Hi all, I am a coffee drinker (also corrupted my wife over the last few years). I have been drinking coffee for around 40 years and I have never followed the fads. I have no interest in Espresso, Cappuccino, Latte', Turkish,...etc (tried them all and just like a simple cup of black coffee). I like light - medium roast freshly ground with water filtered through it so I get a dark tinted drink that is still hot. I like the convenience of a drip coffee maker but have gotten tired of the drip coffee makers lasting only a few months before something goes haywire. Any of you coffee addicts have any advice on a simple drip coffee maker that will last through multiple pots a day, that I will not have to repurchase for quite a while?
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From what I've seen, the most reliable drip coffee makers for home use are usually the simplest and cheapest. The Mr. Coffee line is what I've seen the most. My granddad's has been going strong for most of my life. I've seen them in businesses where it looks like they've been in daily service for decades.Paintball Selection and Storage - How to make your niche paintball part idea.
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That was my experience in the past, cheap Mr. Coffee and use until the heating element dies. I am on my 3rd Mr. Coffee in less then a year where the plastic deforms to the point that the filter does not drain faster then the water added and the filter over flows and I get grounds in the coffee. Right now I have to put a heavy weight on to the top the housing so the valve stays open enough to mitigate the filter overflow.
I started out using a single serving pot Mr. Coffee maker that I got from my parents. They didn't drink coffee, and wheeled it out for my grandparents when they would visit. I usually use a french press these days, so I don't use it much. It's still going strong probably from the early 90's.
Wife & I bought this so we could have a coffee scented alarm clock, gets used at least once/day and works great. I think it was around $40.
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We have a Black and Decker very similar to yours that gets broken out when we have guests. Normally I use a smaller coffee maker because I'd rather make it fresh then have old coffee stay in the pot. Maybe I will just start using the Black and Decker and just make smaller batches.
Grendel We generally brew 6-8 "cups" at a time which equates to 3.5ish mugs of coffee. I've tried making 4 and less, but the grounds don't get full saturation with the smaller batches.
Sound like you might have hard water and you would benefit from having some descaling so once in a while.
If if you want the best coffee maker and can be repair a moccamaster would be a good investment. Take one without the heating pad underneath the carafe.Dealer for: Roasted coffee and TechT products.
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I was just looking at the Moccamaster on-line but had never heard of them before and obviously no experience with them and any moreI'm extremely skeptical of mfg. and review site claims. I'm willing to spend good money on something that will last (many years). We have hard water but have good quality whole house water softener [just checked] and filtration system so not too worried about water. In addition we have a Berkey system on the counter that I draw water for my coffee (wife is very picky about drinking water where I'll drink out of a garden hose off the well pump - ex-farm boy/ex-military). I am also fairly OCD about the kitchen and my coffee maker is cleaned with vinegar every week or so to help keep any mineral build up down. My biggest issue is drip coffee makers [Mr. Coffee] just seem to be crap quality even for their money.
Other choice would be a breville one control for fresh ground coffee on top or precision brewer for something similar to the technivorm mocca.
What claim you do not like from technivorm? Their Sca cert is real that’s for offering the perfect cup.
I've had a ten cup Moccamaster for about 15(? are they that old?) years now (on filtered water). Brews almost every day, and makes up those days for guests. With an adjustable grinder, you can hit the brew time pretty well. It's non-hot plate. The carafe cools pretty quick without the cap on it, but I prefer reheated coffee to over heated coffee whenever it comes to that. It took a long time, but I finally got the wife hooked on good, black coffee.
Wow, moccamaster is really old. I will also say that I got mine in a trade with my brother in law, as it was too large for his uses. It does best at 4 cups and larger.Last edited by Spider!; 09-20-2021, 01:07 PM.
Well a earlier paintball purchase that wasn’t as good as I hoped got a return and instead geeked a little in coffee again … Of course I’m trying to play with how it brew but apparently leaving thing as it do made the best cup.
>.>1 PhotoDealer for: Roasted coffee and TechT products.
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I'm running three French presses (we call them plungers), two moka pots (we call them stovetop espressos) (one is currently out of action), and a chemex.
I dunno if it's our group of friends or what, but we're the only people in our circle who don't have a proper espresso machine in the kitchen. Nobody would ever be seen dead with a pod coffee maker either, and I haven't seen a drip machine in about 20 years.
I suspect it has something to do with our strange NZ/Aus coffee culture. We're a bunch of insufferable snobs honestly.
If you go to a diner or even a gas station and ask for a coffee, they'll stand there waiting for you to specify, and when you inform them "just coffee" or "black" they'll politely inform you that those aren't options while gesturing vaguely towards their triple headed La Marzocco (whether or not they can use it properly is beside the point). I generally instruct tourists to order a "long black with milk and hot water on the side" if they're looking for something familiar. Not that we have tourists any more.
My Moccamaster was one of the best investments I've made in my life. Still going strong after 11 years. One I have is most similar to a KBT. They just heat up so damn fast, makes other brewers look like easy bake ovens. Full pots in 5 minutes. Dirt simple well executed design with high craftsmanship. It's also repairable even though I've never had to worry about that.
Clean water is key, RO water is ideal but conditioned/filtered works well too. We have well water that gets conditioned then filtered, crystal clear.
Something else I use everyday. They are hand wash, but the Bodum Bistro Coffee Double Wall Insulated glasses work very well. You can put them in the microwave, and even with boiling water you can pick them up easily (be careful with that). They also double as outstanding frozen margarita glasses, preventing condensation and melting.
The wife uses a set with handles, but I like the tumbler shape.
I like the style, now I just need to smash some coffee mugs so we have room
Jonnydread, I know the feeling. All of those prized souvenir mugs and you reach for something you bought for practicality.
My wife and I are both teachers, and you acquire coffee mugs pretty steadily. A few years ago, we purged down to two mugs. It has since grown to the point of mug on mug action in the cabinets. This cup looks fancy, though. Might have to add it to my christmas list.
Love some fresh ground coffee, have some Jamaican Blue Mountain around for the moment (personal favorite) Favorite K-cups are the Van Houte brand ones really liking the vanilla hazelnut and butterscotch ones.
I'm also a big fan of espresso and my preferred way is a Vietnamese coffee (espresso floated over condensed milk then stirred together)My feedback +38/-0 on old MCB
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Originally posted by Jonnydread View PostI am getting to the point in my life where as long as I have fresh beans I could give a shit about anything else. I think I got all the snob out of my system working in coffee for so long.
Started with drip, graduated to a cheap espresso machine, graduated to a really nice Breville espresso machine and was working with that for a while but now I'm back to drip coffee. Cheap drip too, I honestly just like Folgers because I have cheap tastes.
Just got gifted some Coffee Drup from my SS. Basicaly little mesh bags of coffee that you steep like tea. Steeped per directions and it is the best cup of coffee I've had that didn't come out of an espresso machine. It's expensive but I'm looking at ordering some more for having on weekends etc. My normal go to is some locally blended light roast with good quality cream and cane sugar. I also am a faithful drinker of Jamaican blue mountain coffee as my father's family is from there and I want to support the economy thereMy feedback +38/-0 on old MCB
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"Pump paintball is cheaper than any drug habit I've ever heard of" - ApoC_101 on the old MCB
I’d really like an AeroPress like device not made from plastic. I don’t give a shit what the FDA says about “BPA free” plastics. Boiling hot (or close to) water and plastic is a no brainer thing to avoid, just like you don’t (or shouldn’t) be microwaving plastic.
I found this copper AeroPress but apparently it’s “untreated” copper. Does anyone here have experience with copper poisoning?