specific bone, instead of a general guess like "a finger", try "right index finger
..and here is my crazy dog Riley that runs like mad around the yard, then suddenly freezes is this position for a minunte, then suddenly starts running around the yard again..
eBay 2004+/0- Feedback
PBNation 182+/0- Feedback
Old M. Carter Brown 142+/0- Feedback
New M. Carter Brown 6+/0- Feedback
Almost 2300 all positive transaction feedback.
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Another bump…..
made some real good progress on the prize last night. Fingers crossed that it’ll be ready by the 25th!Last edited by JeepDVLZ45; 12-02-2024, 09:16 PM.
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This community has given me a lot over the years, from advice and camaraderie to help sourcing parts and carpooling to the field. Walzmas, the spirit of selfless giving and sweet beautiful brass, really happens all year long around here in all kinds of ways, but this time of year is an excuse to go hard and really have fun with it. I haven’t done an official Walzmas giveaway just yet, but already have, what I think will be a great one, in the works for next year.
Out all night, sleepin all day. It’s hard work.
Last edited by redsquirrel; 12-11-2024, 08:24 AM.
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Paintball is game about teamwork, camaraderie, and friendship disguised as a game about gun violence. Of all the old paintball forums, MCB is the last one still thriving, and I think it's because we've embraced the camaraderie aspect of paintball the most. Where else can you come to find expert knowledge about obscure paintball equipment and history in a lasting format?
If MCB is the best thing about paintball online, Walzmas is the best part of MCB. It's a reminder to me that there are kind, generous, people out there that just want to share their love of our silly game with anyone and everyone, and it reminds me to try to be that kind of person on the paintball field and off it.
No pets for me, we have two kids (our daughter is also named Nora) and that's enough.
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Walzmas is a good example of the special comunity we have. From the fair appraisal of rare marker to sharing ebay page with nice marker or good deal.
It's also a good time to share our love of paintball and make people happy.
Picture of my daughter's buggie. She is really fun to play with and she enjoy being on our shoulder or head when we walk i the house.
Last edited by Alexndl; 12-25-2024, 12:22 AM.💀Team Ragnastock💀
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Congrats to Cdn_Cuda for another extra entry….
You tugged on Nora’s heart strings (apparently she DOES have one!!) with the photo of Kenzie in her cart and your story of towing her back up the road for her walks.
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Alright guys…please correct me if I’m wrong on my counts here (I have been known to miss entire entrants, nevermind simply count my process correctly.
My new timeline is the weekend after the new year. Sorry for the delay!
Snowpuff 1
OpusX 3
Cdn_Cuda 5
MountainDewFKR 1
BrickHaus 3
Impactfour 3
chplnstone 3
Jordan 4
Super Nova 3
jpdgas 2
morpheus 1
acrewofone 3
redsquirrel 2
MrKittyCatMeowFace 1
SuperAtomic 3
Alexndl 3Last edited by JeepDVLZ45; 12-27-2024, 06:46 AM.
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Come on lucky number super nova, lets be a winner.
Normally I wouldn't say anything but that break-action is so dang cool. I think I have +1 for being green and then +1 arbitrary bonus for also being a Nora dad. 3 total for me.
XEMON I double checked, the 3 is correct for you. (Entry, + green + Walzmas giveaway)
SuperAtomic , you are correct, I added your extra entry
BrickHaus I’m glad I roped you in again 😂🤣