After hanging out with forest_ptp for a bit he showed me a prototype Automag bolt that was started and never completed. The idea was a bolt that could accept different "sleeves", he had two types of sleeves, a delrin and a polished aluminum. Also this would be the first (and I assume only) delrin automag bolt). He said they had them made, but after the sleeves were press fit onto the bolt they had a tendency to fly off on the field. Unfortunately, the project was prematurely dropped to move on to more important things. He press fit one Delrin sleeve onto a bolt for me and I put it in my minimag pump. After about 100 shots the sleeve moved forward on the bolt about a centimeter blocking the feed port. it popped back on easily enough.
Is there anyway anyone knows of to glue delrin onto stainless? Any suggestions on retaining this sleeve on the bolt?
Is there anyway anyone knows of to glue delrin onto stainless? Any suggestions on retaining this sleeve on the bolt?