Alright I am bored and poor. I want to gamble! But the truth is, I know whatever I throw at the market now will be a total loss - as I have gained perspective. I wait, and I confirm, and then I strike with my plays... where as prior - I'd just fucking go in RAMBO guns blazing.
That being said RECON is on gambling leave for the next few quarters and only seeking entrepreneurial ventures. Paintball is a total loss - I love the sport and its a passion - but my biggest product was the original trracer slides and even that didn't hold a candle to prior business models of selling printer mods which was just free money.
Now Recon has no money but still has big ambitions! But no market
Recon seeks investors in indie video game development to develop a flagship product for a studio. It's NOT a paintball game - it's design for maximum effect - to generate maximum appeal and revenue with minimal effort and input on my part. Lazy? Efficient.
Seeking to raise about 8k, estimating returns of 120k, will dump a lot back into MCB if am successful. (foreward looking statements aside).
Only serious business partners reply. The way revenue sharing works is you simply register for a STEAM account, and when I publish to STEAM, you will be assigned a royalty and automagically make money from the game release. Estimating 3mo development timeframe - and failure condition to return all funds to any contributors. Legally - you just deal with STEAM and not me. so you're clear no double tax as I'm not returning funds to you via pp, you collect royalty like a fuckin royal.
I provide 4,000 man hours towards this project for free - I am actually a fully skilled game developer I'm just a fucking dead-beat lmao. I do LOVE modding paintball - but it's honestly boring as fuck cause there ain't no money in it.
Let's make some money boys. Then - when we do - Recon'll go back to fuckin yolo'ing.
Hardcore entrepreneurs only. No pussies.
That being said RECON is on gambling leave for the next few quarters and only seeking entrepreneurial ventures. Paintball is a total loss - I love the sport and its a passion - but my biggest product was the original trracer slides and even that didn't hold a candle to prior business models of selling printer mods which was just free money.
Now Recon has no money but still has big ambitions! But no market

Recon seeks investors in indie video game development to develop a flagship product for a studio. It's NOT a paintball game - it's design for maximum effect - to generate maximum appeal and revenue with minimal effort and input on my part. Lazy? Efficient.
Seeking to raise about 8k, estimating returns of 120k, will dump a lot back into MCB if am successful. (foreward looking statements aside).
Only serious business partners reply. The way revenue sharing works is you simply register for a STEAM account, and when I publish to STEAM, you will be assigned a royalty and automagically make money from the game release. Estimating 3mo development timeframe - and failure condition to return all funds to any contributors. Legally - you just deal with STEAM and not me. so you're clear no double tax as I'm not returning funds to you via pp, you collect royalty like a fuckin royal.
I provide 4,000 man hours towards this project for free - I am actually a fully skilled game developer I'm just a fucking dead-beat lmao. I do LOVE modding paintball - but it's honestly boring as fuck cause there ain't no money in it.
Let's make some money boys. Then - when we do - Recon'll go back to fuckin yolo'ing.
Hardcore entrepreneurs only. No pussies.