the field owners have gotten back to me!
i need to provide them with a number of attendees. we need to have "at least 30 players both days".
DAY OF entry for the event will be $80 for the weekend, and $50 for one day, including:
-camping friday and saturday nights
•there is a communal fire pit, portajohns, limited 110v extension cord power, generators for additional power, a dedicated clubhouse/covered picnic tables area for the event
-live music
-swap meet all weekend
-500 paintballs
- loner markers/gear provided on a case by case/ first come, first served basis
-prizes for flag capture
-lunch and raffle tickets available for $5 each day ($5 for raffle ticket, $5 per plate at lunch/per day)
folks who pre register will receive two raffle entries AND two lunch plate vouchers included with the cost for players who pre reg for the weekend
this will be a "preemptive yes's" list.
its still early, nothings set in stone.
if youre definitely coming, please pm me. once the small details are finalized, the flyer can get put out and spread around and im sure we can fill the needed slots. if it really comes down to it, our "home field team" will get us there.
Its our first time doin this. There's gunna be growing pains/learning experiences. A lot of this is being provided for out of pocket by myself and the team. A huge thank you to everyone whos expressed interest and support! PAINTY FOREVER! STOCK CLASS BEST CLASS!!
Hope to see you there! Peace Love and Good Vibes (cant wait to shoot you in the buttcheeks!)
the field owners have gotten back to me!
i need to provide them with a number of attendees. we need to have "at least 30 players both days".
DAY OF entry for the event will be $80 for the weekend, and $50 for one day, including:
-camping friday and saturday nights
•there is a communal fire pit, portajohns, limited 110v extension cord power, generators for additional power, a dedicated clubhouse/covered picnic tables area for the event
-live music
-swap meet all weekend
-500 paintballs
- loner markers/gear provided on a case by case/ first come, first served basis
-prizes for flag capture
-lunch and raffle tickets available for $5 each day ($5 for raffle ticket, $5 per plate at lunch/per day)
folks who pre register will receive two raffle entries AND two lunch plate vouchers included with the cost for players who pre reg for the weekend
this will be a "preemptive yes's" list.
its still early, nothings set in stone.
if youre definitely coming, please pm me. once the small details are finalized, the flyer can get put out and spread around and im sure we can fill the needed slots. if it really comes down to it, our "home field team" will get us there.
Its our first time doin this. There's gunna be growing pains/learning experiences. A lot of this is being provided for out of pocket by myself and the team. A huge thank you to everyone whos expressed interest and support! PAINTY FOREVER! STOCK CLASS BEST CLASS!!
Hope to see you there! Peace Love and Good Vibes (cant wait to shoot you in the buttcheeks!)