So this past summer I was playing some rebel ball on a hot (for Maine standards) and very humid day. We started real early, and I planned on using my Omen, but the (Virtue Ace) paint was so small it was rolling right past my fingernail polish detents, so I used a freak kit and the .679 insert was the right fit. We took a very long lunch break and went on a side by side ride on the trails. When I got back I realized I left my 1000rd paint filler/jug in the shade but with the cap off. Not thinking I loaded up and went to pay another game with tons of breaks. The paint had swollen up to be way too large for the .679 insert. I threw my stock evil pipe barrel on and it was a perfect fit.
I know people in the past who always brought their paint in a cooler with an ice pack on hot days, but I always just left paint in the shade sealed and it has never been an issue.
My questions:
1) Is it a thing to intentially swell paint for better paint to barrel match?
2) is there a draw back to swollen paint like described above?
3) are there tactics/strategy for swelling paint quickly and to a desired bore size?
I know people in the past who always brought their paint in a cooler with an ice pack on hot days, but I always just left paint in the shade sealed and it has never been an issue.
My questions:
1) Is it a thing to intentially swell paint for better paint to barrel match?
2) is there a draw back to swollen paint like described above?
3) are there tactics/strategy for swelling paint quickly and to a desired bore size?