No set date yet, but I'd like to have a gathering of pumpers meet up at Cousins (Skyline) in Strasburg, VA. Gauging interest now, then will plan on a date. Most likely a Sunday and when it's not too cold.
The owners and managers of Skyline are awesome people and would like to help us out if there's enough interest. Worst case scenario, those who are able to go just get mixed in with the casual walkon/rental group.
UPDATE: the fine folks of Timber Ghosts and friends were also starting to plan something just like this, and also at Skyline. They're able to draw good numbers so the likelihood of an "official" open class pump day is looking like a very good possibility. March or April.
Also if you're on Facebook, I made a group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1328...ibextid=NSMWBT