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A very brassy walzmas to you all
Just a slight update; entrance into the contest will end on 11/22. At that point I'm going to need to eat quite a few more oyster than Initially predicted and wait for the right conditions to run the contest. For clarity's sake, Ive attached some photos of the type machines the will a major part of the contest.The shells will enter the uplift hopper and ride down the tumbler tube to victory!
Unfortunately we use a different series of aluminum tubes for different activities at the farm. Our harvesting tube is solid aluminum spare the end for the sake of retaining as much water as possible to clean the oysters. Our sorting tube is swiss-cheesed with a series of holes to grade out the oysters by size. Obviously the ladder is much better for the sake of filming the contest, but we're about to to finish sorting oysters for the year in the next week or two (weather dependent). So I'd have to do a fair bit of craning and keeping deckhands around to keep the contest open any longer. Sorry for the last minute adjustment, but best of luck to everyone.
The contest list has been updated, let's see how many dozens of oysters I'll end up having to consume!
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Two day warning to get those last minute entries in! As some enticement here's some photos of the final mock-up I'll be sending out (unless I have the time to swap out the Phillips head frame screws and obnoxiously long rva screw)
Edit: I almost forgot, she's leak free now and will come with a few replacement face seals. I haven't had the chance to Chrono it yet but it click, clacks and bloops!Last edited by Impactfour; 11-20-2024, 08:04 PM.
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The entry period is officially over, I'm pretty dang sure I added everyone to the list, but check the second post in the thread, if your name is missing give me a holler.
Otherwise I'm gonna start shucking oysters and labeling their shells. The contest itself is likely to happen after Thanksgiving. Fortunately we finished up the "reseeding season" on Wednesday after 5 months of hard work, unfortunately I spent the last few days sick as a dog, and we need to plant our kelp this upcoming week.
My plan is to go with 2 heats. The Top 10 from the first race will move on to the final heat. My plan is to record both races on the same day, release the 1st video and top ten list one day, and then the finale and the winner the following day. Best of luck to you all!
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Had a little over 2 dozen oysters for breakfast this morning. Gonna grab the rest on Monday when we harvest. I may be updating/altering the drawing method as the sorting tube was taken back to our land site earlier this week.
Regardless I'm hoping to have the drawing finalized by next Friday and the prize shipped out the week after so it arrives before Xmas
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I ran the contest today and have a winner! I'm gonna have to figure out how to upload videos to MCB, but my plan is to upload the 1st heat, from which 10 members moved on, and then the finale the day after.
Any advice on uploading videos would be much appreciated!
Let's see if I did this right.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Our ten finalists:
3. Jordan
10. Chuck E Ducky
13. djeclypse
16. @ EvilCreature
19. Jsc5150
23. morpheus
25. lhamilton1807
You are the ten finalists, congratulations! Check back in tomorrow to see who wins!
1 PhotoLast edited by Impactfour; 12-17-2024, 04:43 PM.
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Video works now. Fun process to let entropy choose the finalists!
The finale is chaotic too. I wanted something slightly different than the RNG machine I used last year, while I'm disappointed I couldn't use the sorting tube with more holes for a better view I still think watching the footage is more fun than just seeing the results.
Well folks, it's time to declare the winner. This video is a bit longer, with about a minute of useless footage in the middle, for which I apologize in advance. Getting videos on YouTube is about how advanced as my tech knowledge goes (insert quote about sufficiently advanced technology being indistinguishable from magick.)
As someone who spends a lot of time tumbling oyster, it's pretty rare to see one 'jump' out the way the winner did. On a day when we harvest ~25,000 oysters and run them through the same machine at most a dozen will do that in my experience. Make of that what you will, but the odds of this outcome were pretty dang slim.
Without any further ramblings, here's the video, scroll down for spoilers:
Congratulations to our winner; Chuck E Ducky ! Shoot me a message when you see this post!Last edited by Impactfour; 12-18-2024, 05:41 PM.
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