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Pokemon Scarlett & Violet
Gotta be honest here- there's a strong possibility I'm going to skip this one.
I'm a "gen wunner" & very much prefer the older games with the sprite art, raw dialogue & simpler mechanics. I never finished gens 4 and 5. Despite how hard gen 6 hooked me, I haven't been impressed with the mainline games since then. To me, they've had the same watered-down dialogue with only minor tweaks to the mechanics and a new gimmick. Nothing really refreshing. Gen 6 really set a gold standard for the battle system & breeding mechanics, but anything since then has just been filler IMO. Honestly, I'm even disappointed with Sword/Shield. I haven't picked it up in over a year due to the things I mentioned earlier. There were some good ideas, but nothing was fleshed out as well as it could have been & Dynamaxing (and Z-Moves from gen 7, for that matter) never came close to the next-level strategizing that Mega Evolutions provided.
Of course, Legends Arceus changed all that. It's the most refreshing Pokemon game I've played since X/Y. Despite the technical issues with it, it's a fantastic game.
Whether I get Scarlett/Violet will greatly depend upon what features carry over from Legends Arceus. And the story needs to actually be intriguing (maybe a lost cause for the mainline games at this point). And the difficulty of the mainline games has been catering to the lowest common denominator since gen 6. I feel kinda burned by gens 7 & 8, so I'm going to take a very long, hard look at these before I buy.
I realize that I'm not necessarily the target audience here, but even my kids have been playing gens 1-3 more than Sword/Shield. That says something to me.
On a lighter note, it's also a bummer for me because I'm a sucker for grass types. This new grass starter looks dope. Best grass starter design since gen 3. (OK, maybe Rowlet was decent, lol)
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I get the sentiment from the game being repetitive, I played xy and bought moon, but lost interest in it and didn't pick up ultra moon/sun, I never got to sword/shield cause I didn't own a switch until last November and got Brilliant Diamond, I had never played DPPt originally, but from what I seen in the remake it got me super excited for Legends Arceus, mega evolutions were cool in xy, the only issue I had with it was I wish they wouldn't of needed the mega stones to be held and were permanently evolved, I really didn't care from what I seen about dynamax, and don't get me started on regional forms, like yeah some are cool and I get it but to me it feels like a cop out for new designs, like who needs a grass Voltorb, or an ice Vulpix, or a ghost Corsola, why not a third evolution for those pokemon with only 2 forms, hell a second for those single mons, they been doing my boys Kangaskahn, Lapras, Heracross, Shuckle, Tarus, Tropius, and Absol dirty for the past 10 years
I hear ya.
Though I will say Alolan Ninetales is kinda fun to use. Not as OP as Drought Ninetales in doubles (my favored format), but still fun.
For funsies, here's my competitive Absol:
Nature: Naive
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 Speed, rest Sp. Attack
Item: Mega Stone or Focus Sash
Moves: Night Slash, Play Rough, Protect, Fire Blast
Protect gets you the Mega (no speed increase 'til the turn after). Strong attacks in Play Rough & STAB Night Slash. Fire Blast uses Absol's naturally high Sp. Attack against those not suspecting FB or for countering bug & grass types. I usually used it as a simple boost & sweep or revenge killer if already a Mega. Or I'd run a Focus Sash if I used a different Mega.