10/3/20 - FIELD UPDATE: Got a full day with the MOJO on an EMEK. The Emek has a hAir valve & Fang trigger. The MOJO with Revvy guts kept up with the Emek just fine. I never let loose aside from small bursts that only cleared the stack, though. Didn't notice any popcorning, so that's a plus. No blank shots, no chops. Can't comment on durability, as it never took a hit & didn't get dropped or banged against anything.
However, I did notice the motor would spin frequently, which prompted me to grab a pod often, only to realize I didn't need it. Seemed to happen whenever I tilted the marker up or down (while switching hands, usually) or left/right to aim down the barrel, and typically when the hopper was about half empty. Just not something I ever noticed with the Revvy. I understand it's when the eyes don't detect a ball, but usually the stack in the neck will stay put unless it goes parallel with the ground.
I'm wondering if it's related to the stack height in the MOJO. The space above and below the eyes is shorter. Perhaps the top balls roll back into the balloon? Perhaps the ball that triggers the eyes to pause the motor doesn't sit fully in the beam? I'll experiment with it. Not sure if it's related to shell color. I had light green shell part of the day, and purple/silver two-tone the rest of the day. I remember dark shells being an issue with Revvys way back in the day, although I wouldn't consider any shells I've seen lately as dark.
And now, more eye candy.

10/1/20 - ORIGINAL POST: This review isn't final, due to only one field test on a Ressi with a blowback issue. Getting a better run on an Emek this Saturday.
For now, check out these initial thoughts and photos, and a brief comparison to the GI-era JT Revolution.
The MOJO included 2 paddle armatures and a Virtue Crown. No spring lid.

Tried a GxG speedfeed on there, but kept slipping off. Prefer having the lip on the GxG, maybe I'll glue or tape it on later.

Not sure the advantage of either paddles, I'm using the fat one for now.

MOJO paddles versus JT Revolution paddles.

Cameo paddle appearance by an Invert Reloader II (inside Viewloader shells).

There is a noticeable weight difference, warranted some hard numbers. To the postal scale! (Forgot if this was with our without batteries, oops. So soft numbers, I guess?)
MOJO weighs 17.6 oz (1 lb 1.6 oz on the scale, just couldn't get a good shot).

JT Revolution comes in at 10.8 oz. Almost half a pound lighter.

Less than half the capacity, so should be a height difference. About an inch difference.

Tad slimmer in the waistline, too.

Battery compartment and all the guts are installed on the passenger side. Padding on the door to keep the motor from squiggling. Three handy thumb screws for quick access.
But you know what wasn't quick? Muscling the break-beam eyes into the neck! So worried I'd snap the eye housing. But it's in there, and very snug. Doubt I can pull it back out.

All hands, prepare to separate saucer section! I'm assuming this was necessary for the printing, and/or for easy swap to the 100 rd version.

Counted 70 paintballs by hand and dumped them in there. Nice to see that it is not at capacity, so the armature paddles don't turn them grapes to wine.
This is with balls fully shaken in place down the neck as well.

Finally, let's empty this compact zeppelin with a bonus video drop test.
However, I did notice the motor would spin frequently, which prompted me to grab a pod often, only to realize I didn't need it. Seemed to happen whenever I tilted the marker up or down (while switching hands, usually) or left/right to aim down the barrel, and typically when the hopper was about half empty. Just not something I ever noticed with the Revvy. I understand it's when the eyes don't detect a ball, but usually the stack in the neck will stay put unless it goes parallel with the ground.
I'm wondering if it's related to the stack height in the MOJO. The space above and below the eyes is shorter. Perhaps the top balls roll back into the balloon? Perhaps the ball that triggers the eyes to pause the motor doesn't sit fully in the beam? I'll experiment with it. Not sure if it's related to shell color. I had light green shell part of the day, and purple/silver two-tone the rest of the day. I remember dark shells being an issue with Revvys way back in the day, although I wouldn't consider any shells I've seen lately as dark.
And now, more eye candy.

10/1/20 - ORIGINAL POST: This review isn't final, due to only one field test on a Ressi with a blowback issue. Getting a better run on an Emek this Saturday.
For now, check out these initial thoughts and photos, and a brief comparison to the GI-era JT Revolution.
The MOJO included 2 paddle armatures and a Virtue Crown. No spring lid.

Tried a GxG speedfeed on there, but kept slipping off. Prefer having the lip on the GxG, maybe I'll glue or tape it on later.

Not sure the advantage of either paddles, I'm using the fat one for now.

MOJO paddles versus JT Revolution paddles.

Cameo paddle appearance by an Invert Reloader II (inside Viewloader shells).

There is a noticeable weight difference, warranted some hard numbers. To the postal scale! (Forgot if this was with our without batteries, oops. So soft numbers, I guess?)
MOJO weighs 17.6 oz (1 lb 1.6 oz on the scale, just couldn't get a good shot).

JT Revolution comes in at 10.8 oz. Almost half a pound lighter.

Less than half the capacity, so should be a height difference. About an inch difference.

Tad slimmer in the waistline, too.

Battery compartment and all the guts are installed on the passenger side. Padding on the door to keep the motor from squiggling. Three handy thumb screws for quick access.
But you know what wasn't quick? Muscling the break-beam eyes into the neck! So worried I'd snap the eye housing. But it's in there, and very snug. Doubt I can pull it back out.

All hands, prepare to separate saucer section! I'm assuming this was necessary for the printing, and/or for easy swap to the 100 rd version.

Counted 70 paintballs by hand and dumped them in there. Nice to see that it is not at capacity, so the armature paddles don't turn them grapes to wine.
This is with balls fully shaken in place down the neck as well.

Finally, let's empty this compact zeppelin with a bonus video drop test.