So i have a tooled out a5, with egrip. (Profile picture). I believe its a w.a.s. board (needs tiny screwdriver to switch modes in front of grip). I bought the a5 off ebay originally, and i was shocked it came with the egrip.
a few months ago a battery wire came off the board when i was changing batteries, and i dont have a soldering gun/experience to put it back on. Ive heard if its too hot it can melt the board. Furthermore, both battery wires are held on by some sort of silicon glue originally. I might try to take it to an electronics repair place to get the wire put back on.
HOWEVER, should they fry rhe board, or say they cant do it, etc, WHERE have all the egrips gone?! Everywhere i look, they're not there. Ebay, amazon, etc. You can find response triggers galore, but no one has a5 egrips. Does anyone know where to go to find new or used egrips? Or have they just stopped making them?
a few months ago a battery wire came off the board when i was changing batteries, and i dont have a soldering gun/experience to put it back on. Ive heard if its too hot it can melt the board. Furthermore, both battery wires are held on by some sort of silicon glue originally. I might try to take it to an electronics repair place to get the wire put back on.
HOWEVER, should they fry rhe board, or say they cant do it, etc, WHERE have all the egrips gone?! Everywhere i look, they're not there. Ebay, amazon, etc. You can find response triggers galore, but no one has a5 egrips. Does anyone know where to go to find new or used egrips? Or have they just stopped making them?