So I put my phone into my pocket while I was doing some chores while the eBay app was still open and accidentally bought the world's most embarrassing paintball gun.

I contemplated contacting the seller and offering to pay the winning bid but not pay the shipping if they agreed NOT to send it to me, but curiosity got the best of me. I've already sunk a regrettable amount of time cleaning decade-old paint gunk and melted O-rings out of this thing, and gotten really tired of having to wrench the rubber molded foregrip thing down so that you can split the gun apart, but now it's actually working pretty well.
I'm now determined to attach my scopecam and shoot some people at the local field with this thing but my problem is that the velocity is stubbornly refusing to go above 210fps or so. It was shooting in the mid-100s with the stock spring, and having gone to a red Spyder spring and cranked the adjuster all the way in, this is high as I can go. I'm assuming that the next thing to do would be to reduce valvespring strength but the problem is that the valvespring is an odd size for a Spyder clone- it's really narrow like a Pro-Lite mainspring. I don't have anything of similar diameter so I'm not really wanting to cut the one good one I have, so I'm wondering if anyone has experience with these type of guns and if there's something I might be missing. Do the valves and/or exhaust ports need to be widened to get optimal velocity? Is there a really wide gap around or behind the detent or something that by design keeps these things from shooting at full speed? Any help is appreciated.
I contemplated contacting the seller and offering to pay the winning bid but not pay the shipping if they agreed NOT to send it to me, but curiosity got the best of me. I've already sunk a regrettable amount of time cleaning decade-old paint gunk and melted O-rings out of this thing, and gotten really tired of having to wrench the rubber molded foregrip thing down so that you can split the gun apart, but now it's actually working pretty well.
I'm now determined to attach my scopecam and shoot some people at the local field with this thing but my problem is that the velocity is stubbornly refusing to go above 210fps or so. It was shooting in the mid-100s with the stock spring, and having gone to a red Spyder spring and cranked the adjuster all the way in, this is high as I can go. I'm assuming that the next thing to do would be to reduce valvespring strength but the problem is that the valvespring is an odd size for a Spyder clone- it's really narrow like a Pro-Lite mainspring. I don't have anything of similar diameter so I'm not really wanting to cut the one good one I have, so I'm wondering if anyone has experience with these type of guns and if there's something I might be missing. Do the valves and/or exhaust ports need to be widened to get optimal velocity? Is there a really wide gap around or behind the detent or something that by design keeps these things from shooting at full speed? Any help is appreciated.