Game details
Attack and Defend
Attackers must destroy 2 areas of each sector to take that sector. Each team must start at the start gate but once the game starts youcan spawn at any sector's flag pole that the team controls. Once the sector is taken it can not be taken back, once the sector istaken the next sector becomes neutral, and players do not change the flags. After attackers take the first 2 sectors they will have tomove a heavy wagon on a predetermined route, the defenders can move the wagon back or only to the last sector the attackers took. There are 10 sectors and 2 areas to destroy. 2 small red cases have a timer and a button to start the countdown. Once the timerexpires the attackers take that area of that sector, defenders can hit the button to stop the timer. These cases will be placed by refs;it is the players' responsibility to start the times. Each team is given 3 hours to complete the course. There will be a rope barrier thatis different from the field boundaries that you can not cross; you may shoot over but you as a player shall not pass.
Time 180 possible pts lose 1 point per minute
Fastest time 50
Sectors taken 15 each x10 =150
Heavy Wagon Delivery 75
Areas Destroyed 5 each x 20 =200
Shields no more than 5 per side and pistols only with shields
No rocket launchers
No medics
280 FPS 10.5 BPS
First Strikes
Check out the Event FaceBook page to find out about the Generals, additional information and talk with other playerscoming to the event.
Attack and Defend
Attackers must destroy 2 areas of each sector to take that sector. Each team must start at the start gate but once the game starts youcan spawn at any sector's flag pole that the team controls. Once the sector is taken it can not be taken back, once the sector istaken the next sector becomes neutral, and players do not change the flags. After attackers take the first 2 sectors they will have tomove a heavy wagon on a predetermined route, the defenders can move the wagon back or only to the last sector the attackers took. There are 10 sectors and 2 areas to destroy. 2 small red cases have a timer and a button to start the countdown. Once the timerexpires the attackers take that area of that sector, defenders can hit the button to stop the timer. These cases will be placed by refs;it is the players' responsibility to start the times. Each team is given 3 hours to complete the course. There will be a rope barrier thatis different from the field boundaries that you can not cross; you may shoot over but you as a player shall not pass.
Time 180 possible pts lose 1 point per minute
Fastest time 50
Sectors taken 15 each x10 =150
Heavy Wagon Delivery 75
Areas Destroyed 5 each x 20 =200
Shields no more than 5 per side and pistols only with shields
No rocket launchers
No medics
280 FPS 10.5 BPS
First Strikes
Check out the Event FaceBook page to find out about the Generals, additional information and talk with other playerscoming to the event.