Time to re-make this thread, it will be an on-going process.
As always, I have to start with AKA and what better marker to start with than one of the crown jewels?
2004 AKA Viking DC-FSP Highlander
The only DC milled Highlander in existence. Most purists wouldn't cut up a work of art but someone decided to do just that. 1 of 25 to begin with, List of mods include:
-1 of 25 2004 vikings milled in this pattern. Additional milling done by Destructive Customs.
-Highlander Milling (Designed by Action Pursuit Paintball milled by JMJ Concepts)
-DC FSP Front Milling
-DC Butt Crack Milling
-Custom DC Top Tube Milling with Matching Bolt
-DC Diet Tray Milling
-DC Grip Frame Diet Milling
-DC Dove Tail Milling
-DC Hidden Noid Pocket Milling
-DC Tear Drop Milling
-Type III Pewter Anodizing
-Tadao M5 Board
-Robtown Valve System
-Quad Detents
-DC Volumizer
-JMJ Reverse Trigger with Magnet
-CP Pro Mini On/Off ASA
-Kapp Reverse Drop
-Stainless Steel Hardware Throughout
-Hybrid Grips
-Lapco Bigshot 14" Barrel
-Original Stock Javelin Barrel
-A+ Clamping Feedneck with Lever Lock

Ripper Evil Ehm
Evil Ehms were the next progression for AKA but after the Smart Parts lawsuit, they were left with many extrusions that never got milled so we have no idea what the actual factory body was going to look like. The ehm was essentially a stacked tube viking and used a merlin extrusion with some additional internal airway milling. Only years after AKA had gone under did the extrusions surface. When this happened, many decided to make their own and really no two are alike as it's a totally custom marker that uses only a handful of parts from the 04 Viking. All milling, grip frames, VASAs, bolts, etc were left to the owner to design/build.
This build was done with meticulous care and has some of the best/rarest parts out there.
body milled by user cs900 (metalmods)
aka 2 liter +
anodized ccm air fittings
bluefork t2 frame (extremely rare, also dovetailed)
virtue cyborg board
std lpr
custom grip panels (coming soon)
inception designs barrel
inception designs asa
custom vasa
moruem bolt
Ano by caustic customs

Splat Attack Merlin Revenge V2
Story taken from splat attacks' website (Seen below)
"The Revenge Story
It all began in late 1998 when a well-known paintball store in Washington State decided it was time to take a step towards separating themselves from the competition. For years Splat-Attack Paintball Supplies out of Kent, Washington had been known locally as a custom shop specializing in upgrading Cocker-based guns. With the likes of Jon Richardson of Team Avalanche constantly customizing his own marker, Splat-Attack had perfected their own “Custom Cocker”. The next step was supplying the growing need for main bodies. As a small shop, getting the parts from the big companies was not easy. After several unsuccessful attempts to get main bodies they called on a company that had been assisting them on many components of their already successful low-pressure markers, AKALMP. They told them of the unavailability of blank bodies to create their own distinct look and were informed that the process had already begun to bring a new aftermarket body to the public.
Soon after a “meeting of minds” with AKALMP, production of the Revenge began in mid May of 1999. Soon after that, AKALMP and Splat-Attack were named in a lawsuit alleging the Revenge had infringed on the “trade dress” of the STO Autococker. After nine months of hearings and court appearances the lawsuit was dismissed on Jan 20, 2000. Although no one really wins when the lawyers get involved; we won.
In early 2000 full production of the Revenge began. First of many changes came soon after starting with a new look to the body by adding special milling, used only on the Revenge. Next was an update of the trigger. Tired of sanding, polishing, and fitting each trigger plate Air smith Eric Aho, Revenge masterminds Steve Caldon, and Doug Fujimoto contacted AKALMP once again with the complaint of poor quality sears and trigger plates. Before long AKALMP developed sears and trigger plates that would require less work and allow for a much better feeling trigger. Also updated was the front gas block. Because the fit of the front block is so important for a precise function, we had to have one made for us. Its unique features make it fit better and is stronger too.
As of May 2000 Splat Attack has sold many Revenges and almost every marker has its own unique feel and look. With the constant demand for this marker, Splat-Attack has now a series of house colors in an effort to have a surplus on hand. Splat Attack also is so confident of The Revenge that they offer a limited LIFETIME warranty.
New changes have been implemented with the addition of a redesigned front block, smaller pneumatics, a new body design, and engraved Revenge logo. These newest twists show that Splat Attack is constantly changing the Revenge to make it stand out from the competition."

2004 AKA Viking Bonebrake
1 of 10 2004 vikings milled in this pattern? Not sure on the real number but I've been told this by multiple sources. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
Cotton Candy ano
Ebisu board
nervous trigger
Used by both Thane and Dozer on one of Dan's factory feeder teams. Lots of history with this one.

2004 Immortal Viking
1 of 25 2004 Vikings milled in this pattern. This milling was basically a back of the napkin drawing that came to fruition and looks really neat despite being minimal in design.
Designed by On Target Entertainment (Milled by JMJ Concepts)
Tadao Ebisu Board
JMJ Trigger
Matching Javelin Barrel

1 of 3 2003 PBX AKA Excalibur
Quite possibly the rarest AKA production milling out there. A full CNC program was written to produce only three of these bodies.
Milled by PBX (Paintballistix)
First gen Powerlyte Scepter barrel
Humphrey solenoids
WAS board
DC eye mod (done after milling so spacers were made to fill the body gap. Notice the eye cover on the passenger side is a one-off)
Hogue Palm Swell Grips
CCM rail and feedneck
JMJ trigger
Type III Stone ano.

Aces High AKA Merlin
1 of 17 total, 1 of 7 from the second run with additional milling according to Young Choi who made these
"There are a total of 17 floating out there. Wolf13 owned one from the first batch, but yours is one of the second batches that we made. Everyone loved the color scheme and they sold quite fast. We used different parts as far as the front block goes and used a screw to balance the sear spring better. We did away with with trying to polish the trigger plate and went with ANS trigger plates as we tried to get the shortest and snappiest trigger pull. We also did more extensive milling on the second batch guns."
I recently spoke to Young Choi about this specific marker and it was actually one he used personally for awhile. PK Selective did the anodizing and believe it or not the minireg is what he used on it from day one. These markers didn't share the same parts so no 2 were ever exactly alike.
This marker was left in the elements by the previous owner so all the pneumatics need to be replaced as well as the screws. The ano is a little rough in spots but it should clean up decently. Surprisingly it cycles smoothly which I was amazed at... unfortunately it's missing the matched anodized frame that these came with and I have absolutely no idea how to track it down other than looking for it somewhere in Washington where these were made.
The restoration process so far entails:
New jackhammer LPR
New Belsales 3way Hollowpoint
New Freeflow Ram
Matched anodized AKALMP Hinge Frame by Caustic Customs
New AKA Hammer and Spring
Polished Bolt
Sidewinder HPR
Inception Designs Stella Barrel
Inception Designs On/Off
New AKA Banjo Bolt
AKA Clamping Feedneck

Evil Ehm #2
Body and tray milled by Travis W
Modified 07 ego frame
Virtue OLED board
Custom MorueM bolt
04 Viking ram cartridge
Custom VASA by Chris Nelson
Parabolic Phi barrel set
AKA Tornado Valve
AKA Sidewinder Regulator
Quad Detents
CP direct mount on/off
Quad Detents
AKA no-rise clamping feedneck
Smoke SPD grip panels
Anodizing by Blizzard
Lots and lots of hours

Kraken Autococker
Basically a radically milled Merlin
ID pneumatics
Niche 45 Frame
ID stella
ID on/off
Shocktech Bolt
ID and Meteor feednecks
Tornado Valve
Arc Anodizing

2003 Streamline AKA Excalibur
I wish I knew more about these other than the fact that they were milled by JMJ. Very rare. Took an x-ray of this one for fun

2004 JMJ Swirl Milled Viking
Great red acid wash anodizing. I really need to get better pictures of this one.

2003 Sam Rhodes AKA Excalibur
I don’t know much about these. Very few bodies were milled by Sam and most were Vikings so this one is especially rare. These were all milled by hand on a manual mill and no two bodies that Sam did were the same to my knowledge.

2003 JMJ Swirl Viking

2002 AKA Excalibur
Pandora board
JMJ Sling Trigger
Aluminum Bolt Pin
Clamping feedneck (Bart Parts norider?)
Eyes added by Destructive Customs
Dual solenoid closed bolt action. Such a smooth marker and efficient as anything out there.

2003 AKA Viking
Not much to say other than it is still one of my favorite guns to shoot even to this day
This was my very first AKA marker. I bought it from some sketchy local field website in another state. Sold a lot of items of mine at a garage sale to fund it and it was all worth it. No matter how neglected this gun was it never went down. It was used in tournaments when the other flashy guns went down and was ball on ball accurate. I routinely got flagged by refs thinking I was ramping/bouncing but the gun was just that fast.
WAS Equalizer Board
SCM III not pictured

2005 Destructive Customs Milled MacDev Cyborg
Virtue board, red laser eyes
Not many of these were done by Jared, I've heard it's 1 of 7.

2004 Bonebrake Excalibur
Milling designed by Dan Bonebrake. He did two types, this one and the viking shown previously.
It has an MQ valve installed, one of two excaliburs with this mod that I'm aware of.
Notice the PE frame, this was done to get around the capacitor issue for the MQ

2004 Smooth Featherlite Excalibur
Milled by JMJ Concepts. Not sure on the details of this one yet but I'll be digging into it soon.
As always, I have to start with AKA and what better marker to start with than one of the crown jewels?
2004 AKA Viking DC-FSP Highlander
The only DC milled Highlander in existence. Most purists wouldn't cut up a work of art but someone decided to do just that. 1 of 25 to begin with, List of mods include:
-1 of 25 2004 vikings milled in this pattern. Additional milling done by Destructive Customs.
-Highlander Milling (Designed by Action Pursuit Paintball milled by JMJ Concepts)
-DC FSP Front Milling
-DC Butt Crack Milling
-Custom DC Top Tube Milling with Matching Bolt
-DC Diet Tray Milling
-DC Grip Frame Diet Milling
-DC Dove Tail Milling
-DC Hidden Noid Pocket Milling
-DC Tear Drop Milling
-Type III Pewter Anodizing
-Tadao M5 Board
-Robtown Valve System
-Quad Detents
-DC Volumizer
-JMJ Reverse Trigger with Magnet
-CP Pro Mini On/Off ASA
-Kapp Reverse Drop
-Stainless Steel Hardware Throughout
-Hybrid Grips
-Lapco Bigshot 14" Barrel
-Original Stock Javelin Barrel
-A+ Clamping Feedneck with Lever Lock

Ripper Evil Ehm
Evil Ehms were the next progression for AKA but after the Smart Parts lawsuit, they were left with many extrusions that never got milled so we have no idea what the actual factory body was going to look like. The ehm was essentially a stacked tube viking and used a merlin extrusion with some additional internal airway milling. Only years after AKA had gone under did the extrusions surface. When this happened, many decided to make their own and really no two are alike as it's a totally custom marker that uses only a handful of parts from the 04 Viking. All milling, grip frames, VASAs, bolts, etc were left to the owner to design/build.
This build was done with meticulous care and has some of the best/rarest parts out there.
body milled by user cs900 (metalmods)
aka 2 liter +
anodized ccm air fittings
bluefork t2 frame (extremely rare, also dovetailed)
virtue cyborg board
std lpr
custom grip panels (coming soon)
inception designs barrel
inception designs asa
custom vasa
moruem bolt
Ano by caustic customs

Splat Attack Merlin Revenge V2
Story taken from splat attacks' website (Seen below)
"The Revenge Story
It all began in late 1998 when a well-known paintball store in Washington State decided it was time to take a step towards separating themselves from the competition. For years Splat-Attack Paintball Supplies out of Kent, Washington had been known locally as a custom shop specializing in upgrading Cocker-based guns. With the likes of Jon Richardson of Team Avalanche constantly customizing his own marker, Splat-Attack had perfected their own “Custom Cocker”. The next step was supplying the growing need for main bodies. As a small shop, getting the parts from the big companies was not easy. After several unsuccessful attempts to get main bodies they called on a company that had been assisting them on many components of their already successful low-pressure markers, AKALMP. They told them of the unavailability of blank bodies to create their own distinct look and were informed that the process had already begun to bring a new aftermarket body to the public.
Soon after a “meeting of minds” with AKALMP, production of the Revenge began in mid May of 1999. Soon after that, AKALMP and Splat-Attack were named in a lawsuit alleging the Revenge had infringed on the “trade dress” of the STO Autococker. After nine months of hearings and court appearances the lawsuit was dismissed on Jan 20, 2000. Although no one really wins when the lawyers get involved; we won.
In early 2000 full production of the Revenge began. First of many changes came soon after starting with a new look to the body by adding special milling, used only on the Revenge. Next was an update of the trigger. Tired of sanding, polishing, and fitting each trigger plate Air smith Eric Aho, Revenge masterminds Steve Caldon, and Doug Fujimoto contacted AKALMP once again with the complaint of poor quality sears and trigger plates. Before long AKALMP developed sears and trigger plates that would require less work and allow for a much better feeling trigger. Also updated was the front gas block. Because the fit of the front block is so important for a precise function, we had to have one made for us. Its unique features make it fit better and is stronger too.
As of May 2000 Splat Attack has sold many Revenges and almost every marker has its own unique feel and look. With the constant demand for this marker, Splat-Attack has now a series of house colors in an effort to have a surplus on hand. Splat Attack also is so confident of The Revenge that they offer a limited LIFETIME warranty.
New changes have been implemented with the addition of a redesigned front block, smaller pneumatics, a new body design, and engraved Revenge logo. These newest twists show that Splat Attack is constantly changing the Revenge to make it stand out from the competition."
2004 AKA Viking Bonebrake
1 of 10 2004 vikings milled in this pattern? Not sure on the real number but I've been told this by multiple sources. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
Cotton Candy ano
Ebisu board
nervous trigger
Used by both Thane and Dozer on one of Dan's factory feeder teams. Lots of history with this one.

2004 Immortal Viking
1 of 25 2004 Vikings milled in this pattern. This milling was basically a back of the napkin drawing that came to fruition and looks really neat despite being minimal in design.
Designed by On Target Entertainment (Milled by JMJ Concepts)
Tadao Ebisu Board
JMJ Trigger
Matching Javelin Barrel

1 of 3 2003 PBX AKA Excalibur
Quite possibly the rarest AKA production milling out there. A full CNC program was written to produce only three of these bodies.
Milled by PBX (Paintballistix)
First gen Powerlyte Scepter barrel
Humphrey solenoids
WAS board
DC eye mod (done after milling so spacers were made to fill the body gap. Notice the eye cover on the passenger side is a one-off)
Hogue Palm Swell Grips
CCM rail and feedneck
JMJ trigger
Type III Stone ano.

Aces High AKA Merlin
1 of 17 total, 1 of 7 from the second run with additional milling according to Young Choi who made these
"There are a total of 17 floating out there. Wolf13 owned one from the first batch, but yours is one of the second batches that we made. Everyone loved the color scheme and they sold quite fast. We used different parts as far as the front block goes and used a screw to balance the sear spring better. We did away with with trying to polish the trigger plate and went with ANS trigger plates as we tried to get the shortest and snappiest trigger pull. We also did more extensive milling on the second batch guns."
I recently spoke to Young Choi about this specific marker and it was actually one he used personally for awhile. PK Selective did the anodizing and believe it or not the minireg is what he used on it from day one. These markers didn't share the same parts so no 2 were ever exactly alike.
This marker was left in the elements by the previous owner so all the pneumatics need to be replaced as well as the screws. The ano is a little rough in spots but it should clean up decently. Surprisingly it cycles smoothly which I was amazed at... unfortunately it's missing the matched anodized frame that these came with and I have absolutely no idea how to track it down other than looking for it somewhere in Washington where these were made.
The restoration process so far entails:
New jackhammer LPR
New Belsales 3way Hollowpoint
New Freeflow Ram
Matched anodized AKALMP Hinge Frame by Caustic Customs
New AKA Hammer and Spring
Polished Bolt
Sidewinder HPR
Inception Designs Stella Barrel
Inception Designs On/Off
New AKA Banjo Bolt
AKA Clamping Feedneck

Evil Ehm #2
Body and tray milled by Travis W
Modified 07 ego frame
Virtue OLED board
Custom MorueM bolt
04 Viking ram cartridge
Custom VASA by Chris Nelson
Parabolic Phi barrel set
AKA Tornado Valve
AKA Sidewinder Regulator
Quad Detents
CP direct mount on/off
Quad Detents
AKA no-rise clamping feedneck
Smoke SPD grip panels
Anodizing by Blizzard
Lots and lots of hours

Kraken Autococker
Basically a radically milled Merlin
ID pneumatics
Niche 45 Frame
ID stella
ID on/off
Shocktech Bolt
ID and Meteor feednecks
Tornado Valve
Arc Anodizing

2003 Streamline AKA Excalibur
I wish I knew more about these other than the fact that they were milled by JMJ. Very rare. Took an x-ray of this one for fun

2004 JMJ Swirl Milled Viking
Great red acid wash anodizing. I really need to get better pictures of this one.
2003 Sam Rhodes AKA Excalibur
I don’t know much about these. Very few bodies were milled by Sam and most were Vikings so this one is especially rare. These were all milled by hand on a manual mill and no two bodies that Sam did were the same to my knowledge.

2003 JMJ Swirl Viking

2002 AKA Excalibur
Pandora board
JMJ Sling Trigger
Aluminum Bolt Pin
Clamping feedneck (Bart Parts norider?)
Eyes added by Destructive Customs
Dual solenoid closed bolt action. Such a smooth marker and efficient as anything out there.

2003 AKA Viking
Not much to say other than it is still one of my favorite guns to shoot even to this day
This was my very first AKA marker. I bought it from some sketchy local field website in another state. Sold a lot of items of mine at a garage sale to fund it and it was all worth it. No matter how neglected this gun was it never went down. It was used in tournaments when the other flashy guns went down and was ball on ball accurate. I routinely got flagged by refs thinking I was ramping/bouncing but the gun was just that fast.
WAS Equalizer Board
SCM III not pictured

2005 Destructive Customs Milled MacDev Cyborg
Virtue board, red laser eyes
Not many of these were done by Jared, I've heard it's 1 of 7.

2004 Bonebrake Excalibur
Milling designed by Dan Bonebrake. He did two types, this one and the viking shown previously.
It has an MQ valve installed, one of two excaliburs with this mod that I'm aware of.
Notice the PE frame, this was done to get around the capacitor issue for the MQ
2004 Smooth Featherlite Excalibur
Milled by JMJ Concepts. Not sure on the details of this one yet but I'll be digging into it soon.