Crikey. It's like a miniature version of the air force over again. Soon there'll be drones to take out the other drones, and the escalation goes from there. It looks like the Turkish have already used completely autonomous drones to make kills in Libya, with the drone making the kill decision itself:
When you think of how "boots on the ground" generally works these days, ie. the boots are mostly eyes and ears to direct the fire support and draw people out, warfare has already changed considerably. Add drones to the mix and lots of them (because they're cheap and effective) and the balance moves even further away from the actual soldiers, who may become little more than drone deployment. Even then, most of the time why not swarm drones from an aircraft and operate remotely or using AI face recognition? Which begs the question about soldier utility. Once you've cleared out the bad guys, then the humans move in to do the propaganda thing, but the actual combat function will be mostly automated.
Eventually anyway, but it's happening faster than I'd thought. Milsim paintball will soon be mostly historical reenactment.
Crikey. It's like a miniature version of the air force over again. Soon there'll be drones to take out the other drones, and the escalation goes from there. It looks like the Turkish have already used completely autonomous drones to make kills in Libya, with the drone making the kill decision itself:
When you think of how "boots on the ground" generally works these days, ie. the boots are mostly eyes and ears to direct the fire support and draw people out, warfare has already changed considerably. Add drones to the mix and lots of them (because they're cheap and effective) and the balance moves even further away from the actual soldiers, who may become little more than drone deployment. Even then, most of the time why not swarm drones from an aircraft and operate remotely or using AI face recognition? Which begs the question about soldier utility. Once you've cleared out the bad guys, then the humans move in to do the propaganda thing, but the actual combat function will be mostly automated.
Eventually anyway, but it's happening faster than I'd thought. Milsim paintball will soon be mostly historical reenactment.