I'm just getting in to mech and live pretty close to Outlaw PB, but that seems mostly catered towards speedball and birthday parties (what a weird mix lol). Looking to get a group together to maybe start regularly playing the hyperball and other fields they have out there.
No announcement yet.
Anyone playing Mech in the Austin area?
Go to Texas Paintball. It might be a hike but it's 1000 times better and there are some mech/pump players. The fields are way better and more conducive to pump/mech. The staff and players are also more mature and reasonable.
And yeah, the mix/vibe at outlaw is weird.
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That seems to be the general consensus I got over on reddit and the TX Mech fb group too. I'm like 10 min away from Outlaw and like 40 from TXPB so I was hoping to find some folks in the same situation who wouldn't mind the suboptimal fields but it seems like it may be more than just the fields that put people off Outlaw, bummer.
gogi19 Sorry, I was a little tired and short the other night but yeah, you pretty much nailed it. Honestly, I'm in about the same boat and with family obligations it's rare for me to be able to get a day in so I really tried to make Outlaw my go to place for the convenience. Unfortunately (for us) that field has just ALWAYS been there for tournament style practice and the recball is an afterthought. It's not necessarily a bad thing if that's what you want but it definitely shows on the recball side in most meaningful areas. But man, after going to Texas Paintball it's like "oh yeah, now I remember how fun this can be!". I will still go to Outlaw if I can only slip out for a half day as it's so close but if given the opportunity I will make the drive to TXPB. And yeah, I will shoot a cocker or similar at Outlaw but given the field/player mix it's less fun to try and break out a pump or other old, fun stuff.
Side note, have you been to Xtreme Paintball, east of town? I have not, nor have I ever met anybody who has but it seems to have ok reviews. It's just a little further than Outlaw for me but I also hate to waste a day 😃
Hey no worries, I appreciated the candid take. I just picked up a CS3 (and the mech frame) to play speedball with, but honestly I'm old and fat and need to ease back in to paintball after being out for over a decade, I'm not really trying to get bonus balled by a bunch of sweaty pro-am dudes on my day off -_-
I've only checked out Outlaw so far, but I'd be down to check out Xtreme one weekend. Ideally we could try and get a small ATX area group together between here and the TX Mech group on Facebook. It seems like the fields are on the larger side, so probably more fun & viable for pumps.
I'd be free to go maybe 10/26 or 11/2. The next few weekends are busy for me unfortunately.