Bought and sold another N3. It had a leak when I got it but I snagged it at a great price. The next owner was willing to take it as it was so I only had this a day before it went to it's new home. That purple was beautiful in the light. I bought another Etha 2 and converted it over to my flat red ripper body. Sold the old Emek frame and Etha 2 body. I now have the acid red Emek, red N3 and red ripper Etha2. Sold the black FLE Emek a few weeks ago.

Sold the Etha 2 (Please don't let me buy another!) and decided to sell my acid red Ripper FLE body kit and go with the flat red instead. It matches my N3 and I hated the slaps ASA. I'm using the POPs again on this one and it is working great.
Sold the Etha 2 in a terrible color configuration(see picture). Wanted to get rid of the blue back and this Etha needed a barrel. With the skulls body though it ended up looking red white and blue.

Picked up an Etha 3M that will be the backup/loaner. Back to 3 mechs.

Sold the Etha 2 (Please don't let me buy another!) and decided to sell my acid red Ripper FLE body kit and go with the flat red instead. It matches my N3 and I hated the slaps ASA. I'm using the POPs again on this one and it is working great.
Sold the Etha 2 in a terrible color configuration(see picture). Wanted to get rid of the blue back and this Etha needed a barrel. With the skulls body though it ended up looking red white and blue.

Picked up an Etha 3M that will be the backup/loaner. Back to 3 mechs.