....on my Nelspot...
flyweightnate made me these grips I won for Walzmas, they are awesome.
(this is the only pump marker I have in my collection)
Stock Class Setup

Modified or Open Class Setup

Specs on the 007
polished body
quick strip slot
slotted right side
double tapped bolt
dual armed pump handle made from broken Nelspot pump handle
CCI Paintball red main spring
Lapco #6 powertube
Lapco valve retaining screw
Black Magic valve cup seal
WGP trigger shoe
Nelspot wire stock
7.5” extended barrel
back bottle adapter
12 gram bucket changer
Airsource dual 12gram changer
JT Paintball airgun to paintball asa adapter
welded in hopper adapter
Zap pocket hopper
horizontal feed adapter
flyweightnate made me these grips I won for Walzmas, they are awesome.
(this is the only pump marker I have in my collection)
Stock Class Setup
Modified or Open Class Setup
Specs on the 007
polished body
quick strip slot
slotted right side
double tapped bolt
dual armed pump handle made from broken Nelspot pump handle
CCI Paintball red main spring
Lapco #6 powertube
Lapco valve retaining screw
Black Magic valve cup seal
WGP trigger shoe
Nelspot wire stock
7.5” extended barrel
back bottle adapter
12 gram bucket changer
Airsource dual 12gram changer
JT Paintball airgun to paintball asa adapter
welded in hopper adapter
Zap pocket hopper
horizontal feed adapter