Greetings fellow stock-class enthusiasts. It’s time to announce the next Stocktoberfest stock-class celebration.
Due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the two-day event is TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED to be held Saturday, September 19th and Sunday, September 20th at Adventure Games in Weare, NH (formally AG Paintball). Given the situation, this event may be cancelled at any point prior to the event date if there are safety concerns regarding large groups. We are monitoring all news and alerts and will provide as much notice as possible if it looks like the event will be cancelled. Currently, both myself and Adventure Games feel that it is safe to proceed with the event on the scheduled dates.
PLEASE NOTE: Face masks/coverings and social distancing while in the staging area and camping areas (when not eating or drinking) is required. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in order to make this event as safe as possible for all players and staff.
Our games are open to anyone who has their own stock-class equipment, and who enjoys the challenge and sportsmanship of stock-class play. I have been in touch with AG Paintball and they are very excited to host this stock-class event at their field.

Here are the details...
• Entry fee is $35 per player, per day, OR $55 per player for the entire weekend (which includes laser tag and camping)
• Bring your own stock-class equipment
• Stock-class rental guns will NOT be available (loaner equipment will be available from individual players - simply post a request in the MCB thread - link below)
• BYOP!!!! Paint will be available for purchase from AG Paintball (brands and prices will be posted)
• Saturday will feature stock-class SINGLE SHOT ONLY GAMES with a Civil War theme!!!
• Saturday night will feature FREE laser tag games, a bon fire, camping and the coveted Stock-Class 10pm Toast!
• Sunday will feature TRUE stock-class only games all day
• A Quick Draw Competition will be held on Sunday with a First Place award going to the Top Gun
• BBQ food truck is TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED to be on-site to provide game day lunch
• FREE Flag Capture patches will be awarded to every player who successfully captures a flag and hangs it to win the game
• A Sportsmanship Award will be handed out to the player who exemplifies great sportsmanship
• Stock-class patches and a limited amount of stock-class schwag will be available for purchase
• The usual stock-class swap meet will be in full effect
• The event is rain or shine unless there is extremely dangerous conditions

The camp out on Saturday, September 22nd starts at 4 pm. Pitch a tent, fire up the cook stove and get ready to celebrate Stocktoberfest in style! As mentioned above, there will be FREE Laser Tag games, a firepit for the usual fireside festivities and the Stock-Class 10pm Toast.
For more info on Adventure Games, visit:
For those not camping out, game registration will start at 8:30/9:00am on both days. We will be making every effort to start games on time, and will not be waiting for stragglers to start the games. Please note that stragglers will NOT be permitted to join any game after the game has started.
What is "Stock-Class" equipment?
To be considered "stock-class", a gun must meet 3 simple criteria:
1) manually operated (pump-action, bolt-action, lever-action, etc.)
2) horizontally-fed
3) powered by a single 12-gram CO2 cartridge
(Examples of stock-class guns: Nel-Spots, PGPs, Splatmasters, Stock-Class Phantoms, Grey Ghosts, SC Carter Comps, Retro 7s, KP2s, PMI-1s, etc.).
Semi-autos, open-class pumps or any gun with any size CA/HPA tanks and/or direct feeds (with hoppers) will not be allowed - absolutely NO exceptions.
Modifications that ARE allowed:
• Guns with direct feed nipples can be equipped with a 90° elbow attached directly to the nipple. A horizontally-mounted feed tube must be mounted directly into the 90° elbow (to prevent excessive "ball stacking")
• Lever changers/slam changers that hold ONE 12-gram
• Stabilizers / regulators
• Maximum 20 round feed tube
• Any length barrel/sized barrels
• Any type of barrel porting
• Any type of sighting system or scope that do NOT have a laser
• Any type of "Raincover"
• Pump guns with auto-triggers are allowed because a horizontal feed negates the ability to effectively auto-trigger
Modifications that are NOT allowed:
• 12-gram changers that hold multiple cartridges (AGD 6-packs, ACI turret changers)
• First Strike Rounds
• Spring Feeds
• Mag-fed semi-auto pistols
• Laser sights

OK, whose in?
Due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the two-day event is TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED to be held Saturday, September 19th and Sunday, September 20th at Adventure Games in Weare, NH (formally AG Paintball). Given the situation, this event may be cancelled at any point prior to the event date if there are safety concerns regarding large groups. We are monitoring all news and alerts and will provide as much notice as possible if it looks like the event will be cancelled. Currently, both myself and Adventure Games feel that it is safe to proceed with the event on the scheduled dates.
PLEASE NOTE: Face masks/coverings and social distancing while in the staging area and camping areas (when not eating or drinking) is required. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in order to make this event as safe as possible for all players and staff.
Our games are open to anyone who has their own stock-class equipment, and who enjoys the challenge and sportsmanship of stock-class play. I have been in touch with AG Paintball and they are very excited to host this stock-class event at their field.
Here are the details...
• Entry fee is $35 per player, per day, OR $55 per player for the entire weekend (which includes laser tag and camping)
• Bring your own stock-class equipment
• Stock-class rental guns will NOT be available (loaner equipment will be available from individual players - simply post a request in the MCB thread - link below)
• BYOP!!!! Paint will be available for purchase from AG Paintball (brands and prices will be posted)
• Saturday will feature stock-class SINGLE SHOT ONLY GAMES with a Civil War theme!!!
• Saturday night will feature FREE laser tag games, a bon fire, camping and the coveted Stock-Class 10pm Toast!
• Sunday will feature TRUE stock-class only games all day
• A Quick Draw Competition will be held on Sunday with a First Place award going to the Top Gun
• BBQ food truck is TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED to be on-site to provide game day lunch
• FREE Flag Capture patches will be awarded to every player who successfully captures a flag and hangs it to win the game
• A Sportsmanship Award will be handed out to the player who exemplifies great sportsmanship
• Stock-class patches and a limited amount of stock-class schwag will be available for purchase
• The usual stock-class swap meet will be in full effect
• The event is rain or shine unless there is extremely dangerous conditions
The camp out on Saturday, September 22nd starts at 4 pm. Pitch a tent, fire up the cook stove and get ready to celebrate Stocktoberfest in style! As mentioned above, there will be FREE Laser Tag games, a firepit for the usual fireside festivities and the Stock-Class 10pm Toast.
For more info on Adventure Games, visit:
For those not camping out, game registration will start at 8:30/9:00am on both days. We will be making every effort to start games on time, and will not be waiting for stragglers to start the games. Please note that stragglers will NOT be permitted to join any game after the game has started.
What is "Stock-Class" equipment?
To be considered "stock-class", a gun must meet 3 simple criteria:
1) manually operated (pump-action, bolt-action, lever-action, etc.)
2) horizontally-fed
3) powered by a single 12-gram CO2 cartridge
(Examples of stock-class guns: Nel-Spots, PGPs, Splatmasters, Stock-Class Phantoms, Grey Ghosts, SC Carter Comps, Retro 7s, KP2s, PMI-1s, etc.).
Semi-autos, open-class pumps or any gun with any size CA/HPA tanks and/or direct feeds (with hoppers) will not be allowed - absolutely NO exceptions.
Modifications that ARE allowed:
• Guns with direct feed nipples can be equipped with a 90° elbow attached directly to the nipple. A horizontally-mounted feed tube must be mounted directly into the 90° elbow (to prevent excessive "ball stacking")
• Lever changers/slam changers that hold ONE 12-gram
• Stabilizers / regulators
• Maximum 20 round feed tube
• Any length barrel/sized barrels
• Any type of barrel porting
• Any type of sighting system or scope that do NOT have a laser
• Any type of "Raincover"
• Pump guns with auto-triggers are allowed because a horizontal feed negates the ability to effectively auto-trigger
Modifications that are NOT allowed:
• 12-gram changers that hold multiple cartridges (AGD 6-packs, ACI turret changers)
• First Strike Rounds
• Spring Feeds
• Mag-fed semi-auto pistols
• Laser sights
OK, whose in?