I bought some top of the line metal polish off Amazon to polish up a couple nickel plated beauties. I decided to read the label for once and there it was, "Not for use with electroplated surfaces". I never noticed that before. I looked at some other brands and low and behold it was a common factor. Either "Do not use with electroplating or plated surfaces", one or the other. Nickel plating is both. Anyone know a proper polish that is safe for plated metals?
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What Metal Polish to Use for Nickel Plating?
My grandma give me a can of Silvo years ago. She used it for cleaning and polishing silverware. It comes in little can and you pull out a little wad of cloth soaked in the solution from the can. Great stuff. Used it on all my palmers guns back when I cared.
Plus it has a great odor to it.
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Never-Dull just thinking of that reminds me of getting in trouble during my Navy days >.<
"When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt
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