I've gotten back up to the point where I feel like I should post in here. Posting in order of Paintball's evolution...pumps, semis then electros.
CCI Phantom, my main shooter.

WGP Ranger.

ACI Maverick.

96 WGP Autococker.

AGD Minimag.

WDP Angel "The Gat".

Empire Axe, my oldest son's.

PE Etek 4 LT, my youngest son's.

Dye Proto SLG.
CCI Phantom, my main shooter.

WGP Ranger.

ACI Maverick.

96 WGP Autococker.

AGD Minimag.

WDP Angel "The Gat".

Empire Axe, my oldest son's.

PE Etek 4 LT, my youngest son's.

Dye Proto SLG.
