The wife & I have been doing water bath canning off/on for the 10 years we’ve been married. Just applesauce, preserves, that sort of stuff. We picked up an older Presto pressure canner for a good price (10 bucks sounded pretty good to me, anyway
). So we are gonna ramp up the canning this year. I REALLY want to try canning meat, so I’m gonna try taking an extra deer this upcoming season. I think my wife would maybe try doing some pickled stuff. She really loves pickled beets.
Do you guys like canning? What are your experiences? Anything funny happen? Got a doomsday bunker full of canned goods? Discuss it all here.
Pic of said pressure canner:

Do you guys like canning? What are your experiences? Anything funny happen? Got a doomsday bunker full of canned goods? Discuss it all here.

Pic of said pressure canner: