OK, yeah, Dark Souls is an old game now. But to me it's one of those timeless classics. It's on my top 5 games list. I still play it with some regularity. Once every month or two I'll binge it for a week or so, or longer if I have someone to play with. I LOVE co-op. Who else still plays? What do you play on? What are your favorite builds? Have you yet to try Dark Souls or are you an iron-willed veteran? Any questions about builds or gameplay? Feel free to post! 
I usually play Remastered on the Switch, but I started on the 360 version maybe 2 or 3 years ago (got to the party pretty late, lol). Took me about 4 tries to REALLY get into it, but it was an incredible feeling when all my thoughts & things I learned coalesced in my mind & the light bulb came on. I hadn't felt a rush of excitement like that since I first set foot onto Route 1 in Pokemon Red/Blue over 20 years ago.
I do also play Dark Souls 3 on XB1, though I'm not very good. Everything is faster & my reflexes aren't what they used to be. I usually play some sort of bulky offensive role, & DkS3 gameplay doesn't lend itself well to that. I like playing it co-op though & I tend to learn something new almost every time I do. I do have DkS2 but I've only played that one for a few hours. I should pick that one up again.

I usually play Remastered on the Switch, but I started on the 360 version maybe 2 or 3 years ago (got to the party pretty late, lol). Took me about 4 tries to REALLY get into it, but it was an incredible feeling when all my thoughts & things I learned coalesced in my mind & the light bulb came on. I hadn't felt a rush of excitement like that since I first set foot onto Route 1 in Pokemon Red/Blue over 20 years ago.
I do also play Dark Souls 3 on XB1, though I'm not very good. Everything is faster & my reflexes aren't what they used to be. I usually play some sort of bulky offensive role, & DkS3 gameplay doesn't lend itself well to that. I like playing it co-op though & I tend to learn something new almost every time I do. I do have DkS2 but I've only played that one for a few hours. I should pick that one up again.