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    Did something new the other day. Went to a trampoline park. Quite fun but also one of the most exhausting days I've had.
    It was great NOT being one of the parents just sitting on the bench for the full 90 minutes I was there. I needed a couple of breaks but otherwise was jumping with everyone the whole time.
    Almost blew my knee out trying to launch into a side wall, just to show how much fun I was having.

    Knees felt a little beat the next day, probably from my wall spring attempt, but otherwise recovered just fine.

    Coming into the new year still positive and progressing. Goals are still to get to 225 bench press. I don't have a spotter so I'm still working slowly up to it. Pretty comfortable doing 205lb without a spotter.
    I'm currently still stuck at about 218lbs weight, and I start the day with 10 pull-ups so I know I can do it. I enjoyed the holidays, and didn't really track what I was eating so I definitely feel the few lbs I put on from all the delicious deserts lol.
    Time to get back to eating better again.


      Check-in (helps keep the motivation going).

      Nothing too exciting. Almost maxed the cable press down (96lbs).
      Added a mix-up to my push-ups. which I do after the weights. Started doing holds at the top, middle, and bottom of the push-up and walking to position with my hands from a standing position. No rests, just right into a plank hold as a rest then finish the push-up if I can. This feels good to me particularly for stability.

      Still getting 3 or 4 days in, but slowed down on the at home work-outs when I can't get to the gym. I usually try to do body weight exercises, mostly because it feels good to get the activity in before sitting at my desk for too long hours.

      The warm-ish weather recently is motivating me to work a little harder.


        Keep at it! Great job keeping it up over a year. Isn't it amazing how much better you feel year over year with exercise and a little strength training. I sit a desk as well and have to get out otherwise I go nuts.


          Anyone of any tips on doing a cut? I've been trying to keep to a specific meal schedule but I feel like I'm struggling with it. I've put on some more weight and more specifically my clothes are fitting more tighter.
          I may just need to start doing a lot more cardio, but comparing meal plans might be helpful to see if I'm too low or something.
          I've been aiming for about 1700/1800 calories with jumps up to 2200 in a day once a week.


            Originally posted by Seajay View Post
            Anyone of any tips on doing a cut? I've been trying to keep to a specific meal schedule but I feel like I'm struggling with it. I've put on some more weight and more specifically my clothes are fitting more tighter.
            I may just need to start doing a lot more cardio, but comparing meal plans might be helpful to see if I'm too low or something.
            I've been aiming for about 1700/1800 calories with jumps up to 2200 in a day once a week.
            I've always found going slow on a cut is the only way it works for me. 1lb a week, simply replace a few foods with lower calorie options or remove rice/bread/pasta and walk a bit more everyday to reach a 500 calories deficit. I am able to eat a good volume of food this way and never feel like im starving.


              Originally posted by thirp View Post

              I've always found going slow on a cut is the only way it works for me. 1lb a week, simply replace a few foods with lower calorie options or remove rice/bread/pasta and walk a bit more everyday to reach a 500 calories deficit. I am able to eat a good volume of food this way and never feel like im starving.
              I think I did just that in the last few weeks. Only 1 slice of bread with my breakfast, and started to really dive deep into my meal options. I also upped the work-outs which I'm feeling really motivated with again. I think I was just over stressed honestly, did some personal maintenance and just feeling better in general.

              Got a bunch of compliments lately so progress is being made I'm meeting with a trainer next week and will go from there. My goal right now is just getting under 20-22% body fat.

              Found a new exercise I really like. Lying dumbbell curls, laying flat on a bench and stretching all the way to the floor.



                Great progress Seajay,

                I got back to prioritizing my fitness in 2021. I turned 50, and started coaching high school wrestling. Old + fat = injury prone in that situation. I was a sloppy 214. My typical morning weight these days is @178. I stretch and do mobility work daily. I ruck 5 times a week. I lift heavy 3-4 days a week.

                The older you get, the more important diet is for your weight. I prioritize protein. My minimum is 180 grams a day. 220 isn't uncommon. No snacks, only meals (4 of them). Every meal has a protein component. I prep my breakfast and lunch daily so I absolutely know what the calories and macros look like.

                I coach a sport where competitors weigh in. During the season most of our athletes are under 10 percent body fat. I maintain a physique where I am @ 12 percent in the off season and less than 10 in season. I do this to support my athletes. I can't preach scale discipline if I can't live it.

                I'm comfortable all the time at about 12 percent body fat. Under 10 takes a lot of discipline and I'm hungry frequently. I also perform better lifting wise at 12 percent, as there is more gas in the tank. I'm a little stronger and I can go a little longer.

                Carbs are my biggest issue when trying to "cut weight" . Your body stores carbs as glycogen for energy. For every gram of glycogen it also stores 2 grams of water. Water is heavy. You bloat from and abundance of carbs. Try a 3 day cycle of 40 carbs or less. That's generally long enough to achieve ketosis. You will piss a lot more than normal as your body gets rid of that excess water. Some dudes eat this way as a lifestyle.

                Another consideration. As you lose weight, you carry less mass. Moving yourself around burns calories. When a 205 lb guy loses 5 lbs those are 5 lbs he doesn't carry around any more. Less load translates to fewer calories burned. I walk my dog with a 20 lb weighted vest to burn more calories with the same work. That was key for getting under 10 percent body fat.

                This is the approach I followed. I don't claim that it is rooted in brilliance. It got me where I wanted to go.


                  Met with a coach and we talked about nutrition. Took another body test, I've done a few now so I've got a record to compare.
                  Good news is I've put on muscle, bad news is I've only been maintaining that muscle.

                  Take away is I need more protein, water, and about 600 more calories. I was aiming for 1700ish for weight loss, but I really need to eat closer to 2300 with a cleaner meal structure.
                  My engine is starving is how my coach put it.

                  Been working on that this past week and it's a little challenging to eat that much without touching high fatty calorie foods.
                  Drink more water

