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Trackers present and a lot of past

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    Trackers present and a lot of past

    this is going to be present and past, I also noticed I like to take a profile shot of every gun I've owned. So that makes for easy comparisons, but also boring, more pictures of anything available on request 😊

    im also and incessant tinkerer, I only stop when there is nothing left to tinker with

    I have decided to “get out” of paintball a couple of times, which is why youll see some rather one of a kind and super rare ones in the “past” list some I regret, but c'est la vie, I’m not upset with what I have currently

    Bonebreak Excal

    I've had this one since 2013, when I purchased from a guy who bought it from (I'm assuming) the original owner, as hes had it since at least 05, I have since rebuilt/replaced everything. It's used, it's got some dings, and the top tube is bare, but still shoots like it should and it's such a unique shot because the moving part is closest to your head, you hear that over everything else. but when you’re on the pointy end it sounds like a cocker,
    As I received it (theres was electrical tape over the eyewires, jokingly called “ultralight eye covers” they DO accomplish the job, but not on my stuff)

    after I was done with the first round of tinkering

    Second round

    last round (not like theres much left to upgrade at this point)

    JMJ Factory Team Viking
    always wanted one of these for the “extra milling” never found the right time until recently, other than the ASA and feedneck, not much to change. I also wanted a stock bolt (it doesn’t look as good but the added weight makes the gun smoother)

    Camo PM8 V2
    my third PM8.. I had a camo that I hunted down a matching tip for, and I sold it, And I regretted it so much I managed to find another one
    this came all stock, including barrel, save for an SP q-lock collar on the dye inner feedneck for some reason..
    I didn’t take any pictures till I had corrected all that

    We don’t talk about the Infamous
    the much-maligned 2k6, aka the gen 4
    ive never been much of a timmy fan, ive owned and shot a couple, and just never felt “right” for one reason or another. But, the ONE timmy for me that I DID like, was a ripper3 that I don’t have anymore. During the pandemic I was looking for a ripper3, but those cost more than I wanted to spend. found this infamous on FB that I thought was cheap.. those are my second favorite because the bolt matches the top tube milling like the alias did with its stock bolt

    I actually prefer magnet triggers on these kinds of guns.. so I did a thing.. it might not look like much but I like the trigger so much more this way

    this gun fought me every step it could. From a split hoses, to a broken rocket cap, lower tube wouldnt seal, 2 liter kept blowing the piston o-ring off, lpr with no cupseal.. its great now though, still need to track down a pillow bolt to fully replicate the secret sauce of that Ripper3.. ive probably spent more time and money in it that it will ever be worth, but that was never the point with this one, this one is about showing people that these also had the potential to be great

    And after a successful order via blast legacy, i had a little fun with it.. i really wanted a pillow bolt in this one, cause i liked the one in the ripper. the feedneck was because i wanted to...
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    lastly, an FX DM3

    years back Mario at FX was starting back up after taking a break for a few years, which is where I picked up this 3D anodized beauty. I can go into the technical details of how if anyone is interested, but basically, the gloss black layer is an entirely separate layer that feels like a vinyl sticker, but you cant peel it, I can’t explain it better than that without you seeing for yourself
    this is how I got it

    this one got loaned to a friend who played with it in a few tourneys on the east coast, he put the tadao board in it to make it 10bps, and the 45 fitting on the reg (that I never assumed would fit in my wildest dreams) and the old 12” barrel, board and reg swivel got misplaced along the way, but im also not upset with the replacement barrel

    im not quite done with it yet, eventually id like to have the feedneck and an ASA matched, and maybe get a barrel done
    and though I like the like the way the macro routes this way, it feels weird in the hand, but i haven’t found a replacement yet in my occasional lurking.

    Onward to the mechanicals!

    my first resurrection (actually it was my second)
    I managed to score a grey one on ebay for not nearly enough money when they first came out.
    after simon released his diamondback bodies, I was compelled. I had a really neat build idea in mind but I was trying to avoid sending it off for ano (but dust black or raw bodies don’t match the color o had at all), so I found a buddy who had a black one that was cool swapping for a grey one, I bought a black diamondback, and had a stealth cocker I rocked for a while,

    you may have seen those photos on inceptions site

    but I wasn’t done yet, I still wanted a unique anno, and thought something involving kryptek would be pretty awesome. I gave caustic a challenge that he nailed perfectly. Heres how it sits today

    this one has also changed hands with my friend and played tournaments on the east coast.. he offered it back to me for a deal I could refuse, so I didn’t

    The last ripper
    that’s what I call it anyways, I do believe it was the last ripper body sold by a shop (raw from pbgateway)

    this one was built without a resurrection to pull parts from, the idea was all inception parts in black, but alternating between gloss and dust, could have a “custom gun” that I can anodize later.. unfortunately, all I could find was raw, and I was trying to keep costs down, so gloss black would allow me build a gloss totally black gun if I did the right parts

    could also be run as a proper pump. Even figured out the right parts to make it feel as nice as any CCM

    also when the camo cocker came back from my friend, it came with a gloss black rip frame, that looked so much better on my ripper.. honestly

    ID Scoutmek Type III clear with Teflon coating
    I wanted to get in on the new wave of mechanicals,I had a Gtek/Emek combo for a little bit and was pretty impressed with the feel of the mech frame, but wanted to get something gas through and “nicer” so I waited till I could get an M170r and was a little let down by the ergonomics of modern design
    the long and low stack setup makes it too hard for me to get my head somewhere comfortable to aim, I mentioned this to Simon and he told me he had something in the pipe that might help me with that. I am a big fan of Type III anno, especially clear, which I knew ID’s anodizer could do, I like that tone of grey it comes out, and I like that its extra durable.
    I requested a matching ASA, knowing full well I would have to buy a replacement if something went wrong, (PE doesn’t recommend you re-anodize anything) it still works, but the alloy is also pretty different, so the color came out a lot darker, but that’s the nature of type III when it’s not black

    I was also able to locate an Izon site on ebay a few months later

    something in between
    How do you classify a pneumatic assist? Its more pump than semi, but it’s also way too semi to be a pump
    I have ALWAYS wanted one of these, and with an autotrigger. right before covid, I was able to finally secure a TJD handle, the rest of this involved trying to spend as little as possible, I got something functional, but as I learned, a slide frame auto trigger has too much drag to work easily, so I had to pick up an 86 frame at covid prices (so much for keeping it cheap)
    this is still a work in progress. As this body was a loaner until I could find one that would work for my needs. I have one now, but it needs anno, that’s the next step.


    the frame is now T-slotted, but not im looking for a new autotrigger cam/arm ☚ (you can see that the rail adds just enough to make the macro not sit as well as it could)

    im not sure i shouldn't count as an entire "other" gun by itself st this point.... crosspost to the "build thread"
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    This one is probably the most egregious example I have of “not leaving well enough alone”

    it started life with a mismatched pump handle. So that was item 1 to fix, I didn’t mind the clear, but it didn’t have the other clear parts (trigger & grips). So I swapped em back a handle. also, im a rubber grip person. And those will usually always match a black pump handle better

    then I bought one of bills 6.5 test breeches and had several other parts anodized to match, and picked up a fluted rod along the way, and that’s how I had it

    until I sold it.. to a guy who took great care of it.
    AND I got the chance to buy it back, the previous owner added a slot blocker. Personally, I don’t think they are necessary, but they also went out of their way and had it anodized to match, so its allowed to stay. tinkerer recognizes tinkerer

    then, because I still couldn’t leave it alone, it also has a hollowed out guide rod and handle. It was rather horrified about the whole thing also a metal trigger because it seemed like a good idea

    theres really not much else left to modify at this point. IIve made it into a pump that I don’t have to think to aim.. I have no shame in what my tinkering has created

    and "It came from the parts bin"
    I saw a diamondback body for sale on facebook one day and I did a quick mental inventory of what extra resurrection spec parts I had amassed between 2 builds. and I realized that if I had a body and a feedneck I had enough of everything else on hand to make it work as a pump. I wanted an FLE body as i already have a diamondback and a ripper, but after 6 months with no luck, i saw like 3 diamondbacks go up for sale in short order, so I picked up one. i figured this way my parts have somewhere to be, and I can now offer a body to trade..
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    ​in a very interesting twist.. i found someone willing to switch my diamondback for their FLE. so here we go.. last time.. i swear
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    Last edited by Tracker; 08-05-2024, 05:23 PM.

    this list is long,, and I’ll try to keep it in some kind of order.. oldest first?

    my first paintball gun, was a Pro carbine that I think I overpaid for from US calvary (because it was 2000 and I didn't know any better) I never had any pictures of it, but my tinkering started with that gun, it was pretty cool, Tippmann vertical adapter and expansion chamber, double trigger with a cut guard, 14" dye SS barrel (all 2 pounds of it) a commando feedneck adapter (no handguard) it was a fun gun to start out with... when I joined the air force, I had this grand plan of getting it all chromed out and setup for low-pressure through Airtipps (bet there's a name you haven't heard in a long, long time)
    unfortunately, he couldn't figure out a type of plating durable enough for the inside of the tube. and a few years went by, and I had kind of moved on, so he was gracious enough to credit me almost a whole A5, and I had that for a lot of years

    after the Tippmann got mailed off, I was without a paintball gun, the field I played at DID allow electros, but only if they didn't have the ability to select firing modes, and this was when the matrix came out, which was an on-off switch, and semi only, so, I found this one on eBay, from what I was told, the guy won it at the Mardi gras open in 2001, and didnt need it, I had this until about 2011 when I started selling off a bunch of stuff

    over the years I had amassed quite a collection of stuff, between the original pewter grips, being one of the first people to try a sidewinder on a matrix, this gun didnt even have an LPR when I got it (and I ran it on CO2), multitudes of feednecks, the first slambolt ever sold to the public, 45 frame, weird breeches (the extra pictured was actually model 98 threaded) I have many years of knowledge on these things.
    and yes, I always had a drop of some sort on it originally it was a kapp DZ 2, I’ll have to look through OLD pictures to try and see if I’ve got one, I could never get used to how
    long they felt without one
    Eclipse B2K2 LCD​

    I had a soft spot for the milling on these from the first time I saw one, I managed to pick this one up in 2001, it also had all the macdev sonic goodies on it as well, this gun was a hassle from the beginning. I used it for a couple times and the ram snapped, got the ram replaced, and the bolt had swollen to the point the gun wouldn't fire anymore, was CONSTANTLY repairing the wiring, would solder something, and then something else would break, I got the idea to send it in, and do something about the tray, and add eyes, (the sonic frame had a LOT of meat on it, the prospect of hollowing it out, running a Morlock board and hiding the noid in the frame with the board was not unreasonable) however the project stalled, and never came to fruition, I eventually got all the pieces and parts sold on here, I know the barrel and a few extra parts I had ended up on the B2K2 that gunhero sold awhile back

    Trackers Tri-Fade
    a lot of you guys have seen this one before, there's a full story posted out there, so I’m going to condense for the sake of brevity

    the very first time I ever played, in 99, there was a cocker at the field, and I was always intrigued by them, I had thought about how they worked after seeing them in a few issues of APG, so I figured the best way to figure it out was to build one from scratch, using the parts that I knew were superior, also terry from G3 helped me a lot in some of my decisions
    pictures RIGHT after I finished putting it together

    eventually it got ebladed

    a few years ago, I had developed a "if you love something set it free" mindset about some of my guns, it was rather freeing, so I sold it a few years ago

    unfortunately, it got parted and things were scattered to the winds. but such is life, I know it was a pump at one point. and I saw the body in with one of the more notorious "parters" so I dont think either of the original frames are with it anymore either

    Drops, so many drops


    I bought this one direct from Tom Kaye and airgun designs back in 2003 at D-day, I had just come back from deployment, and had the extra money, and told myself if they had one I’d buy it, and they had one where the ano came out funny, notice the gun has kind of a weird pink tint in the second picture. but this is how I got it... in all of its warp feed glory

    eventually I was able to pick up a center feed breech (that had been mis drilled for a detent, and they re-sleeved it. and sold it to me like that with a half drilled/threaded hole on one side) so I decided to turn it into a dual detent breech, it looked better than the half a hole.. I’ve got a picture of it with the raw parts I’ll have to go dig up, but it wasn’t pretty

    you can see the difference in the finish of the center feed breech very much in that picture (I was still learning how to take good pictures at the time)
    I sold this one in about 05 or 06, because I set it up at an event, and realized it had been sitting in my gearbag for at least a year, and that's not a good fate for such a beautiful piece of equipment, so I sold it in the hopes someone would use it for its intended purposes

    Dark Timmy, so, it was 05, I was living the civilian life wanted to get playing tourneys, saw the dark timmy, loved the milling, all the cool kids were shooting them, gun broke paint like a psychopath, and for the life of me I couldn't figure it out, ended up changing out everything, 2liter and SCM for regs (maybe it’s the regs?), Tadao infamous board (maybe it’s the eye logic?), nothing,
    finally this is when the bomb dropped about "paint clipping" in the 05 ego. and I using what jack was talking about (ramping the surface on top of the bolt to push the next ball out of the way as opposed to clipping it, I decided to try that with the stock bolt (I had a replacement on the way regardless) and finally no more breaking paint, and I realized I hated the gun. it felt so long, and unwieldy, like I was playing with a 4x4... I immediately traded it for a DM5, sadly, never took any pictures of the timmy with all the AKA stuff on it, just the pictures from when I sold it (with the AKA stuff pulled off)

    Yo dawg, I herd you like gauges

    DM5, man was I glad to be shooting a spool valve again... back where things made sense, this one came to me all stock dust blue to black fade, I put the 2 liter on it, and the evolve X95 bolt, bent the CP rake into something I liked more, and added a WMD board from TAG, the gun was a blast, shot beautifully, and between the regs and the bolt, the dwell was obscenely low (like 9) and it ran great with a wildly low LPR also
    I needed to go visit the guy that does my anodizing because I needed to get a few projects finished, and I had some vacation time, so, road trip! while I was there, we anodized this body to what you see now, same color, same fade, but gloss, there's something about a gloss DM that makes it look so much nicer

    Team Dark Matter Viking
    found this on eBay, guy had no feedback, he was in Bakersfield, so I told him I’d make the drive, met him at gorilla paintball, I tinkered with it some, because thats what I tend to do, there's not really much to improve on, I had a RT valve in it, Ebisu board, JDS lpr, it came with a 2 liter plus, but I changed that over to a regular 2 liter, and an aluminum bolt pin, I also cut the bolt flush, because it looks nicer

    I also tried a frame conversion, but it kinda buggered up how the gun "pointed" so I switched it back to the stock frame

    yes, thats a yakuza board that I cut a hole into the grips and custom fit a window into the hole

    Revenge V2, I picked up this poor, rather abused V2 in about 05-ish, it was out of time, leaking, and had a raw hinge frame on it. (thankfully they included the original frame) it has also had a CCM clamping feedneck epoxied into place, I was told it was done by splat attack, but I have no way to confirm, the work was clean, but I never had an issue, with it. whoever did it, did a great job. even it if wasn't the most "perfect" solution
    fixed the timing, got the leaks under control, added an SCM, and a beavertail, the finish was amazing, I’ve never seen a dust finish look so "powdery", it was scratched, abused, and not babied, but it shot great

    sold it in 2012, I miss this gun, I at least stay in touch with the guy I sold it to, and it still sees use.

    the black magic that became a Nurv cyborg
    picked this one up on eBay for a great price, already had all the cool bells and whistles I would have put on it anyways (save for the 2 liter+, thats the one that originally came on the darkmatter

    it shot great, but something just felt so wrong about it being so small. (I probably wouldnt feel this way if I still had it)
    I wanted something more "full blocky" found this body on eBay, and decided to operate so I ended up with this

    first game out, snapped the ram shaft... got that repaired, but never trusted it, and I still had my trifade, so I didn't see a need for 2 E-cockers, ended up trading straight for an 07 Nurv Cyborg

    I sometimes wish I hadn’t sold this one, I have fond memories of it, and it sure was one to look at

    the weird nova. I actually know the airsmith that did this (same guy that did the anodizing on the DM5) basically the main reg was wrecked, so they fitted and ASA to the front end, that functions as a foregrip/regulator whilst removing the spring and valve from the internal reg to make it into a “gas through”

    I sold it because it HATED the paint I had to feed it locally, small barrel, paint was always large and unevenly shaped, no point in having a gun I can't actually use. guy I sold it to said it leaked, I never heard if he ever got it up and running correctly, I hope he did, would hate to think I sold someone a lemon

    Dye Reflex, yeah yeah, the cocker illuminati will cry foul and tell me it’s a 2k2 dye cocker, but to me it’s a reflex, :-P
    like most everyone, I wanted one of these from the first day I saw one, but it was never in the cards till I got this one
    this one was actually in fantastic shape, early production run, so it had a mishmash of pneumatics dye could procure until their house brand was finished

    I honestly can’t remember if it came with the hyper 3 already but I know I added the black beavertail, grips and detent, was a fun project, but a solid aluminum bolt combined with a gigantic back block = a mechanical gun with bounce, I needed money, and this was not a hard decision to let this one go

    the poop-o-type, no seriously, this gun was called "the poop gun" around the JMJ shop, it was part of a lot that got sold by Claudio when he got out of the sport, it was bought by moodydoody, and when he started selling stuff off, I basically told him to name his price
    it started out as a milling test for the 04 featherlight swirl pattern, and after they tested a bunch of ideas, they eventually settled on the swirl that exists on the 04's now, they realized they hadn't ruined the body, so they scratched JMJ factory into it, they put a coat of crap brown anno on it, and there you have it, JMJ factory gun #0,
    this is how I got it,

    that regulator, is basically a sidewinder V2 they were working on in the shop, only one I know of, uses a lot of sidewinder parts, basically it wasn't enough of an improvement, (I’m generalizing, but, basically 10% better flow is still 10% better, but when the reg alone already moves more air, more consistently than any gun on the market can “breathe” it becomes a bit of a redundant exercise, so it never made it into production) I KNEW Jared wanted to take a look at it, so I sent the parts to him under the conditions, "you can do everything you want to it as far as measurements and testing, I’m just requesting the parts come back black" all parties were happy with this arrangement

    sold that gun to TheePsycho, who ended up selling it to the guy that has my revenge (he has a lot of misfit AKA guns) he also knows that if he needs to sell it, it's coming back to me

    about this time, I started wanting to get into pump (less expensive to play, and a larger playerbase because I won’t scare the walk-ons)
    I started with a phantom VSC

    but I just couldn't get the hang of aiming a nelson... sure I could hit a person standing out in the open, but I couldn't fit the feet, hoppers, and elbows required for stock class

    that same day, theepsyco was visiting, and was like "here, try my T2" and I was putting ball on ball, right where I wanted, at pretty much any distance, that's when I realized, that nelsons just weren’t for me

    when CCM released these I was smitten, I HAD to have one, so once they got back from living legends, I ordered one that Monday, and after an appropriate amount of waiting, I has this

    and then I saw an insert body T2 that was done in black and grey type 3, and my pump team was sponsored by CCM, so I couldn't help myself

    I wanted something as different as possible from the 6.5, which it was, but I had been entertaining the notion of a stock class cocker for a while, and with the proper bits, the T2 would actually work very well for that, so tinker-itis strikes again

    both of these got sold in 2012-ish, to a guy in France, last time I touched base with the guy, he loves them as much as I did, so though I’ll probably never see them again, knowing they are somewhere they are used and appreciated… I’m okay with that

    09 SFL
    picked this up in 2012ish, always wanted one of these, the stars aligned, and I was able to make it happen

    played one game with it, just couldn't come to terms with the minicocker "feel" even though the revenge never felt that way, sold this a few months later, sure was pretty though


    in 2012, I decided to keep one mech, one electro, one stock class, and one pump, this was the one electro, and I ended up selling it. without ever playing a game. (it was a slow year!) shocktech sure did some amazing milling back in the day

    Dyecam DM12

    I had a little shootout between a DM12 and an ego11, to see which one I wanted to keep (I got a good deal for both separately so selling no money lost to selling the looser) this one was the winner, but I decided to bail on the DM market while the value hadn't tanked completely. I do miss this DM, that titanium made a WORLD of difference on the feel, and the anno was nice as well. got sold to nick slowiak (for a buddy of his)

    DARTed Avid Ego11, so, for some bizarre reason, I attract Texas storm guns... I dont know why, I’ve had a Ego11 team gun, a G6r, and a 2k2 timmy.

    this was contestant #2 in the contest, I really liked the ergonomics, but I liked the way the DM shot more. that's really all it boiled down to. haven't seen this one since I sold it, I hope it’s been taken care of

    JerseyRangerz 07 borg. there was a time when I was searching for the "one true electro" and I had such fond memories of the 07 borg,

    I wanted to go back, and I just couldn't get the feel of it back, the frame felt massive, and too wide, the board was a pain in the ass to program (early run 07 with an 06 NOXX board, the later 07's were programmed like a Tadao, this programmed very differently) this one didn't hang around very long, sometimes nostalgia is better than ruining the memory

    Bob long closer

    I honestly don't remember how I got this one, I think I got it in trade, I liked it, shot great, easier to aim than I expected, was beautiful and in great shape, ended up selling it to the guy that got me into the sport, he was trying to get playing again, so I funneled him a couple guns, this was one of them, he still has it

    Dye NT 11, always wanted one of these since they debuted in 10, I loved the look, and I tend to fanboy a little bit for dye, still one of the most ergonomically comfortable guns out there

    ended up selling it, didn't like how loud it was, and the fact you could either have great efficiency with insane kick, or terrible efficiency and a smooth shot like you'd expect, just didn't sit well with me

    CCM SS25

    so, I decided maybe I still did want to play one in while, and I’ve always thought the SS25 was pretty cool, in its weird own way. and they are one of the more affordable CCM pumps (when you can find them), I got this one as a collection of parts from rubio, and put it together myself, there's a few parts that aren't totally stock, (wrong pump guide, plate, bolt to name a few) but it worked like any good CCM should. but... every pump I had shot had been a half block. and my brain was tripping out on the full block motion... so I had to abandon the SS25 (I know, I’m also not proud of that)

    APL Viking

    loved this gun, just wish it worked better for me, living in the desert, the paint tends to excessively brittle here, and this gun had quad detents, which keeps the balls from rolling back very well, but allows a gap between the ball and the face of the bolt, which in the case of excessively brittle paint, results in not going a hopper without breaking a ball. sold it to a guy in the Midwest, and it’s been a welcome addition to his collection since


    I thought the insight was cool, I still think the insight is cool, liked the milling of the victus a lot more, got this one from 7paintball on here, shot it for a bit, little more "kicky" than I wanted, but I liked it. needed money to pay some bills, I miss this gun, I mean... just look at it!


    when the LV1 first debuted there was a guy at the local field who had a dynasty edition, I got to put a few balls though it, I was REALLY impressed, I got offered a good price on this one from a friend, ended up holding onto it for about 6 months, never played with it, and he contacted me wanting it back. so, I basically held his gun as collateral for a short-term loan. was a pretty gun though

    Lime Tiger DM12

    waxing nostalgic about the dyecam, I always loved the anno on these, found this one on eBay. perfect condition, another one I never got to play with (same timeframe as the LV1) when time came to evaluate what I needed and didnt, this one ended up in the "didnt" pile.

    ripper Axe I had this grand scheme of making a really sweet axe, I had the body, and I had a donor axe for parts. then this came for sale at a price I couldn't refuse.

    sure, was pretty, but didn't really shoot any "better" than my PM8, though I didn’t realize it at the time, it was also the first marker that fell victim to the long and low trend of modern ergonomics, it didn't earn a place in my bag.

    GTi'd Macdev clone GT

    picked this up in a trade deal, came to me as a GT with a GTi valve, a pooty spring bolt, and a dead screen, I managed to get a replacement screen, and then got a good deal on a GTi kit. so now it looks like this

    this will probably always be one of the smoothest guns I’ve ever shot, but I have this bad habit of thinking I need to the newest most current stuff, and then end up feeling guilty cause “these shoot too nice for walk-on play” and I end up selling it.


    man I wanted to like this... I really did. It was everything I was looking for, mechanical openbolt, cool bolt removal, all metal, etc... realized that I did NOT like the Ergonomics of this design at all... hopper is too low to look down the body, tank is too high get your face down low enough anyways, I just never felt right playing with it

    Tarantula viking

    picked up and sold this one a few years back right at the start of covid, another one I had never gotten around to playing with.
    this one paid for the JMJ factory that I have still.

    I think that about wraps up the list of guns that I’ve purchased with the intent of owning.. until i sell something
    Last edited by Tracker; 08-16-2024, 05:39 PM.


    • Myrkul


      Editing a comment
      Your experience with the eclipse B2k2 makes me very sad. They are damn good guns in my experience, but they do all need some TLC to get going properly, especially at this age, and they can be touchy.

    • Tracker


      Editing a comment
      You are 100% right. It could have definitely been a contender, there were a lot of shortcomings with mine that were fixable with the right TLC.. I had just given up on it by then.. didn't want to spend hundreds to fix something worth hundreds

    • Myrkul


      Editing a comment
      They are never that spendy honestly. All the mechanical issues can be solved with the correct grit sand paper and a drill. I'm like 99% sure someone dumped oil in yours, that's what made the bolt swell up, which in turn meant you had to crank up the LPR, which combined with the bolt swell is what eventually snapped your ram.

      You are spot on about the electrical though. Usually just grabbing a new harness from Vaporworks for $30 completely fixes the issues with the stock wiring harnesses.

    the visitors.. (guns I've bought to repair and flip, and some 3rd partying I've done, and stalled out projects that were sold)

    if you want details (where it ended up, how I ended up with it, what was on it, just ask)

    raw 04 Viking kit


    05 BM pump


    Works Cocker

    2k CNC LCD

    Cobra iR3

    E-tach automag that I middle-manned..

    Adrenalin Impulse

    Model 98 Custom, had a spyder barrel adaptor and a brass lined sypder crownpoint barrel

    Proto Reflex Rail

    Matrix 20187

    Parts Box matrix

    Tippmann Pro-Carbine

    Trilogy Pro Select Fire

    Jackal RDL FS the "2-pound cocker" project that I never got to finish.. and as far as I know its still the only one I’ve ever seen… in my defense, the other side of this thing was very poorly drilled for eyes… more than once… and the concept of filling in eye holes was just starting out, and I didn’t have the funds to do it the justice I should have

    Shocker NXT

    Texas Storm G6r

    Texas Storm 2k2 Timmy

    Ripper 3 Timmy, actually the best feeling timmy I ever shot...the reason why i have the infamous now


    NIB ion

    Karni with full barrel kit

    Stock 2k R/F

    parts Donor axe that I didnt actually end up using

    not quite stock 2k R/F

    Claret and champaign IM9

    Olive and Black PM8

    Last edited by Tracker; 08-20-2024, 12:54 PM.


      Great write up for each marker, but I really appreciate the "tinkerer recognizes tinkerer" remark. JMJ factory team viking is definitely my favorite of the bunch, though I've never shot or owned anything AKA built.


        coming in at 17 and a half months since i posted this thread.... the last 2 sections are loaded
        Last edited by Tracker; 08-20-2024, 12:55 PM.


          I need that acid wash T2 in my life!


            Such a nice collection. I've always wanted to get an old school Timmy, but the closest I came was a system x nme. It was more of a gas hog than the tummies were, but man this thing was so incredibly fast.


              Love the AKA markers, and that pneuassist with autotrigger I imagine is quite a bit of a hoot!

