Anyone recognize this beast? Aside from eBay recently I've never seen anything like it.
No announcement yet.
Weird nelson is weird....
It's super comfortable
... Unless it's a siphon tank, in which case it's an ad-hoc anti-siphon.
I'd wager it's custom made. I've never seen anything like it, in any magazine, catalog or photo. The feed tube is definitely homebrew, and the pump grip is welded, so less likely it's commercial.
If it IS a production thing, unless the tank, as I said, has a siphon tube (and I'm not sure anyone used siphon on "California Air" Thermo tanks) your velocities would be all over the place, unless you were laying on the autotrigger.
It's interesting that, no matter how long I've been in this biz, there's always something popping up I've never seen before.Why don't we have a photo gallery for this kind of thing?
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Everything looks brand new and has a dark greyish Anno.
And there's at least three
The leading edge of the lower stock spar, in the photo of the grip internals and date, looks very much hacksaw-and-file. I don't doubt there might be more than one of them, my point is that it's more likely (in my opinion) they're home-shop one-offs, rather than anything 'production'.
"It's interesting that, no matter how long I've been in this biz, there's always something popping up I've never seen before. Why don't we have a photo gallery for this kind of thing?"
Maybe hit up RuleOfSines ?
Originally posted by DocsMachine View Post
-And liquid-only.
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