We need more Walzmas, so time for another giveaway! For this one I have a piece of fantastic plastic that will undergo some work to polish the turd a bit. It does shoot, surprisingly well actually! I will eventually provide more information, but this is all you get! Sign yourself up, sign someone else up, just participate.
What do you need to to do to participant? Post a meme. If I enjoy the meme you get a bonus entry. If your meme makes fun of a mod, get an additional bonus entry (Love you mods!)
Method of Giveaway: To be announced
What I am giving way: To be announced
Any colour - Blue, Red, Green
Bonus entries awarded however I please.

This is its starting point. Things will be done.
What do you need to to do to participant? Post a meme. If I enjoy the meme you get a bonus entry. If your meme makes fun of a mod, get an additional bonus entry (Love you mods!)
Method of Giveaway: To be announced
What I am giving way: To be announced
Any colour - Blue, Red, Green
Bonus entries awarded however I please.
This is its starting point. Things will be done.