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Is this a Chris Ogaz FBM VooDoo?
That frame for sure. Chris machined those for FBM he did a bunch of bodies as well. That’s his signature design with the upper and lower tube inserts. Chris also did work for Spanky.
Dose it seal? Some of them are prone to leaking due to the design.
Looks like a FBM but I have never seen that style body before. Lots of different ones were available tho. They were not mass produced. I imagine what you have there is rare.
Cool piece!
I wonder if this came out around the time that JT released there spider web frames because the design is very similar.
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I knew he worked for Spanky i just wasn't aware he did work for FBM as well.
It does hold air, luckily. I think there is more surface area for the apoxy to bond to compared to the fishbone bodies that are known to leak.
I was curious about the spiderweb design. It doesn't feel like a regular anno job. It almost seems like it was engraved post black anno. Is that even a thing?
It's just awesome tracking down the history behind older markers lost to time.
Thanks for your reply!
The webbing looks like laser etching or engraving. It’s a common way to customize markers. It’s generally done after anodizing I think.
Bacci has an interview with Chris he talks about the body’s he made and for who. Let me see if I can find it.
TNC was his brand but Ogaz also machined parts for Jackal, FBM, and Spanky.
I found a lot of information after I acquired an Spanky Fishbone and was trying to find info on them I actually contacted Chris threw BookFace and we chatted about the process of making one and how many he made. Bacci later put up this interview and he acquired a few of his TNC bubble body’s that are super cool. Those FBM frames are Chris’s signature frame. He produced those under TNC and for FBM they are rare. He now machines super tricked out high end flashlights that’s how I found him on BookFace.
Nice find
can we see the top of the body and a full side view?
From what I understand Chris usually mill the top rail profile a similar way
I love his work and currently own a FBM Cobra, Spanky fishbone, FBM Teardrop and TnC Rainstorm cocker body
Chris was on the 2.0 forum and commented on a post I made for info on my TnC body. Very nice guy
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