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3rd Annual "What does Walzmas Mean to You" Single Shot Giveaway!

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    3rd Annual "What does Walzmas Mean to You" Single Shot Giveaway!

    Alright, boys, it’s that time of year,
    The season of Walzmas, will bring us all cheer!
    Break out your 12 grams, your masks, and the brass,
    Gather 'round this thread, and sit on your ass.

    For Walzmas calls to the old-school crew,
    With torches, brass tubing, and sexy mods too,
    Crafting custom markers, each one a delight,
    In the spirit of Walz, we’ll shine oh so bright.

    This year, to honor the great Walz, our guide,
    A brass artist with talent and plenty of pride,
    There’s a mystery Sheridan, custom and "rare,"
    For one lucky soul who’s bound to take care.

    But don’t get too hyped; it’s my work, after all—
    JeepDVLZ45, aka Uncle Buck, calls!
    It won’t be as fine, but it’ll shoot straight and true,
    And, trust me, it will still paint a face or two!

    So polish your singles and raise up a cheer,
    For Walzmas is here to close out the year!

    As usual, I will be giving away a single shot marker (maybe). I have NO idea what it is going to be yet. I have some bits and bobs, and tubing in the basement, plenty of solder, flux, fuel and sandpaper.....(but not a ton of time)

    What I DO know is that it will be made of brass, run off 12 grams, and shoot straight and be field ready when it comes to you. It might be a rifle, or pistol, or something in-between.

    How to Enter:
    • This giveaway is open to anyone on the forum. (Yes, including our friends in the North and overseas)
    • Submit a post about “What Walzmas means to you” and earn 1 entry…that’s it!
    • If you are a paying member (green or red member) you earn an additional entry
    • If you are hosting a Walzmas Giveaway this year, you earn another entry (for clarity, if you are hosting 1 or 100, you only get a total of 1 additional entry for this one). Post a link to your giveaway as a comment to your entry (free plug for your entry AND makes my life easier.
    • Giving a bonus entry (again) this year!! In your post, add a picture of your pet (dog, cat, horse, ferret, rock, llama, parrot, turtle, lizard etc) and you will gain an additional entry (one per person, regardless of the number of "pets"). My YOUNGEST will then judge your entries and pick her favorite…. that person gains ANOTHER entry. This kid is brutally honest, judgmental and holds high standards…you’ve all been warned. No using the same pic as last year.
    • I also reserve the right to give anyone a bonus entry for any reason.

    How to win:

    The contest closes at 11:59 PM on December 24th, Nora will choose the "best pet" on the 25th and we will begin shooting for the winner on the 26th (weather permitting).
    • I will be “selecting” a winner the same way I did the previous 2 years. I will put everyone's name on an index card, they will be mixed up and mounted to a "board" (face down) and my youngest daughter will be shooting at them. As you are "hit" your entry is eliminated. Last member standing takes the marker. I will be videoing again (hopefully in better light than last year so we can see what is going on).
    • My goal is 1 round of eliminations per night.
    • Nora will be using the custom marker that I build for the contest (giving myself an actual deadline for completion)

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_4653.jpg Views:	0 Size:	5.83 MB ID:	612808

    My "entry"

    Most of you know this story, I'm just going to brief:

    Walzmas is my way of honoring the generosity Walz showed me and my kids. A couple of years ago, I took my family to Disney for the first time—something I never thought we could afford. Before the trip, I sent Walz my first piece of brass for a custom build.

    He finished my marker just before our Disney trip, and when I asked him to hold off on sending it back until I was home, he immediately responded that he didn’t want the payment we agreed upon. Instead, he insisted I use that money for the kids at Disney.

    This man, whom I barely knew, cared more about my kids’ enjoyment on vacation than our business transaction.

    And my Bonus Entry:

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_6552.jpg Views:	0 Size:	2.37 MB ID:	612807

    Here's to you WALZ !! Thanks for everything!

    Last edited by JeepDVLZ45; 11-02-2024, 12:56 PM.
    JeepDVLZ45's Feedback

    💀 Team Ragnastock 💀

    This is my dog Akira


    • JeepDVLZ45


      Editing a comment
      Don’t forget to post “What Walzmas means to you” for another entry! Doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, could be as simple as “a fun time of year” .

    In the last 3 weeks we randomly adopted a new pup. Wife found him abandoned at the park across the street. Now he is family amd named Pippen (right). He is tiny compared to his brother Zuko (left), but he is only 7 months old.

    Walzmas is and continues to be the spirit of paintball. That outlaw field, rag tag get together group, that just wants to enjoy the spirit of a game, and spread the love.

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    Velcor will save us...

    Current MCB Feedback :
    Legacy MCB Feedback (Wayback Machine)


    • JeepDVLZ45


      Editing a comment
      Pippin is gonna be a BIG pup! His feet are huge!

    Friend in the North here, thanks for including us!

    Hmm, those fancy dye threads look pretty familiar! Glad to see they’re getting good use. So that will be what Walzmas means to me this year. Passing on our joy and love for the sport to new people annd a new generation, so that they can have a fun healthy hobby and hopefully find belonging to a wonderful community such as this.

    Here’s my best furry friend (don’t tell the cat!). Kenzie is turning 14 in February. She’s got a wobbly back and can’t walk far, so after she walks to the bottom of the street, she hops in her wagon and I pull her 80+ pound fuzzy butt up the road while she looks regal.

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    Cuda's Feedback


    • JeepDVLZ45


      Editing a comment
      They’re still a bit big on her, but they definitely work. Besides 90’s fashion is back!!

      As Nora’s first elimination during the 2023 Walzmas giveaway, I am awarding you an additional entry to this year’s contest.
      Last edited by JeepDVLZ45; 11-04-2024, 08:27 AM.

    • Jsc5150


      Editing a comment
      Hey, would Kenzie benefit from a wheelchair?
      I have one from that really needs a new home

    • Cdn_Cuda


      Editing a comment
      I also have a giveaway (two now) and likely one more to go.

    Very cool
    Walzmas is a new tradition for me. Looking forward to seeing all these gifts go to ppl.

    Here is a pic of our fave cat (yes we play favorites) Pesky aka BabyCat
    Pesky was the runt and craves attention so is always around us no matter what we are doing.
    She is 9yrs old

    Last edited by MountainDewFKR; 11-04-2024, 05:13 PM.


    • JeepDVLZ45


      Editing a comment
      I’m gonna be a bit of a sticker on you, can you narrow down the pics to just for me?

    No problem, we just love our cat lol


    • JeepDVLZ45


      Editing a comment
      No worries! I never specified only 1 photo. I love seeing the pics of everyone’s animals…just trying to keep everyone on an even plating field.

    Walzmas is a huge deal to me nowadays. Having a custom built Walz in hand. I can say I know Wally's generosity well. I had a very similar dealing with him as you Jeep. I had a bunch of brass hoarded. I asked him if he needed brass guns for other people's builds. I dreamed of owning one of his creations, but I was honestly just trying to sell him the guns cheap for his backlog of builds he had at the time. He quickly offered to build my dream shooter in exchange for my other brass, with the intent to get everybody their projects. I was thoroughly imppressed, by both his global generousity, and his craftsmanship. I still am honored to have a Walz.

    Walzmas in of itself has totally changed how I play paintball. Ive recieved many items from garage bits, to stock class supporting gear. I can actually play stock class fairly effectively now. One of my old teammates was talking to me in the pits at our last big game. He was assesing my load out. I was wielding my walzmas single shot, and a 4' long battle trumpet. And I was telling him of my shenanigans on the field. He replied, " Man, You are just having a totally different expierence than everyone else here, aren't you?" And I can thank Walzmas for that shifted perception of the sport I enjoy. All year, as people would compliment my "Cool Cat", I would tell them I'll be giving it away for Walzmas on MCB. The reply is always the same... "Why?" My answer varies. Haha.

    Walzmas is something that I now think about, and look forward to all year. Its a time when I have a chance to recieve many nice items. Its also a time when I can attain a level of fufilment by giving my precious items away to others whom will appreciate them. Looking back on my life has proven that the more I give away, the better it feels. I will try to keep the tradition of piecing something together and giving it away in the spirit of Walzmas for many years to come.

    No need to enter me. I've already some sweet heat from your bench. But I wanted to give you a hat tip to your give away. Your method of elimination, and the way you drug it out last year really made winning this pistol special. Winning it as one of my lowest points uplifted me a lot more than you can imagine.

    I added a blurry pic of my dog and cat cuz they wouldn't stop for a picture.
    Attached Files


      Walzmas to me is a celebration of the the MCB spirit. I was really happy to watch a bunch of members talk a new guy out of selling his phantom with a rainmaker kit for $200, but honestly not surprised at all. At meetups I can always rely on other players for their knowledge, parts, advice, comradely and goofiness. I think walzmas combines those great facets into a great celebration. Walzmas contests have elements of the depth of knowledge, community, generosity and fun that we all share through this forum.

      My fish can hardly be described as pets anymore so I'm gonna refrain from that bonus point. The tank has hit sustainability and just needs the occasional addition of water to the top off reservoir. Otherwise they're just chilling, eating snails and plants and each-others/their own babies. Sheesh that sounds rough written down. Anyways I'll post a link when I get around to organizing my walzmas thread, I'll post about it in this thread too for that free publicity.

      Free plug for my walzmas:

      Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20241106_155013440.jpg Views:	34 Size:	1.94 MB ID:	615142
      Last edited by Impactfour; 11-09-2024, 09:18 PM. Reason: Edited for that sweet sweet free publicity


      • JeepDVLZ45


        Editing a comment
        Fish count in my book! Let’s see those little buggers!

      • Impactfour


        Editing a comment
        They're pretty skittish, so most of my photos turned into blurs, but I did manage to get a photo of one of the recent proud mommas

      Walzmas , is giving with the joy of giving. What’s better than giving to someone? Making some fun for a bunch of random people just for the heck of it is pretty damn awesome and I’ve enjoyed all the years of this. I’ll be doing another giveaway for the season as usual coming very soon.
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        Walzmas is one of many things that makes this community different from all the others. The fact that one guy could inspire so many people to just give away a huge variety of items is amazing, but it's also not surprising to me that MCBers would jump on it. I really do love this community. It's the only forum that I have been a part of for nearly 2 decades, and it brings me great joy that we haven't fallen to a centralized platform like Facebook.

        Anyways, this is Kipling:
        Click image for larger version  Name:	2023-12-14-10-14-26-991.jpg Views:	17 Size:	3.82 MB ID:	614201

        Last edited by RAZRBAKK; 11-05-2024, 05:14 PM.
        Originally posted by Terry A. Davis
        God said 640x480 16 color was a covenant like circumcision.


        • JeepDVLZ45


          Editing a comment
          Gonna have to make you choose a favorite…and a favorite of your favorite.

          They’re adorable thoufh

        • RAZRBAKK


          Editing a comment
          JeepDVLZ45 Done

        Walmaz is a time to make a fun build and randomly send it out to someone 🥳
        And make stupid silly giveaways 😁

        I introduced you to the feral predator of the household: Trouble
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        Love my brass ... Love my SSR ... Hard choices ...

        XEMON's phantom double sided feed
        Keep your ATS going: Project rATS 2.0
        My Feedback


        walzmas to me is an opportunity to rehome cr@p that didn't sell (only time I did one I gave away a half dozen pgp's & iirc a sniper & autococker that wouldn't sell) :-P for a pic an oldie but goodie, my groomsdog Sasha with double lever #!!, miss this dog
        Attached Files
        Last edited by chplnstone; 11-05-2024, 10:17 PM.


          Walzmas is the time to "pay it forward", the time of year I look forward to when I can give back to our online community.

          I've no pets at the moment, but I do have a favorite picture of one of my cats from several years ago... he's been gone a couple years now but I still miss him.

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          And God turned to Gabriel and said: “I shall create a land called Canada of outstanding natural beauty, with majestic mountains soaring with eagles, sparkling lakes abundant with bass and trout, forests full of elk and moose, and rivers stocked with salmon. I shall make the land rich in oil so the inhabitants prosper and call them Canadians, and they shall be praised as the friendliest of all people.”

          “But Lord,” asked Gabriel, “Is this not too generous to these Canadians?”

          And God replied, “Just wait and see the neighbors I shall inflict upon them."


          Walzmas is a time that reminds me that MCB and this community isn’t just a BST website but a group of people dedicated to the sport and technology of paintball. The hive mind here is amazing and can likely answer any question that is raised. Everyone I have met in person from MCB has been awesome to along paint with and hang out with in general.

          Pic is of Mo enjoying the cool whip from my pumpkin pie.
          Attached Files
          WTB: ICD stuff, single trigger electro frames


          Walzmas is a new concept to me, so I don't have a solid fundamental meaning, but it seems to have a great premise and is enjoyed by all. Isn't that meaning enough?

          Here is Bodhi doing his best Pirates of the Caribbean dog impression.

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