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SS Walz day 9

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    SS Walz day 9

    1. martix_agent (MA)

    MA is tied, tied of not finding anything useful. In the ships lotto office? 32 winning lotto tickets but not a single paintball. The radio shack? 10 satellite phones that MA was planning to call a rescue helicopter in with, but not a single battery for any of them…or any paintballs. The “shoot shack"? For sure there must be something good in here! MA thinks. AIRSOFT!?!? WTF? and this time, no batteries OR BBs…or any paintballs. MA leaves the shoot shack and kicks the nearby wall in frustration. A panel falls off with a clang. Odd, but MA hears something that chills his bones. Shuffling footsteps around the corner. MA picks up the wall panel, dives inside the wall feet first and has the quick thinking to pull the panel closed behind him.

    He is moving though, down. It's a slide? Yes it is! While MA remembers many childhood meals eaten between trips down the slide at the McDonald's play place he realizes that this could possibly be his last trip down a slide ever and he is quite unsure of exactly where this slide goes. It seems like it takes forever but MA is suddenly dumped out onto a foam pad. The room before him is small, one door on the side, a handful of closed hatches in front of him and red lights above them all. The numbers 32, 33, and 34 are above the hatches. With a jolt MA realizes that he has found the escape submarines, or well, where they would be if these ones were still here. He needs to find number 68. With a glance around the room he spots a pod in the corner. Snatching it up he leaves out the door wondering how many wall panels he will have to kick to find the correct slide, his toes already hurt just thinking about it.

    1. martix_agent martix_agent ma-deuce-a (escape at 200), (200) BR (5 ) start
    Search roll 5 +100 (300)

    End of day 9

    7. Jonnydread (JD)

    After kicking and smacking his way through the casino level JD has some serious tennis elbow going on. No rest for the wicked he thinks as the new gold chain around his neck jingles slightly. Out on the corridors he hears some noise and figures his pod pack is too heavy and whatever is causing the noise might be able to help him with that problem. After his shooting and tootin, it's time to get boopin!

    JD needs a snack. Hey look! AM PM! JDs favorite fine food establishment. He walks in, scanning the store with his phantom, no movement, good. The hot case is FULL! JD does a little jig. Pizza? Yes, hot dog. For sure. Cheeseburger…. Make it 2. As he goes to leave something catches his eye! Rib sandwich! Heck yes. Everything in hand JD makes one more stop at the drinks and grabs, the XXLarg 50oz super mega gulp. He turns towards the front heading for the door and sees Zack, the 17 year old ampm manager. Zacks earbuds fall out, he is seemingly unaware of what is happening on the rest of the ship but he is aware that JD is heading out the door with a bunch of stuff. Zack whips up his tipx and fires. JDs 50oz of mountain dew explodes as he is forced to drop everything in his hands. JD ducks behind a shelf. Fumbling with all the items around him he finally gets his phantom up and returns fire. Zack is behind the counter. JD peeks around but is forced back in immediately, he tries the other side, same thing! He looks up and now it makes sense why Zack knows where he is, there's mirrors in the corners. JD aims up, plasters each mirror with at least a dozen paintballs. Zacks advantage gone JD peeks out one side then snap shoots out the other. One ball sails straight and true into Zacks chest. JD doesn't make the same mistake twice. This time he checks the managers office. He finds a pod but thankfully nobody else. JD grabs a few snacks, not as greedy as before and heads out. Grabbing some cookies…and an extra cheeseburger…and a rib sandwich…for later.

    Then comes back and gets a 50oz mountain dew

    7. Jonnydread Jonnydread phantom BR ( 8) (1000) start
    AFF sneak roll 7, start DFF
    DFF -100 roll 3, +100 (1000)

    End of day 9

    8. The Hobbit (TH)
    18. BrickHaus (BH)

    After playing George of the jungle up in the trees, TH decides to take the shenanigans back to ground level. Hyped up after his victory and growing tired of these mother plucking zombies on this mother trucking ship, attacking is the only option going forward. The best way to get rid of some of these zombies is luring them into a trap. So TH puts on his engineering hard hat and gets to work.

    Something shifts in BH. You notice a certain demonic look in his eyes. " If the Women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy." Echos through his head. The newfound tool kit gives Brickhaus an unstoppable feeling of power. It surges through him as he takes it in. Realizing he doesn't need to carry the gold bars anywhere if he comendeers this ship, but first it must be eradicated of all of these troublesome individuals.."Time to Kill" Brickhaus says, his voice sounding like someone other than his own. His eyes are now rolled back Into his head, eyelids fluttering. He opens them to show purely black sockets where Brick's green eyes once we're. Not another word is spoken. Brickhaus advances silently, heel to toe towards the helm of the ship. Meticulously checking every corner as he moves.

    BH snaps around a corner and sees…. Well, he is not really sure. A machine? A construction site? Maybe both? There's a lot of noise for sure. He is not really sure how the zombies haven't found this place yet but whatever. Through the mesh of steel, wood, ropes, power cables and air hoses be sees TH. In a flash BHs ion is up, he fires one shot. It sails straight and true until a single fine rope splits it in two. As if hearing the lunch whistle the whole construction site stops. TH turns around to see BH and reaches for his ion…where is it!?!? In the haste to build the perfect trap he left his ion down on the planning table, 3 stories below. The rope that BH shot starts to frey and then snaps! A bucket of bricks flies down…straight towards the planning table and TH’s ion! TH sucks in a breath of anticipation! But a loose board leaning on the table catches the bucket. TH breaths out heavily. The board flips from the weight of the bucket sending a hammer up towards the scaffolding. The hammer strikes a support, the scaffolding shifts and a jackhammer slides off the end! Down it careens straight for the planning table! TH sucks in his breath again! The jackhammers air line pulls tight, stopping it's fall and slinging it out sideways. TH breaths out, relieved. The jackhammer swings straight into the cab of a nearby crane, landing against the controls. The crane swings around, TH sucks in a breath again as he sees it has a load of I beams strapped to the sling and they are headed straight towards the planning table! The air line from the jackhammer pulls tight again pulling it out of the cab of the crane. The crane stops, TH breaths out again. The sling with I beams swings around like a wrecking ball! TH sucks in a breath again! One I beam comes loose from the end, it falls like a dart straight towards the planning table. TH closes his eyes and hears the sickening twang of the worlds largest lawn dart impacting. He squints one eye open and can't believe his luck! The I beam has skewered the table but has missed his ion by inches!


    BH is watching the world's strangest rube Goldberg machine. Bricks, hammers, cranes. This is insane. Out of the corner of his eye movement catches his eye, seems all the racket has finally attracted a zombie. BH lines up a shot on, a lead guitarist? Let's one fly and takes down the zombie. Here comes another one, the bass guitar maybe? Whatever, another zombie drops. More footsteps, two singers and the drummer. BH lays out a good stream. It takes a few aim adjustments but he takes them all down. He looks back to the construction site, he has lost site of TH. As he is searching he hears something that makes his blood go cold. A stampede of feet. It's the groupies!

    TH has made his way down to the deck. He peeks out towards the corridor and sees BH shooting down the hall, seems something is distracting him, this is THs chance! He sprints out around the I beam, snatches his ion, looks towards the corridor, brings his ion up, lining up on BH pulls the trigger and, nothing happens. “Oh yeah" TH realizes his marker has been sitting there for so long that it turned off automatically. TH checks on BH, he is still distracted and pushes the power button on his ion. His finger falls straight into the hole where the power button was 3 seconds before. He looks at his ion, the power button has fallen into the frame!?!? He looks into the hole. The power button on the board itself is missing as well! No! TH runs the cargo bay is his only safe harbor, he glances over his shoulder and sees zombies, BH is nowhere in sight.

    BH is dumping a pod in. There can't be an endless supply of zombies…. Can there? They are coming faster now, left. Right. Center. BH is taking out groupie after groupie. What band is this? Two more on the left. Down. Two more on the right, BH takes one out. Then his hopper runs dry. Ice stabs his heart. He reaches for a pod. Grabs it. Dumps it in and as he brings his ion back up, a hand grabs his barrel. As he feels teeth sinking into his shoulder his last though is the T shirt the zombie is wearing…”who the hell is millennial telephone?"

    8. The Hobbit The Hobbit ion,BR ( 9) (900) start
    Broken marker!
    Return to cargo roll 3, success

    End of day 9

    Choice of marker for day 10:

    18. BrickHaus BrickHaus ion, BR(1 ) (1000) & repair kit, start
    AFF -100 roll 10, out

    Fare thee well fine sailor, you have gone out on patrol

    13. morpheus (MP)

    After stumbling back into the 1930's switch board room and meeting The Switcher. The original switch board master. MP defeated her in battle. How and why this room still exist is still a mystery as is most of this ship. MP is beginning to think more and more that the SS Walz is a form of the Tardis. He can't wait till he meets the Dalek, that encounter should be fun

    MP has found himself in a park of sorts. It's set up as night, maybe a reproduction of central Park in NYC? Roaming the empty paths he sees a figure ahead, a man. Whoever he is, he is in MPs way. MP quietly and quickly he lines up a shot. *Pak* *whack* straight and true, right to the back of his neck. The man…doesn't move. Odd. MP advances and finds, yeah, it's a statue. “Great job" he thinks to himself. Continuing down the paths he sees someone else! No wait, looking closer it's another statue. This is getting old fast, there's lots of confusing statues around….

    MPs chest tightens. Ice running through his veins. All of the statues around him are not just people, they are angels. Weeping Angels. MP knows that weeping Angels are in reality beings from another dimension. While he is looking at them they are exactly what they appear to be, stone statues. When he looks away however, they are free to move and unfortunately, eat him.

    He looks behind him, the angel there has moved closer since he last looked at it. Back to the front, that one has moved as well. His T15 whips up, he puts two on the angel in front, turns around puts two more on the angel behind him. Slowly, he turns back to the angel in front, it has moved closer again.

    MP realizes that while shooting at them he is looking at them therefore, the angels are nothing more than stone, and you can't paralyze stone. He takes off running. Jumping benches and putting any obstacle be can between himself and the angels but every time he glances back he sees at least one and it's alarmingly close. He starts to throw blind shots over his shoulders, hoping against hope that one will land. One in front! Left turn, around the ice rink. MP knows he can't do this forever. He starts looking for the angels again, there's 2, no wait, 3 separate ones. That's all he sees, he hopes that's all. One in front. One to the right and he assumes the third behind. He moves towards the one on his right. Looking at it the whole time. He glances at the other two, they are closing in. The one now in front he stares down, comes right up to it and circles around, hands on its shoulders. Now he is looking over the shoulders of this angel and also seeing the other two. He is really really hoping these are the only three.

    Strategically he looks only over the right shoulder, back to center, the left one is closer. Over the left shoulder, the right one is closer. Over and over he moves the other two angels closer to him until finally, all 3 angles are in a close triangle, mouths open, ready to attack but also…looking at each other. MP takes a step back still looking at all 3 angels then has an idea. Without looking he ejects the mag from his T15 and takes out 3 FSR. While still keeping all 3 angels in sight he slowly circles them and places a FSR in the mouth of each angel.

    Backing up slowly he gets 100 yards away then turns and sprints. He is not sure if the angels or zombies are worse but whatever comes next, he really hopes neither are there.

    13. morpheus morpheus T15. BR( 6) (600) Start
    AFF sniper -0 roll 9 start AFF
    AFF -100 roll 4 +0 (500)

    End of day 9

    Sent from my motorola edge 2024 using Tapatalk

    Last edited by Trbo323; 02-04-2025, 12:04 AM.
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    1. martix_agent ma-deuce-a (escape at 200), (200) BR (5 ) start
    Search roll 5 +100 (300)

    End of day 9

    7. Jonnydread phantom BR ( 8) (1000) start
    AFF sneak roll 7, start DFF
    DFF -100 roll 3, +100 (1000)

    End of day 9

    8. The Hobbit The Hobbit ion,BR ( 9) (900) start
    Broken marker!
    Return to cargo roll 3, success

    End of day 9

    Choice of marker for day 10:

    13. morpheus morpheus T15. BR( 6) (600) Start
    AFF sniper -0 roll 9 start AFF
    AFF -100 roll 4 +0 (500)

    End of day 9

    18. BrickHaus BrickHaus ion, BR(1 ) (1000) & repair kit, start
    AFF -100 roll 10, out

    Fare thee well fine sailor, you have gone out on patrol

    Sent from my motorola edge 2024 using Tapatalk

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      You guys will notice there is no choice for action for day 10.

      4 sailers left.

      One escape pod.

      Sent from my motorola edge 2024 using Tapatalk

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        Battle Royal for the last pod woot woot
        WTB: ICD stuff, single trigger electro frames


          Thank You for the ride Trbo323!


            Originally posted by BrickHaus View Post
            Thank You for the ride Trbo323!
            No problem, I went a little long with your story. Apparently the creative juices were flowing

            Dont forget to go pick up a millennial telephone tee shirt

            Sent from my motorola edge 2024 using Tapatalk

            Last edited by Trbo323; 02-04-2025, 04:07 PM.
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              I have shot more paint in this theoretical game than I do IRL!
              💀 PK x Ragnastock 💀


                Gentlemen, it's been a fantastic adventure. Good luck to each of you.


                  I guess after my trusted companion failed, I swing by and grab a 98 custom before entering to final melee.

                  Frankly amazed I've survived this far, may the odds be ever in your favor.


                    Aye lads, its been a great adventure! May the odds be ever in your favor!

                    Click image for larger version

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                      Is anyone else surprised that it only took 9 turns to get down to 4 players remaining?


                      • BrickHaus


                        Editing a comment
                        Not when everyone was attack attack attack.

                      Originally posted by martix_agent View Post
                      Is anyone else surprised that it only took 9 turns to get down to 4 players remaining?
                      Me. The test run I did with my brother, I didn't count but it had to be at least 20 turns

                      Sent from my motorola edge 2024 using Tapatalk

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                        I'm out of town this weekend, working on the story a bit but haven't done the rolls yet

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                          Ok. I'm basically going to need this weekend to write. Just today I worked a 12 hour shift and then have 2 little girls to take care of at home. As a shocker to nobody, that's not a lot of time or energy left to be creative. This whole week has been a mess so far

                          Go deliver cryogenic fluids in the freezing cold they said, it will be fun they said

                          Sent from my motorola edge 2024 using Tapatalk

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                            Take your time. This isn't fun for us f it's not fun for you as well.

