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Back at it

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    Back at it

    Found myself back in the gym starting this past March. Was really headed in the wrong direction, almost 240lbs, terrible physique, started to easily have injuries. Had to make changes across the board.

    Got a calorie counter app and set an aggressive goal of 1900 calories. Cut out all processed foods as best I can. Gave myself a diet of chicken, broccoli, eggs, whole wheat bread, cheese, and limited chocolate and other foods. No soda, but coffee and a little cream is allowed, no sugar additions. I give myself a mocha cappuccino as a reward once a week.

    After 3 months I'm hitting 300+lbs on the leg press, 200lbs on chest press machine, 200lbs on rowing, and 45lb dumbbell chest press free weights. Started introducing deadlift and more squats, but starting low/medium weight and more reps 4 sets of 8, to work on form and building strength. Got my push-ups to 50, mixing in variations of wide and narrow, and walking down to position from standing on my hands, then back up. Added free motion machines to work abdomen and strengthen joints and shoulders. Up to 5 pull-ups from a straight hang (no momentum).

    Down to 220 lbs, and building muscle. Added protein to my diet, consistently being in a calorie deficit on my target of 1900 calories. Not really hungry, but feeling good and have energy. I must be doing it correctly.

    Seeing good definition coming through as I near the end of 3 months on my aggressive target. 220 was my first goal and I met that, with bumps to 223lbs, but I attribute that to muscle growth and water weight variation. My visceral fat levels are higher than what they should be so I'm focused on lowering those through diet and progressive weight lifting. Don't do too much running but I do an aerobics class once a week for an hour (fun class). Love to swim so will start adding swimming to my routine.

    Already fit way better in my clothes, might even need to drop a size. Feels great. 200lbs is my next weight goal with lowering my visceral fat levels. At 22% body fat so hoping to drop that to under 20% as I try and get closer to the 200lbs goal.

    Mostly do an all body workout except for deadlift and squat days, where I will add some upper body to round out the day.
    Pull-ups and Push-ups, mix in crunches, bicycles, and planks.
    165 bench-press 3 sets of 8. Progressing to 185lbs I can do 3 sets 3.
    Machines shoulders 3 sets of 10, 100lbs
    Machines chest 3 sets of 8, 160 lbs. Progressing to 200 lbs, 3 sets of 3.
    Free motion wire. 3 sets of 10 abdomen and joint motions. 50lbs, 15lbs.
    Leg press 3 sets of 8. 300lbs.
    Dumbbell chest press 4 sets of 8, 45lbs.
    Dumbbell shoulder press 4 sets of 8, 35lbs, dropping to 25lbs on occasion.
    Dumbbell shoulder raise 4 sets of 8, 20lbs.
    Wire pull-down 4 sets of 8, 50lbs.
    Row machine. 4 sets of 15, 100lbs. 3 sets of 6, 200lbs.
    Deadlift 4 sets of 8. 145lbs
    Squats 4 sets of 8. 135lbs.

    Way to go.

    Realizing you have a problem is a big step. You caught yourself way earlier than I did, I got up to 286 lbs. When I had to start buying xxxl shirts I said that was enough.

    I took a different approach than you. I cut out almost all carbs and no sugars. I ate meat and vegetables with a little bit of cheese. I would still have sweet potato occasionally and sauces so I didn’t completely cut out carbs but that was the extent of carbs for me. I never counted calories however I did watch my portions and stopped snacking entirely and would only eat 2 meals a day, lunch and dinner. I haven’t drank soda, regular or diet, in probably 10 years so that wasn’t an issue but I did cut out alcohol. I drink a lot of water, close to a gallon a day, and will have seltzer and black coffee.

    It wasn’t easy and I did get hypnotized to help with all of that. The big thing with the hypnosis was portions and not eating carbs/sugars.

    I started walking during my break at work and started riding my bike 3-4 days a week.

    I kept setting goals for myself. First it was to fit into an xl shirt, then 220, 210, finally under 200. I’m also setting fitness goals for myself.

    At some point I do need to join the gym and start doing some weight training.

    As of today I’m down 88 lbs in total which puts me at my current goal of under 200 lbs. I’m happy where I am but did set another goal of 186 lbs which would be 100 lbs lost.


    • Chuck E Ducky

      Chuck E Ducky

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      Didn’t even recognize you you lost so much. I know im not the only one. You actually inspired me as well. I been running and eating better myself. Actually feeling better mentally less stressed, I have much more energy, even sleeping better.

    Nice progress man!

    One thing that I started doing over the past couple months is using the Caliber app for tracking lifts. I rarely recommend anything like this, so I actually really like it. It’s basically a log book on your phone, so you can easily remember the weight and reps for the last time you did a lift. I like it because I was pretty much artificially plateauing myself by putting the same starting weight for each lift each time, and never really pushing as hard as I could. Now I fail all the time and it’s for the best.


      Originally posted by BLachance75 View Post
      Way to go.

      As of today I’m down 88 lbs in total which puts me at my current goal of under 200 lbs. I’m happy where I am but did set another goal of 186 lbs which would be 100 lbs lost.
      Wow! That's a journey, nicely done!
      I'm still working on my meals. I eat a lot of eggs currently, I find the hardboiled eggs and some coffee kill my hunger pretty easily. I also like eggs, so that helps.
      My protein is higher, but my carbs and fat are still relatively balanced. I'm eating fairly clean though, very little processed foods, so I'm hopeful to see good progress by my next checkup, which is in a few weeks.

      The gym is working for me, get a little bit of social engagement, and access to a lot of equipment is helpful. If you do definitely find a drop-in class or a full on class to participate in. Motivating and just fun. Most gyms have a free day or trial. Definitely find a gym you like. I've always been a physical person so getting back into a work-out felt good to me.


      Thanks! I'll look into the app. I've been slowly pushing more weight every week or so, but actually tracking progress would be super helpful. I've learned quite a bit recently about progression and about hypertrophy.


        Good for you and this is exactly the change I need to bring on. Very similar situation at around 250 and need to lose 50 of that. Already have 2 injuries attributed to the weight gain.
        WTB Acid Wash Phantom Parts


          Good for you man! I think posting about it helps keep us more honest.

          I lost around 80lbs (265 - 180) during lockdown and have put back around 40 of that over the past couple years. I'm diving back into keto/IF for the summer to act as a sort of reset, wife is gonna do it with me so hopefully it will be an easy-ish transition.

          Fortunately, I have kept up a rigorous exercise routine. So while I'm heavier than I'd like to be, my cardiovascular health is solid and my body feels relatively strong. I can still run 10 miles, it just exhausts me way more at 220lbs than it did at 180lbs.

          For diet stuff, I can't recommend bulletproof coffee enough. I have a cup in the morning and it keeps me feeling relatively full until dinner time. It also makes the caffeine work better so a single cup of coffee goes farther.

          Good luck bro!

          💀 PK x Ragnastock 💀


          • Jonnydread


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            Chuck E Ducky Yeah it's a fair bit, probably not recommended for people who struggle with cholesterol levels. I don't eat a ton of cholesterol-heavy foods outside of it so it's been fine for me, but it's important to make sure you eat a lot of leafy/cruciferous greens to balance it out. There's a misconception that keto is all about bacon and butter, it's more about the right levels of protein/fiber and not TOO much carbs. You basically just eat fat to curb hunger or make up a calorie deficit.

          • Chuck E Ducky

            Chuck E Ducky

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            Yeah a guy I know did keto for years but he ate nothing but Bacon and pork rinds. Lost a ton of weight but I was like “Meh I don’t think that’s how it works”

            Yeah so he retired and had a triple bypass almost died. But I have heard so many great health benefits from a low carb diet. Both mental and physical for especially People like myself who struggle with ADHD and work in Stressful environments. I’m Trying to enjoy that retirement pension know what I’m saying?! Keytone energy is 2nd to none. I’m not going super strict just making myself aware of my sugar and processed food intake. Skip the breads and pasta and have my fill of the salad with a good protein. To strict and I know I won’t keep the lifestyle. It’s got to be something I can maintain long term. Haven’t even weighed myself. But I drops a few pants sizes and I feel much better and more clear.

          • Jonnydread


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            Chuck E Ducky that is 100% the wrong way to do keto! Unfortunately that's the public perception makes people think that. My typical day would consist of far more greens and berries than fats and oils. Low carb is great, keto is great if done correctly, but balance is necessary in any diet.

          New week and progress. My weight has marginally changed ~223 to ~221. I think the point I hit 220 was a low point (or my scales are slightly off). Not worried about this yet since I am feeling stronger and my waist fit is pretty loose with my clothes. Hopefully how I'm feeling and seeing = muscle. I was told about 1 lb a week is doable? Not sure I'm doing that yet.

          My goal of 200lbs is still tracking, but I think I need to work on my diet a little more. Still fairly balanced carb and fat wise, which isn't a bad thing but I'd like to see more decrease with overall body fat. I'm still above %20, so there is excess to burn. I'd like to get to that %15-%18 point by July. This is a pretty aggressive goal, while also trying to build muscle. Apparently it's somewhat hard to burn fat and build muscle at the same time.

          I am ending my workouts with push-ups, felt energized to try a one handed push-up. Bam, busted out 5 on each arm. Hit those small goals!


            I've really gotten into the groove of tracking what I'm eating. Using the loseit app with success. I like that you can set a goal and track how foods stack up against that goal. Makes it pretty easy as you can see it visually. I'm pretty balanced between fats, carbs, and protein. Translates to I'm eating normal food, no processed food, and greatly limiting sugar food.

            As of today I'm down to 215 lbs. Crazy. I must of hit a shift since I've been consistent with my weight lifting and eating habits. My expectation is that I've put on more muscle and so I'm in a higher calorie deficit. I'll need to check on this, I might need to eat more

            I've also put on an additional 10-20lbs on weights across all my exercises, so that's a great sign I'm getting stronger too.
            Rowing 200lbs is kinda fun! I can consistently do 3 reps of 6 now, and it feels good.


              I'm seeing a trainer only once a month for 3 months, to learn and get some feedback. I just had my 2nd session and we looked at squats, pistol squats, bulgarian lunge, and some other forms.
              I'm so weak in my legs. It was very funny to me completely failing at some of the exercises. Really amazing to "activate" muscle groups that you never think about, it really makes you feel alive.

              Pistol squats and bulgarian lunges are HARD. If you are working on body weight exercises I highly suggest you start trying these exercises, because they will kick your ass . They can be done almost anywhere and doing a couple each day will increase stability, balance, and strength. I did the pistol squats from a sitting position from a stack of blocks. I could barely do 3 on my left leg.

              There is a theme to fitness, and that is all your muscles work together. Seeing how weak I am in my legs and learning how strengthening them will make a lot of other body movements easier was exciting. I've made my fitness a inner well-being goal of mine, and each new challenge is great to tackle.


                I'm now comfortably fitting into a size lower clothing, which is amazing. Also, sad, now half my clothes don't fit correctly. Lol.
                I think I'm being too conservative on my training now. I got a chance to have a spotter today and after already completing my reps for the benchpress I was given some confidence and stacked up 225 on the bar, which I was able to do a full 4 reps. This is awesome, because that is now more than my current body weight!

                I've also started doing a lot more RDL's and trap bar lifts. RDL's I'm using 60lb dumbells and the trap lifts I'm up to 265lbs.
                I really felt this last set, very sore but all muscle sore, which is a great indication I'm using more muscle groups. I think I need to work more on core though to better support these heavier lifts.

                Had a little slip with diet these past couple weeks. Roughly staying in my target zone for caloric intake but had a few holidays and birthdays so I ate more ice cream and cake I probably should have. I am finding I'm not eating enough protein though, so I need to re-evaluate my meals.
                I'm still in that +%20 body fat area, but I've lost weight, and put on noticeable muscle mass so with a little diet modification and try to eat more protein and less fat I should start to see that continue to decline in the next couple of months.

                Made it out to a paintball field as well for a birthday party. We had a mix of parents and 10-12 year old kids playing low-impact paintball. We all used rental gear but it turned out to be an absolute blast. Most of the kids never played before, so this experience was amazing for them. I tried not to be super competitive but that didn't last, was running around the field making the other team work for it, which turned out great as these kids played hard. Just a great day and everyone was super happy.


                  Keep up the great work. Once you get down there gains get harder as do losses when you're working on specifics. Keep motivated and awesome work. As always when you get off the wagon eating wise just right your course and don't let that be a roadblock.


                    This is all great to read! It keeps me motivated with my own training. Given the heat I've been getting into indoor bouldering and I've noticed a lot of positive changes. If only I could buckle down on my food intake... =P

                    Keep going dude! It's a marathon, not a sprint.


                      Thanks! Had my final session with my trainer this week. We did one of those inBody evaluation machines. I did one at the very beginning, and then now 3 months later. Aside from the weight loss I had gains in muscle and a lower visceral fat rating, which is amazing. There is a lot it doesn't tell you but the trend was positive and can help show you where to focus on.
                      Hilariously my right arm continues to be slightly stronger then my left, despite equal weight training for individual arms.

                      Still need a spotter to bench 225lbs. I'm not quite there yet without a spotter, but am now pretty comfortable at 205lb - 215lb. Building up to it!
                      Going to set a new goal of 250lbs bench before the end of the year. We'll see how close I can get.

                      Not much of a change to anything else, although working on upping the intensity for each set. Feels good.
                      More focus on core this month, really important and helps a lot with every kind of lift.


                        Been a bit, been busy, but still on it.

                        I think I've hit the first real wall. I put on about 5lbs with having a bunch of social activities and being generally busy. Sticking to a meal schedule has been my biggest challenge right now. I probably need to get a bunch of tubs and really do meal planning to stay consistent. I'm back up to 220lbs from a pretty consistent 215lbs. I can feel my pants fitting a little tighter.

                        Gym schedule has been a little inconsistent due to general life business but overall I'm still doing 3 to 4 days for 90 minutes.
                        Not hit that 225lb bench yet, but I've maxed out the row machine at 260 lbs. Feels really good too, as this is quite a bit of weight to pull correctly. Doing 4 sets of 6 reps, with a 15 rep set at 50lbs at the end.
                        Lat pull-downs I've dabbled at 200lbs, but pretty comfortable at 180lbs. This is keeping good form in mind, and not trying to add leverage by leaning back into it. Added reverse grip bicep curls into the mix. I like these a lot, in combination with dumbbell curls, really works the whole muscle group.

                        I'd say the biggest indicator that I've got a good plan going is I'm getting quite a bit of positive feedback from people. It's nice to get complimented, and share that positivity with others.


                          I started north of 215 around around Jan 2023. Brian set the bar for me with weight loss. So I cut down on bad carbs and fat an started walking and swimming and working out at the gym. I feel great and my metabolism has increased. Diabetes in remission. At 67 I need to stay in shape. I have dropped 35 pounds with 10 to go. Click image for larger version

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                          • Pyrate Jim
                            Pyrate Jim commented
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                            Return of the MoonGod!

                          • NONOBLITUS


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                            Nice job comrade

                          • Seajay


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                            That's AWESOME!!! You must feel great! That's inspiration for me!