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Stock Trading -or- ReconSWS's Bane

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    gabe Thank you.

    Intel is losing market share on both the enterprise and consumer side. But this was already known. And it continues as per their Q3 ER. I also think that they gave ambivalent answers regarding their 7nm node progress which fueled the uncertainty and subsequent sell off. If you’re averaging down, then, I’d wait. Especially since AMD’s Q3 ER is coming up now, and it will have a detrimental effect on INTC share prices, IMO. Also, consider hedging your long cash position with puts. Or at least keep an eye on option volume. It can be a fairly accurate indicator of the trend. My puts were up big time.


      That's not a bad idea. I might also look at selling a cash secured put on INTC for somewhere around the $38 or $39 strike point. I certainly wouldn't mind owning more there and worst case I could wheel strategy it and sell a covered call if it gets assigned.


        I gotta do more research of course, but i'm thinking of picking up some intel shares soon. Especially if it dips below $40.


          Yeah, that might be a buy. I'm not super bullish on INTC for probably another year or two but their 3% dividend yield with good long term growth potential is definitely alluring. I don't think it's going to drop much lower than maybe $42-43 though unless we have a massive selloff because of new CV cases and/or a shutdown. With a P/E in the single digits it's definitely FAR undervalued right now and is looking like a fantastic buy. With their earnings power they could easily double or triple in the next 5 years if they make a breakthrough like Matrix_agent indicated.

          Right now I'm leaving my main portfolio alone as it's pretty well positioned and is performing along with the S&P500 but with a 3.5% dividend yield on cost. Unfortunately I'm in the negative growth but once dividend payouts trickle in through the rest of the year I'll still show a handsome profit this year.

          On the other hand I'm isolating my OCD trading tendencies to my much smaller Webull account which I started with $300 and am slowly working my way towards $1k on swing trades. SPCE is easy money between $16 and a little over $20 in about 30-60 day swings. I've also bought into DFEN around $9 which is one of SWS Recon's favorites to swing trade as well as picked up 100 shares of EMAN around the $1.30 price point. Initially bought way too high at 1.50 and have been dropping my average now that it's around 1.20 as of today. DFEN looks like a good play right now as both presidential candidates are in favor of defense spending on different levels and if Biden gets elected the bailout for the aerospace industry will likely be a bit larger than what the republicans would pass.


            The NOV calls I sold several weeks ago are in the home stretch. I’m still safe, but they will start to decay a lot faster now.


              I am really happy with bdx. keeps creeping up. I like slow growth stocks. also Apple below 120 a share is a no brainer. it has a history of growth and regular splits. although I did dump my smith and wesson into astra zeneca.
              interesting to me


                ABR popped, so the calls I sold will likely get exercised. Not too worried. I’ll have made money and will move that cash into another stock with a better yield that hasn’t recovered as much yet.


                  Palantir has been making it rain the past week. Here's hoping earnings live up to expectations tomorrow.
                  Dulce et decorum est pro comoedia mori


                  • the_matrix_guy


                    Editing a comment
                    Hmm will look into this one, thanks

                  EMAN's Q3 ER is also tomorrow at 9 AM ET. Keep eyes on it.The outlook is highly bullish. I posted some DD a few posts back in case you're interested in a quick summary, I don't usually play ER's but I'm glad I played EMAN during the Q2 ER, it went from 1.30 to 2.00 that day ( 1.90 intraday, 2 after hours) This is the only small-cap I'm playing with cash. We look poised for tomorrow. Accumulation has been bullish for months. Our Stochastics which has been our most accurate and telling momo indicator is coiled with a bullish %k crossover and ready to uptrend. We are at a “breakout with volume” phase which bodes real well. And its trading above the 50 DMa alongside the macros / markets. Has been following the macros to a large extent which is bullish for a small cap. Most small caps have broken & shot to hell and back pump and dump charts.


                    This has been a nice couple of weeks to own shares in Palantir
                    Dulce et decorum est pro comoedia mori


                      Fuck yeah it has been. Made insane money on TSLA, SPCE, DFEN, and JPM.

                      EMAN has been absolutely gouging my eyes out. Bought way to high at $1.50 and have been averaging down. That earnings miss hurt bad. Matrixguy, not blaming you at all, your analysis is accurate and complete, I just bought at a high instead of waiting for them to come into the $1.10-1.20 price range.


                        Got kind of stale in here so here's my most recent moves:

                        Sold covered calls on XOM and T with 1/08 exp at $42 and $30 respectively. Both went way ITM and I got scared so I bought back the XOM call for like 3x what I got in premium at the very top (dumb). Let the T call ride and now it's back OTM but close. Let the T call come back in and just bought it back for less than I sold it for so a little credit there.

                        Got smart and sold some calls on MO, PFE, O, SPCE, GPS, and EPD further out of the money for a safety margin. Aiming at 30-45 day expirations and 10-20% OTM. For income generation I'm wanting these to stay out of the money at expiration and if they do shoot up that much I'm happy to take money off the table and have them called away. SPCE and GPS are the main two I'm going to focus on for rolling income as they are not dividend stocks and have very high Implied Volatility meaning high premiums per contract. Will see how this round of calls goes.


                          🎶'Tis the season for quarterly dividends
                          Fa-la-la-la-la la-la la la🎶
                          Dulce et decorum est pro comoedia mori


                            Those sweet sweet dividends!!!!

                            It do feel good my man. Like JayZ said "I got my money on autopilot"


                              Monday Green

