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LMoP, PbP game, lobby thread...
There always is room, the trick is working them in but we are at a point is should be super easy to work in some more players.
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I will put something together by end of day Monday.
Good news is nothing wrong with my daughters heart. We are still trying to get them to stop. Bad news is the surgeon said because of my dad's other laundry list of issues the surgery the needs is to dangerous.
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I wonder what kind of character does a GM play?
Hmm, probably a Wizard, since the GM is used to being God? Lol.
Seriously, we would love to have you as a character if you can manage.
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Neither is Pique, I'll work on that I've never used DnD Beyond my days of DnD are way back in from the beginning with Chainmail -> D&D -> AD&D 2nd Ed. This is all done in person with paper. I'll work on getting Pique in DnD Beyond tonight.
Nish if you can swing being a player I would be more then happy to have you along. It might serve for a few minutes of disconnect for your day to day stresses. We've already been pretty slow on responses and no one seemed to mind on the old forum so we can do this without a lot of pressure.
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I'd be ok with you taking over. I could leave you guys to it or try running a character instead, a single personality is easier to keep up with than... everyone but the PC's. A few people said they wanted to play and never participated. I believe the Cleric is one of those but don't remember.
I don't see Maxi in the DnD Beyond link.
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I see a cleric in the dnd beyond campaign that I don’t know, that could be our extra player. Michaelbuetow sound familiar?
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I would love to keep the campaign alive.
Didn't we have a fully rolled up Barbarian waiting to join the group?
I am not in a position where I can GM another game. I am already GM for a Pathfinder Kingmaker campaign, and I am assembling materials for a gestalt Skulls and Shackles mega-campaign... needless to say, my free time is spent.
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Thanks for the honesty.
I’ll take over GMing if people are interested in that, we can pick up where we left off and have a body swap between Egold and someone who wants to join in. My group has kinda fallen apart since we all lost our jobs and moved, so I have a dm shaped gap in my life.
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No issue Nish family always comes first. We wish you and your family only the best.
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I hate to be a downer but, I owe it to you guys to be honest and all I have is going to what I am currently maintaining.
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