My young boys continue to enjoy .50 cal. They’re occasionally chopping, likely forgetting to shake the hopper every 5 shots or so, like I told them to do.
It seems there are still a few .50 cal electronic hoppers out there. I’m seeking guidance identifying which ones are worth the money and which ones fit which markers.
1. It seems there are 2 gun/feedneck styles. The first scales down the feedneck, bolt, breech, and barrel (e.g., Valken Cobra, Valken Blackhawk). The second keeps the .68 cal-sized feedneck, only scaling down the bolt, breech, and barrel (e.g., FT-50, eNMEy, Emek). Is this true? In the latter case, do, the hoppers have an insert in the hopper feedneck?
2. Are there other bastardized sizes?
3. Which hoppers fit each size feedneck?
4. Which hoppers perform best?
Thank you.
It seems there are still a few .50 cal electronic hoppers out there. I’m seeking guidance identifying which ones are worth the money and which ones fit which markers.
1. It seems there are 2 gun/feedneck styles. The first scales down the feedneck, bolt, breech, and barrel (e.g., Valken Cobra, Valken Blackhawk). The second keeps the .68 cal-sized feedneck, only scaling down the bolt, breech, and barrel (e.g., FT-50, eNMEy, Emek). Is this true? In the latter case, do, the hoppers have an insert in the hopper feedneck?
2. Are there other bastardized sizes?
3. Which hoppers fit each size feedneck?
4. Which hoppers perform best?
Thank you.