So I am not sure if this is where i should post this question or if it should be ask the experts, custom projects / custom questions or directly ask our paintball historians but i have a mountain view autococker body Serial 0013 that was made by TNC / Ogaz Enterprises. I am not so much worried about the price as i am the rarity and if this body has quite a bit of machining done to it would i be destroying a piece of history that can never be replaced like that guard who drew eyes on the "Three Figures". My plan is to make something reminiscent of a fishbone autococker and i think using this body with it's ties to Spanky would be quite fitting. However i defer to the great MCB community and have no issue finding a cheap body or purchasing a cheap body kit from paintball gateway or someone like that.
The way i see it i have three options at this point right now and would love to get people's opinions.
My first option is to keep this body and it remains in my box of stuff and maybe one of these days (it has been there for probably 8 years or more already, but one of these days) it will be made into a marker. When that time comes it will need to be stripped and re-anodized. I will have to find another body to work on but there are many out there.
Option two is to trade this body with someone or sell it to someone who will either keep it as is or clean and re-anodize it and make it into a marker. I will then buy another body to work on or use the traded body. If i decided to sell i would like to know the price that is why it is posted here. So thoughts on price?
Option three is to use this body and make it into the marker that i want. This will involve at minimum half blocking and doing something like a fishbone. If i do this i would have no problem sending high quality photos, the body or anything that is requested to anyone who wants to keep records, vintage rex etc.
About the body. There are scraps and bumps on it from being unprotected in a box with other metal pieces, it has the original threads i do not think it has been stripped or heli-coiled. The feedneck is aftermarket not sure of the maker think it is Angel threaded it has a satin/ matte/ dust finish and it is serial 0013. I have found a video by one of resident historians bacci paintball that details TNC manufacturing and in it he mentions that they made the bodies for Spanky and Mountain view video below.
I look forward to your thoughts and opinions.

The way i see it i have three options at this point right now and would love to get people's opinions.
My first option is to keep this body and it remains in my box of stuff and maybe one of these days (it has been there for probably 8 years or more already, but one of these days) it will be made into a marker. When that time comes it will need to be stripped and re-anodized. I will have to find another body to work on but there are many out there.
Option two is to trade this body with someone or sell it to someone who will either keep it as is or clean and re-anodize it and make it into a marker. I will then buy another body to work on or use the traded body. If i decided to sell i would like to know the price that is why it is posted here. So thoughts on price?
Option three is to use this body and make it into the marker that i want. This will involve at minimum half blocking and doing something like a fishbone. If i do this i would have no problem sending high quality photos, the body or anything that is requested to anyone who wants to keep records, vintage rex etc.
About the body. There are scraps and bumps on it from being unprotected in a box with other metal pieces, it has the original threads i do not think it has been stripped or heli-coiled. The feedneck is aftermarket not sure of the maker think it is Angel threaded it has a satin/ matte/ dust finish and it is serial 0013. I have found a video by one of resident historians bacci paintball that details TNC manufacturing and in it he mentions that they made the bodies for Spanky and Mountain view video below.
I look forward to your thoughts and opinions.