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Catch of the day

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    Fat bass and a crappie, nice......


    • JonM


      Editing a comment
      Thanks! I think last night had to be one of the most productive days I've had at that lake all year so far. I would've added another nice bass to the list too if I didn't forget to set the drag on my reel. I ended up failing the hookset on that one and he spit the hook as I pulled him in.

    Just pulled this beauty from the river.


    • autococker04


      Editing a comment
      Which river? That things a monster

    • BrickHaus


      Editing a comment
      The MN river.

    • BrickHaus


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      We were on the MN by Shakopee. Lot of activity its funny. We hit the holes hard and caught a few. We got tired and decided to bank fish at camp, and grill dinner. Then we caught a couple channels, carp, and this flat.

    Here is the hook as it was when we netted the hog. I was close to losing her.


      Went out and beat the bank at the creek near my home this past Sunday. The wind and trees were not in my favor, so the fly rod was put away. I decided to go old-school and pulled out my Zebco 33 and a random casting rod. A bunch of the kids and parents around me have been following folks that are pushing product, so they have this silly notion that if you do not use high-end branded, products (rod/reel/line/hook/smell/clothes, etc) then you cannot catch fish. Well I caught this PB, on a dead simple Zebco 33 with cheap Zebco, Walmart special 8lb mono on some cheap left over 3+ years old Roboworm on a Drop-shot rig with some random small hook I found in my tackle, and instead of using official drop-shot weights made from some rare-earth metal, I used a couple of split-shots on my tag-end.
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      • JonM


        Editing a comment
        Nice hog you got there

      • zenmic
        zenmic commented
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      Got my best bass of the year in my first 5 minutes out today. Donโ€™t know if thatโ€™s better or worse than the end of the day.

      Click image for larger version

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Size:	1.79 MB
ID:	321532


      • Junglepeanut


        Editing a comment
        Nice lunker..... it's funny you day that because I am the same way. I think end of the day is the way to go...... you can have a terrible day of fishing then catch a beast in the last 5 minutes and go home on a high note and happy as can be. Catch it first thing and you get all excited aboit how good it's gonna be and if fishing is rough it takes some of the joy out of it..... either way you got it.... very nice
        Last edited by Junglepeanut; 10-05-2022, 09:51 PM.

      • Chuck E Ducky

        Chuck E Ducky

        Editing a comment
        Thatโ€™s a Monster nice!

      • autococker04


        Editing a comment
        Thanks! I agree for the most part, but this time I saw an even bigger bass swoop by to check out the commotion while I was pulling this one in. So that kept me pretty busy for the rest of the night haha.

      All about the angle haha. First time trolling out the new to me aluminum.
      both 13โ€ Probably 1 pound ish l
      only large mouth I have ever caugh


        38" Sturgeon.
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        • autococker04


          Editing a comment
          Damn! Youโ€™re getting some big ones this year!

        • Junglepeanut


          Editing a comment
          Nice! I will catch one someday.... none around me but it's on my bucket list

        • BrickHaus


          Editing a comment
          I'm just blessed to have a buddy with a boat who puts us on fish. Both of my recent nice fish were the result of us making time for fishing trips. Where we have fallen apart as of late, so they are extra special.

        Bagged a second one last night. 37".

        My buddy was disappointed we didn't bag any 50"+ fish, but there's always next time.


          I know thereโ€™s a way to grab these by the jaw to get them out of the water, but I never thought Iโ€™d be in the position to need to.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	3289B36D-22AA-4E31-BCD9-384EF017FFF6.jpeg
Views:	299
Size:	2.97 MB
ID:	323111

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          • autococker04


            Editing a comment
            I kept going for the head scoop with the net then grab the tail to pull him in with no luck, then I was looking for somewhere to pull him up onto land with even less luck, and eventually settled on just turning him loose.

            And yep it was in the inflatable kayak, which added a level of stress haha. I was using a chatter bait with a white skirt and a big swim bait on the back. Actually the same thing I caught that bass with further up.

            Looks like Iโ€™m gonna have to go out again tomorrow.

          • Secretweaponevan
            Secretweaponevan commented
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            Here's how you grab them.

          • Junglepeanut


            Editing a comment
            Wow, that's amazing..... thays another fish I don't have near me but looks like a blast. I will have to settle for catching it's saltwater counterpart the barracuda..... Congrats that thing is a beast

          I missed the before photo, but the after tastes amazing. Rainbow trout with salt, pepper, garlic, and lemon over a bed of buttered rice with a pumpkin ale.
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          My Feedback Thread


          • JonM


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            You bet it was. Thereโ€™s something to be said for food that is so fresh it was swimming just a couple hours before.

          • Falcon16


            Editing a comment
            Looks like a damn good meal and I have to say the presentation makes it look especially appetizing. My mouth is watering right now and I just ate breakfast lol

          • JonM


            Editing a comment
            Oh it was. In fact, I liked it so much that I caught more a few days later and made it again. It was just as delicious the second time around.

          I had time to go out for 5 casts. Caught this rainbow on cast 3.
          Bubblegum Trout Magnet under a bobber in a stream.


            Caught some solid northerns back home in upstate NY ๐Ÿ‘Œ


              Haven't been out fishing since the wife and I split since my now ex gf didn't like fishing at all she thought it was distasteful (even if I was catching to eat I guess I can understand the distaste for trophy fishing even if C&R just take a pic and off they go) That said I'm glad my new partner actually really enjoys fishing so hopefully I'll be getting out to get some perch soon enough.
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              "Pump paintball is cheaper than any drug habit I've ever heard of" - ApoC_101 on the old MCB


                Got out for a bit today, all I was catching were rat largemouth and then this chunk saved my day

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                  Not only is this guy my lunch today, but heโ€™s also my first fish ever on BFS gear.
                  My Feedback Thread

