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A "woke" Easy Rider

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    A "woke" Easy Rider

    Cult Classic Easy Rider Is Being Reimagined For Modern Audiences, But No One Asked For This - YouTube

    Personally, I can't see anyone pulling it off. There's too large of a culture difference between biker life on the road in the 70's and blue haired kids with their noses stuck to ipads today.
    I'd start a whole rant calling it "blasphemy", but the edibles have kicked in.

    What do people think? Many have never seen the movie, some of us who did may not remember it (that's the edibles), some like myself who grew up with it.

    In general I hate the apparent "need" to do remakes in general. Rarely can a remake capture the magic of the original. To me remaking Easy Rider in a manner to make it culturally "appropriate" to today is about as useful as any attempt to remake Mel Brooke's "Blazing Saddles" it couldn't be done and have the same impact the original did.

    If the current culture wants an iconic movie then go make an iconic movie without stealing and ruining something from the past.

    "When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt

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    • Chuck E Ducky

      Chuck E Ducky

      Editing a comment
      Thatโ€™s funny Blazing Saddles is the first thing that came to mind for me thinking of top all time stupid ideas for todays Hollywood blowhards.

    I can only imagine how bad of a flop this will be.


      I don't get the rampant remaking these days with both gaming and film. It's a lazy method of storytelling and it capitalizes on an aging population that will shell out money for nostalgia. Be original goddamnit
      ๐Ÿ’€ PK x Ragnastock ๐Ÿ’€


        Originally posted by Jonnydread View Post
        Be original goddamnit
        -This. Oh, so much this.

        They "remade" Spider-Man what, three times? Four if you count the old 70s TV show? How many times have they remade Batman? Terminator? Superman?

        Star Wars, Star Trek, Highlander, the Mummy?

        Come up with something new!

        The issue here is corporate thought- a big movie these days costs millions- "Endgame" cost three hundred million to film, and almost that again in advertising. Even a "low budget" film costs $100 million before it's even shown for the first time.

        That is a big risk, and the studios are getting leery of funding something new. "Avatar" made a couple billion. Rather than make another all-new story, let's just make another one!

        As for the OP... A "woke" Easy Rider? That's like making a Saw movie without any blood, or Star Wars without either spaceships or lightsabers. Easy Rider was countercultural- I do my own thing, man, screw The Man's rules!" Making a "woke" version of that would be like doing a remake of Roots with an all-white cast.

        Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
        The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
        Paintball in the Movies!


          Originally posted by DocsMachine View Post
          Come up with something new!
          It's unfortunate that the screenwriters and producers are apparently illiterates. There are many, many stories and novels that I've read that would make great movies ~ I could start a list.
          Odd to mention "Avatar" since the story "Call me Joe" that was written in 1958 by Cordwainer Smith about a man in a wheelchair remotely controlling a living body on a planet humans could not survive and ultimately deciding to give up his humanity in favor of the new world. So it isn't a new concept.
          And "Solaris" written in 1953 by Stanislaw Lem about a living, thinking and self-aware planet was made into a movie that just confused everybody. (He also wrote a short story that could be the basis of "The Matrix".) That same confusion could be said about the film version of Madeline L'Engles "A wrinkle in time". Hollywood is known for it's use of artistic license that often loses the flavor of the original story.

          So, it's not so much coming up with something new as it is using available content to bring to the screen some little piece of a story that has already been written but remains unread by most.
          There is so much out there that could be used to great effect but is overlooked in favor of exploiting has already been done and proven to make money.
          Exploiting a classic movie like "Easy Rider" should be considered sacrilege at the very least.


            "We blew it man, we blew it"
            "I have enough trouble with the booze, I don't want to get hooked on this, it leads to harder stuff, doesn't it?"
            "You gotta hold it in your lungs a little longer George"
            Easy Rider carried a message. Could a new Easy Rider carry a different message?
            Perhaps Conservative Bikers vs. Liberal Leftist Whack-jobs this time?
            It's pretty much how the world has changed since the original was made.
            I know a lot of Bikers, 99% of them are hardcore pro-American Conservatives.
            Funny how the world has changed.

