I changed how I did my notes a little to hopefully make them a little more clear.
Just as a refresher
Trbo323 (TB) t15, BR (3)(600) start
This is the first line now. (TB) Is the abbreviation I'll be using for my name so I don't have to type it out 100 times. Marker is next, BR is break roll to see if my marker breaks this round. (600) Is how much paint I'm STARTING with. Then start is the start of my chosen action
Next line
AFF sniper roll 10 -0 sniper shot fails rolls as standard AFF
Since I'm using the t15 any AFF I choose would first roll as a sniper shot. In this case it failed
Next line
AFF -100, roll 8 stalemate, -100 roll 4 +100 (500)
The aff costs 100 paint and since it's a stalemate it costs another 100. The second roll is a 4 for I gain 100. The last number in parenthesis is now much paint I END with.
Enough housekeeping. I know what you are really here.
Day 2
1. martix_agent (MA)
After his last adventure MA decides the best thing to do is relax in the spa of the good ship SS Walz. Much to his dismay though he finds…the spa is closed! Turns out the crew never got around to testing it out! What jerks! Up to the command deck! Someone will hear about this slight inconvenience at the business end of his trusty t15! MA stomps down the hall but hears something, someone running. He crotches down aiming down the corridor at the intersection ahead. A flash of movement! MA fires, misses but realizes he saw XEMON running past. Odd, MA is about to run after him when two doors fly open. Without much thought MA starts throwing paint in that direction. He hears a groan and a thump. One zombie down but another still chasing him. MA reloads, has to backpedalle, the zombie is almost on top of him but the magazine clicks into place just in time and he plants one center mass. The zombie falls on top of MA. MA realizes there's something hard in the zombies pants…. He hesitates but needs to know, he discovers a magazine of first stroke rounds! Score! MA picks himself up and heads out. He didn't like using that much paint but he is still alive
1. martix_agent (MA) t15, BR.( 1) (800) Start
AFF Roll 10, -0 sniper shot fail rolls as standard AFF
AFF -100, roll 8 stalemate, -100 roll 8 stalemate, -100 roll 4, +100 (600)
End day 2
2. Cdn_Cuda (CC)
CC wants to find some trouble, but first his marker wants to make some paint. Bzzzz, grrer, Ching Chong, bong….beep, paint printing com CC dives! A zombie flies over his head,... But keeps running away? Then CC realizes it's not a zombie, it's jonnydread. But before CC can line up a shot on him he has to duck! All the commotion has attracted the attention of…Bert and Ernie? Yes, seems CC stumbled into the kids section of the ship. Bert says “you have wandered down the wrong street my friend”. Back and forth they sling paint. CC having to fend off two attackers. He reloads, jumps left and catches Bert on his hip as he was crouching behind a shaking trash can. Taking a breath and glad he has evened the odds a bit CC pushes forward. throwing a steam of paint to keep Earnie in cover. Earnie is enraged though. Breaks cover and sprints towards CC. Paint landing all around CC stays in cover and needs to reload. pokes the barrel of this weird marker around the cover and pulls the trigger a few times. Its too late though! Ernie crashes into the stack of boxes CC is taking cover behind landing on top of CC. On the floor CC hears Ernie whisper, this is comfy…Ill just take a nap here.” CC realizes that one of the blind shots he fired caught Earnie on the knee on his way into the boxes. Having used more paint than he intended, CC continues on to his next adventure.
2. Cdn_Cuda DP9000 BR(2) make paint +100 (800) roll 8 DFF, 6 stalemate, 4. -200, +0
(600) start choice AFF roll 5 -100 +0 (500)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
5. JeepDVLZ45 (JD)
JD sneaks down a corridor. Going in and out of a few rooms his real target is anyone who is not a zombie yet. As he comes out of a room he takes a look down the corridor, two shadows flying past. He kneels down, pumps the phantom but by the time he takes aim they are gone. The shadows looked familiar. Redsquirl and Cellophane maybe? Regardless there's more movement. Its a zombie but it is blocking his way forward. JD squeezes the trigger, a single paintball flies straight and true, impacting the zombie in the head. Down it falls. JD sits still for a moment until he is sure nobody else has heard the action. He investigates the zombie, finds some keys that are likely useless with all the doors open but notices a pod of paint. Throwing it in his pack he moves on to see what he can find next.
5. JeepDVLZ45 phantom, BR (3) (900)
AFF sneak attack roll 1 -0, +100 (1000)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
7. Jonnydread (JD)
12. redsquirrel (RS)
15. cellophane (CP)
(thats right, Its party time)
XM, JD, ES and CP are all running through the ship. They have all decided that the best way to find someone who knows where the last escape pod is to find members of the crew. Most of the ones who are not currently zombies are in the upper decks. The corridors are confusing, almost like someone designed them to be. Up, Left, straight. There are signs, radio room? no, Executive mansion? probably not. Command crew meeting room? Bingo. They each find their way into one of the multiple doors. The doors all shut at exactly the same moment. The room is square and each has entered a side. There is a moment of silence as they all assess the situation. Then as one they all take action. XM turns to his right and fires at JD. JD dives for cover. RS fires towards CP, CP with his ma-duece-a and its double barrels simply starts spraying the whole room. One of CPs paintballs impacts XMs marker, throwing it from his hands. Meanwhile JD has landed on his trusty 98 splitting the shell in two. RS dives out of the way from CPs onslaught and his phantom hits the planning table. Firing the one paintball in the breach but also sheering off the barrel. The one paintball fired hits CPs ma-deuce-a just under the feedneck, throwing the marker from his hands. An odd quiet settles over the room, all four realizing that their markers have either been destroyed or are so covered in paralyzing paint that they dare not touch them. All four reach for their packs and pull pods out, they start throwing paintballs at each other. Paintballs bouncing off of each other they all find this is a less than effective use of their time. The paintballs slow and they all look at each other. RS speaks first, “look, we all came here for the same thing but obviously that's not working. So what about a truce for now and we all work together to get back down to the cargo hold?” Everyone looks around, XM says “yeah see the thing is” and bolts out the closest door. The door bangs open and everyone left sees the problem. The noise will attract more attention. The remaining three sprint out the doors. Through the corridors left right, down down. They each sprint past other people, some zombies, some not. Every once in a while they see each other in the maze that is the SS walz. Eventually each of them find their way to the lower decks and each find the crates that contain what can hopefully help them again. A new marker.
(I cant believe every one of you guys survived that. The odds were not in your favor)
6. XEMON 98c,BR(10 ) (600) start
Broken marker return to cargo
Roll 5 get lost, 7 get lost, 4.
Return to cargo successful. Choose next marker,
end day 2
Next marker and Choice for day 3:
7. Jonnydread T15 BR(10), Broken marker return to cargo
roll 2
return to cargo successful. Choose next marker,
end day 2
Next marker and Choice for day 3:
12. redsquirrel phantom BR (10)(800) start
broken marker!
Return to cargo roll 3
Success, choose next marker end day 2
Next marker and Choice for day 3:
15. cellophane ma-deuce-a, BR(10) (800) start
broken marker! Return to cargo roll 2,
Success, choose next marker end day 2
Next marker and Choice for day 3:
8. The Hobbit (TH)
As TH makes his way around the ship he hears a rattle. He stops, but the rattle does as well. Curious. Is someone following him? He continues around a corner, the rattle starts again! He runs! So does the rattle!..... He stops, looks down at his ion, no, it can't be it, it,... It's a loose barrel. TH tightens it and looks around, grateful that nobody was around to see that. Goes in the next door without looking at what it is. Lights assault his eyes, there's dubstep blasting out of speakers, flashes nearly blind him. It's, a photo studio? No, it's much too dumb for that, it's a selfie studio. All the “influencers" on the ship can come here and make some dumb photo to post on my-insta-twit-face and feel important for 3 seconds. As his eyes adjust he realizes he is not alone someone is here. It's Kim Kardashian. TH starts unloading without a second thought pumping paintball after paintball into the air. Everything is covered in paint or takes TH a moment to realize that he can't see Kim anywhere. He sneaks forward to investigate where she was the paint splatter obscuring everything. His toe hits something and it moans. Yeah, turns out TH hit Kim with the very first ball and then every ball after that as well. There's a flash and TH realizes her phone was still taking one last picture, now with him standing over her in victory. He walks to her phone and pushes “post everywhere". That should get some likes. He notices 2 pods sitting by her purse and grabs them on the way out the door.
8. The Hobbit ion,BR(8) (800) start
AFF -100, roll 3 +200 (900)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
9. Super Nova SN
10. Jimmydee JD
SN and JD are both out looking for trouble. Deck 5 sports complex, perfect. They both enter the football field from opposite sides. Seeing each other they both shoot. But being a football field. They are both hilariously out of range of each other. SN starts running towards JD. JD matches him, they both start screaming at each other as they sprint. As they each cross the 20 yard line, a door at the 50 yard line locker room bangs open. Zombies pour out. Football zombies. It's the worr games warlocks and the Air Gun Designs Alligators. SN and JD shift their aim and start firing. SN being stingy with his paint and picking his shots carefully, JD just spraying and praying. The cornerbacks fall, the defensive line goes down. JD has to reload. SN hits the receivers each with a hail Mary shot. It's the most intense firefight each of them has ever been in. Finally there only one left, it's the kicker. They each hit him at the same time then turn towards each other. PAK, PAK. Two dry fires. They both bend down, hands on knees panting. SN bends down, picks up two pods and looks at them. Turns to JD and throws him a pod. “Next time" he says. JD just nods, too tired and still hungry to reply. They both turn and walk off the field the way they came in.
9. Super Nova 98c, BR(7) (700) start
AFF -100 roll 3 +100
(700) End day 2
Choice for day 3:
10. Jimmydee 98c, BR(7)(800) start
AFF roll 6 stalemate, 4,
-200, +100 (700)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
11. Myrkul (MK)
13. morpheus (MP)
MK checks his pack. Still has some pods but it's getting a little light. Best to go search for more. MP has maintained his overwatch on the top deck. Nothing new to report. MK pokes his head out of a hatch, seeing nothing comes out on deck to see what he can find. MP picks him up quickly in his scope. Draws a bead, PAK. Wide left! The wind on the deck carried the shot. MK now knows he is in trouble, spins, trusty 98 in hand he starts firing up into the catwalks. MP has to move fast. Sprinting down the catwalk he returns fire. They trade back and forth. MP finds a good spot, MK dodges left aims up and…trips over a rope on the deck. Smashing his face into the deck. MP lines up one last shot, adjusting for the wind this time PAK, this one flies true, hitting MK right in the chest. MP sighs, that was close.
11. Myrkul 98c BR. ( 6) (500) Start
search roll 7, initiate AFF
AFF -100 roll 10 out
Fair thee well fine sailor, you have gone out on patrol
13. morpheus T15. BR(1) (800) start
AFF sniper shot -0 roll 8 fail rolls as standard AFF.
AFF -100 roll 4 +0. (700) End day 2
Choice for day 3:
14. MrBarraclough (MB)
MB is looking to widdle down the passengers on the good ship SS Walz. Looking down the corridors he checks in a few rooms. The pickle Palace? No thanks, the Viagra village……hey look, the firehouse fraternity let's try that. He opens the door and finds the ships firefighting headquarters. Nobody seems to be home though. He sneaks around. Finding nothing downstairs he heads upstairs. Not much here either, just some crates with equipment that hasn't been set up yet. Oh well, might as well have some fun on the way out, MB finds the fire poll. As soon as his feet leave the ground he hears a zombie down below. As he slides down the poll his hand grasps the phantom, he brings it up in one smooth motion and PAK. Straight and true the paintball hits the zombie center mass. On his way out the door MB snags 2 pods off of the zombie. His pack is getting a little heavy. It's a good problem to have.
14. MrBarraclough phantom, BR (8) (800) start
AFF sneak -0 roll 1 success +200 (1000)
End day 2
Choice for day 3:
16. Impactfour (IF)
IF is roaming the ship looking for anyone here can pump some paintballs into. Sneaking here to thee he finds himself in the shopping district. A jewelry shop, a banana Republic…except it just sells bananas, wait, is that a Honda s2000? IF goes to investigate, there's cars, used cars. Why would anyone want to buy a used car on a cruise ship? Intrigued he goes to investigate. While looking over a lowered VW Jetta he hears them. Zombies. Used car salesman zombies. IF backpedales, trips, his phantom swings up and hits the side window of a Chevy cobalt. The window shatters, the alarm goes off. “Great sneaking skills" IF mutters to himself. The zombies are closing in from all around. IF starts moving and shooting, picking them off one by one. He is making steady progress. He backs up to the bed of a F-150 with a smart parts sticker plastered down the side “great, everything I hate in this world" IF thinks. He plants a paintball on another sales zombie, finds the manager and…. Feels teeth sink into his shoulder. Deep they cut as his vision begins to swirl. Turns out there was a zombie in the bed of the pickup truck he backed up to. IF falls to the ground, the zombie virus taking control and his last thought is “that's a lot of rust under there” as he sees the underside of the pickup.
16. Impactfour phantom BR(3) (700) start
AFF sneak roll 9 initiate DFF
DFF roll 10 out
Fair thee well fine sailor, you have gone out on patrol
18. BrickHaus (BH)
BH feels his pack, it's not as heavy as he would like, best to find some more paint. Looking around there's a gummy bear bar just down the corridor. He makes his way to it and, takes a bite of the first giant funny bear he sees. Spitting out the foam he realizes he probably should have checked first. Angry mostly at himself he picks up the bear and throws it out into the corridor. It splits open when it lands revealing 2 pods. Sweet! BH grabs a handful of actual gummy bears and the two pods and heads out.
18. BrickHaus ion, BR(4) (600) start
search roll 2 +200 (800)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
Trusty etha in hand SZ goes out looking for trouble. And while he is at it, maybe a little monetary compensation? Might as well check out the ships bank. He strolls in to find…not much. While the doors on the ship are all open because of the evacuation protocols the vault and any money storage is still locked. Well, nobody is here so… SZ hears a noise. It's a mod level manager coming out of the back office. They lock eyes, the manager drops the money box in his hands and at once they both start firing. The manager has some extremely overpriced space dildo shaped to look like rolls of money side by side. Whatever it is it is slinging out a lot of paint and SZ has to dive behind a nearby desk. They trade back and forth neither having an advantage. SZ moves to a new desk and while the manager is moving to his next position SZ picks up an office chair and throws it. The manager seeing the chair coming braces. SZ already has his etha up and is firing. The paint is impacting the chair but soon enough, one paintball snakes it's way through the legs and bars of the chair and impacts the manager. He goes limp right as the chair hits him. SZ takes a breath and goes over to investigate the money box the manager dropped. MONEY! SWEET MONEY! this is the best……hold up. Why does all this money have the portrait of a llama on it? SZ sighs, of course it's too good to be true. The money on the SS Walz is only good on the ship itself. It's no good if he manages to get it off the ship. SZ leaves, disappointed but alive.
19. SETHZILLA! Etha .50 (1700) start
AFF -100, roll 5 +0 (1600)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
21. chplnstone (CS)
CS jolts awake, unsure of where he is but hey, it's comfortable. Not remembering how he got here he relaxes for a moment. Suddenly the door flies open! A panicked looking crew member flashes in, marker in hand. CS starts shooting and doesn't stop for a minute. Everything is quiet again. CS investigates the crew member, finds a pod. It's not much but it can replace the paint he just had to use. He finds a new place to relax and settles in once again.
21. chplnstone 98cBR(5) (600) start
DP1 roll 2. -100, +100 (600)
End day 2
Choice for day 3:
Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
Just as a refresher
Trbo323 (TB) t15, BR (3)(600) start
This is the first line now. (TB) Is the abbreviation I'll be using for my name so I don't have to type it out 100 times. Marker is next, BR is break roll to see if my marker breaks this round. (600) Is how much paint I'm STARTING with. Then start is the start of my chosen action
Next line
AFF sniper roll 10 -0 sniper shot fails rolls as standard AFF
Since I'm using the t15 any AFF I choose would first roll as a sniper shot. In this case it failed
Next line
AFF -100, roll 8 stalemate, -100 roll 4 +100 (500)
The aff costs 100 paint and since it's a stalemate it costs another 100. The second roll is a 4 for I gain 100. The last number in parenthesis is now much paint I END with.
Enough housekeeping. I know what you are really here.
Day 2
1. martix_agent (MA)
After his last adventure MA decides the best thing to do is relax in the spa of the good ship SS Walz. Much to his dismay though he finds…the spa is closed! Turns out the crew never got around to testing it out! What jerks! Up to the command deck! Someone will hear about this slight inconvenience at the business end of his trusty t15! MA stomps down the hall but hears something, someone running. He crotches down aiming down the corridor at the intersection ahead. A flash of movement! MA fires, misses but realizes he saw XEMON running past. Odd, MA is about to run after him when two doors fly open. Without much thought MA starts throwing paint in that direction. He hears a groan and a thump. One zombie down but another still chasing him. MA reloads, has to backpedalle, the zombie is almost on top of him but the magazine clicks into place just in time and he plants one center mass. The zombie falls on top of MA. MA realizes there's something hard in the zombies pants…. He hesitates but needs to know, he discovers a magazine of first stroke rounds! Score! MA picks himself up and heads out. He didn't like using that much paint but he is still alive
1. martix_agent (MA) t15, BR.( 1) (800) Start
AFF Roll 10, -0 sniper shot fail rolls as standard AFF
AFF -100, roll 8 stalemate, -100 roll 8 stalemate, -100 roll 4, +100 (600)
End day 2
2. Cdn_Cuda (CC)
CC wants to find some trouble, but first his marker wants to make some paint. Bzzzz, grrer, Ching Chong, bong….beep, paint printing com CC dives! A zombie flies over his head,... But keeps running away? Then CC realizes it's not a zombie, it's jonnydread. But before CC can line up a shot on him he has to duck! All the commotion has attracted the attention of…Bert and Ernie? Yes, seems CC stumbled into the kids section of the ship. Bert says “you have wandered down the wrong street my friend”. Back and forth they sling paint. CC having to fend off two attackers. He reloads, jumps left and catches Bert on his hip as he was crouching behind a shaking trash can. Taking a breath and glad he has evened the odds a bit CC pushes forward. throwing a steam of paint to keep Earnie in cover. Earnie is enraged though. Breaks cover and sprints towards CC. Paint landing all around CC stays in cover and needs to reload. pokes the barrel of this weird marker around the cover and pulls the trigger a few times. Its too late though! Ernie crashes into the stack of boxes CC is taking cover behind landing on top of CC. On the floor CC hears Ernie whisper, this is comfy…Ill just take a nap here.” CC realizes that one of the blind shots he fired caught Earnie on the knee on his way into the boxes. Having used more paint than he intended, CC continues on to his next adventure.
2. Cdn_Cuda DP9000 BR(2) make paint +100 (800) roll 8 DFF, 6 stalemate, 4. -200, +0
(600) start choice AFF roll 5 -100 +0 (500)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
5. JeepDVLZ45 (JD)
JD sneaks down a corridor. Going in and out of a few rooms his real target is anyone who is not a zombie yet. As he comes out of a room he takes a look down the corridor, two shadows flying past. He kneels down, pumps the phantom but by the time he takes aim they are gone. The shadows looked familiar. Redsquirl and Cellophane maybe? Regardless there's more movement. Its a zombie but it is blocking his way forward. JD squeezes the trigger, a single paintball flies straight and true, impacting the zombie in the head. Down it falls. JD sits still for a moment until he is sure nobody else has heard the action. He investigates the zombie, finds some keys that are likely useless with all the doors open but notices a pod of paint. Throwing it in his pack he moves on to see what he can find next.
5. JeepDVLZ45 phantom, BR (3) (900)
AFF sneak attack roll 1 -0, +100 (1000)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
7. Jonnydread (JD)
12. redsquirrel (RS)
15. cellophane (CP)
(thats right, Its party time)
XM, JD, ES and CP are all running through the ship. They have all decided that the best way to find someone who knows where the last escape pod is to find members of the crew. Most of the ones who are not currently zombies are in the upper decks. The corridors are confusing, almost like someone designed them to be. Up, Left, straight. There are signs, radio room? no, Executive mansion? probably not. Command crew meeting room? Bingo. They each find their way into one of the multiple doors. The doors all shut at exactly the same moment. The room is square and each has entered a side. There is a moment of silence as they all assess the situation. Then as one they all take action. XM turns to his right and fires at JD. JD dives for cover. RS fires towards CP, CP with his ma-duece-a and its double barrels simply starts spraying the whole room. One of CPs paintballs impacts XMs marker, throwing it from his hands. Meanwhile JD has landed on his trusty 98 splitting the shell in two. RS dives out of the way from CPs onslaught and his phantom hits the planning table. Firing the one paintball in the breach but also sheering off the barrel. The one paintball fired hits CPs ma-deuce-a just under the feedneck, throwing the marker from his hands. An odd quiet settles over the room, all four realizing that their markers have either been destroyed or are so covered in paralyzing paint that they dare not touch them. All four reach for their packs and pull pods out, they start throwing paintballs at each other. Paintballs bouncing off of each other they all find this is a less than effective use of their time. The paintballs slow and they all look at each other. RS speaks first, “look, we all came here for the same thing but obviously that's not working. So what about a truce for now and we all work together to get back down to the cargo hold?” Everyone looks around, XM says “yeah see the thing is” and bolts out the closest door. The door bangs open and everyone left sees the problem. The noise will attract more attention. The remaining three sprint out the doors. Through the corridors left right, down down. They each sprint past other people, some zombies, some not. Every once in a while they see each other in the maze that is the SS walz. Eventually each of them find their way to the lower decks and each find the crates that contain what can hopefully help them again. A new marker.
(I cant believe every one of you guys survived that. The odds were not in your favor)
6. XEMON 98c,BR(10 ) (600) start
Broken marker return to cargo
Roll 5 get lost, 7 get lost, 4.
Return to cargo successful. Choose next marker,
end day 2
Next marker and Choice for day 3:
7. Jonnydread T15 BR(10), Broken marker return to cargo
roll 2
return to cargo successful. Choose next marker,
end day 2
Next marker and Choice for day 3:
12. redsquirrel phantom BR (10)(800) start
broken marker!
Return to cargo roll 3
Success, choose next marker end day 2
Next marker and Choice for day 3:
15. cellophane ma-deuce-a, BR(10) (800) start
broken marker! Return to cargo roll 2,
Success, choose next marker end day 2
Next marker and Choice for day 3:
8. The Hobbit (TH)
As TH makes his way around the ship he hears a rattle. He stops, but the rattle does as well. Curious. Is someone following him? He continues around a corner, the rattle starts again! He runs! So does the rattle!..... He stops, looks down at his ion, no, it can't be it, it,... It's a loose barrel. TH tightens it and looks around, grateful that nobody was around to see that. Goes in the next door without looking at what it is. Lights assault his eyes, there's dubstep blasting out of speakers, flashes nearly blind him. It's, a photo studio? No, it's much too dumb for that, it's a selfie studio. All the “influencers" on the ship can come here and make some dumb photo to post on my-insta-twit-face and feel important for 3 seconds. As his eyes adjust he realizes he is not alone someone is here. It's Kim Kardashian. TH starts unloading without a second thought pumping paintball after paintball into the air. Everything is covered in paint or takes TH a moment to realize that he can't see Kim anywhere. He sneaks forward to investigate where she was the paint splatter obscuring everything. His toe hits something and it moans. Yeah, turns out TH hit Kim with the very first ball and then every ball after that as well. There's a flash and TH realizes her phone was still taking one last picture, now with him standing over her in victory. He walks to her phone and pushes “post everywhere". That should get some likes. He notices 2 pods sitting by her purse and grabs them on the way out the door.
8. The Hobbit ion,BR(8) (800) start
AFF -100, roll 3 +200 (900)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
9. Super Nova SN
10. Jimmydee JD
SN and JD are both out looking for trouble. Deck 5 sports complex, perfect. They both enter the football field from opposite sides. Seeing each other they both shoot. But being a football field. They are both hilariously out of range of each other. SN starts running towards JD. JD matches him, they both start screaming at each other as they sprint. As they each cross the 20 yard line, a door at the 50 yard line locker room bangs open. Zombies pour out. Football zombies. It's the worr games warlocks and the Air Gun Designs Alligators. SN and JD shift their aim and start firing. SN being stingy with his paint and picking his shots carefully, JD just spraying and praying. The cornerbacks fall, the defensive line goes down. JD has to reload. SN hits the receivers each with a hail Mary shot. It's the most intense firefight each of them has ever been in. Finally there only one left, it's the kicker. They each hit him at the same time then turn towards each other. PAK, PAK. Two dry fires. They both bend down, hands on knees panting. SN bends down, picks up two pods and looks at them. Turns to JD and throws him a pod. “Next time" he says. JD just nods, too tired and still hungry to reply. They both turn and walk off the field the way they came in.
9. Super Nova 98c, BR(7) (700) start
AFF -100 roll 3 +100
(700) End day 2
Choice for day 3:
10. Jimmydee 98c, BR(7)(800) start
AFF roll 6 stalemate, 4,
-200, +100 (700)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
11. Myrkul (MK)
13. morpheus (MP)
MK checks his pack. Still has some pods but it's getting a little light. Best to go search for more. MP has maintained his overwatch on the top deck. Nothing new to report. MK pokes his head out of a hatch, seeing nothing comes out on deck to see what he can find. MP picks him up quickly in his scope. Draws a bead, PAK. Wide left! The wind on the deck carried the shot. MK now knows he is in trouble, spins, trusty 98 in hand he starts firing up into the catwalks. MP has to move fast. Sprinting down the catwalk he returns fire. They trade back and forth. MP finds a good spot, MK dodges left aims up and…trips over a rope on the deck. Smashing his face into the deck. MP lines up one last shot, adjusting for the wind this time PAK, this one flies true, hitting MK right in the chest. MP sighs, that was close.
11. Myrkul 98c BR. ( 6) (500) Start
search roll 7, initiate AFF
AFF -100 roll 10 out
Fair thee well fine sailor, you have gone out on patrol
13. morpheus T15. BR(1) (800) start
AFF sniper shot -0 roll 8 fail rolls as standard AFF.
AFF -100 roll 4 +0. (700) End day 2
Choice for day 3:
14. MrBarraclough (MB)
MB is looking to widdle down the passengers on the good ship SS Walz. Looking down the corridors he checks in a few rooms. The pickle Palace? No thanks, the Viagra village……hey look, the firehouse fraternity let's try that. He opens the door and finds the ships firefighting headquarters. Nobody seems to be home though. He sneaks around. Finding nothing downstairs he heads upstairs. Not much here either, just some crates with equipment that hasn't been set up yet. Oh well, might as well have some fun on the way out, MB finds the fire poll. As soon as his feet leave the ground he hears a zombie down below. As he slides down the poll his hand grasps the phantom, he brings it up in one smooth motion and PAK. Straight and true the paintball hits the zombie center mass. On his way out the door MB snags 2 pods off of the zombie. His pack is getting a little heavy. It's a good problem to have.
14. MrBarraclough phantom, BR (8) (800) start
AFF sneak -0 roll 1 success +200 (1000)
End day 2
Choice for day 3:
16. Impactfour (IF)
IF is roaming the ship looking for anyone here can pump some paintballs into. Sneaking here to thee he finds himself in the shopping district. A jewelry shop, a banana Republic…except it just sells bananas, wait, is that a Honda s2000? IF goes to investigate, there's cars, used cars. Why would anyone want to buy a used car on a cruise ship? Intrigued he goes to investigate. While looking over a lowered VW Jetta he hears them. Zombies. Used car salesman zombies. IF backpedales, trips, his phantom swings up and hits the side window of a Chevy cobalt. The window shatters, the alarm goes off. “Great sneaking skills" IF mutters to himself. The zombies are closing in from all around. IF starts moving and shooting, picking them off one by one. He is making steady progress. He backs up to the bed of a F-150 with a smart parts sticker plastered down the side “great, everything I hate in this world" IF thinks. He plants a paintball on another sales zombie, finds the manager and…. Feels teeth sink into his shoulder. Deep they cut as his vision begins to swirl. Turns out there was a zombie in the bed of the pickup truck he backed up to. IF falls to the ground, the zombie virus taking control and his last thought is “that's a lot of rust under there” as he sees the underside of the pickup.
16. Impactfour phantom BR(3) (700) start
AFF sneak roll 9 initiate DFF
DFF roll 10 out
Fair thee well fine sailor, you have gone out on patrol
18. BrickHaus (BH)
BH feels his pack, it's not as heavy as he would like, best to find some more paint. Looking around there's a gummy bear bar just down the corridor. He makes his way to it and, takes a bite of the first giant funny bear he sees. Spitting out the foam he realizes he probably should have checked first. Angry mostly at himself he picks up the bear and throws it out into the corridor. It splits open when it lands revealing 2 pods. Sweet! BH grabs a handful of actual gummy bears and the two pods and heads out.
18. BrickHaus ion, BR(4) (600) start
search roll 2 +200 (800)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
Trusty etha in hand SZ goes out looking for trouble. And while he is at it, maybe a little monetary compensation? Might as well check out the ships bank. He strolls in to find…not much. While the doors on the ship are all open because of the evacuation protocols the vault and any money storage is still locked. Well, nobody is here so… SZ hears a noise. It's a mod level manager coming out of the back office. They lock eyes, the manager drops the money box in his hands and at once they both start firing. The manager has some extremely overpriced space dildo shaped to look like rolls of money side by side. Whatever it is it is slinging out a lot of paint and SZ has to dive behind a nearby desk. They trade back and forth neither having an advantage. SZ moves to a new desk and while the manager is moving to his next position SZ picks up an office chair and throws it. The manager seeing the chair coming braces. SZ already has his etha up and is firing. The paint is impacting the chair but soon enough, one paintball snakes it's way through the legs and bars of the chair and impacts the manager. He goes limp right as the chair hits him. SZ takes a breath and goes over to investigate the money box the manager dropped. MONEY! SWEET MONEY! this is the best……hold up. Why does all this money have the portrait of a llama on it? SZ sighs, of course it's too good to be true. The money on the SS Walz is only good on the ship itself. It's no good if he manages to get it off the ship. SZ leaves, disappointed but alive.
19. SETHZILLA! Etha .50 (1700) start
AFF -100, roll 5 +0 (1600)
end day 2
Choice for day 3:
21. chplnstone (CS)
CS jolts awake, unsure of where he is but hey, it's comfortable. Not remembering how he got here he relaxes for a moment. Suddenly the door flies open! A panicked looking crew member flashes in, marker in hand. CS starts shooting and doesn't stop for a minute. Everything is quiet again. CS investigates the crew member, finds a pod. It's not much but it can replace the paint he just had to use. He finds a new place to relax and settles in once again.
21. chplnstone 98cBR(5) (600) start
DP1 roll 2. -100, +100 (600)
End day 2
Choice for day 3:
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